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Washington, DC

President Truman's News Conference, April 17, 1952

President Harry S. Truman's 300th news conference, held in the auditorium of the National Museum of Natural History (U.S.), Washington, D.C., at 4:30 p.m., on Thursday, April 17, 1952. The news conference was held for the American Society of Newspaper Editors as well as the regular White House newspaper correspondents. Motion pictures and still photographs were taken at the conference. Topics discussed include: introduction and statement by the President's Secretary, Joseph H. Short, on press protocol; statement of appreciation to the President by Alexander F.

President Truman's Remarks Aboard the Floating Voice of America Transmitter "Courier"

President Harry S. Truman's address broadcast from the Voice of America floating radio transmitter. The President spoke at 10:48 a.m. from the deck of the U.S. Coast Guard cutter Courier, berthed at Pier 4, Maine Avenue SW., in Washington. His opening words referred to Wilson Compton, Administrator, U.S. International Information Administration, who was one of the speakers at the ceremony. As the President spoke, relay stations broadcast his message to listeners in all parts of the world via 37 transmitters.

Dinner in Honor of General George C. Marshall

Speeches by President Harry S. Truman, former Secretary of State George Marshall, and Norwegian Ambassador Wilhelm Munthe de Morgenstierne during a dinner honoring George Marshall at the Carlton Hotel, Washington, DC. The dinner celebrated the second anniversary of General Marshall's speech proposing the Marshall Plan. The speeches explain the Marshall Plan and how and why it worked. President Truman begins about 25:00 into the speech. From a recording in the Marr Sound Archives.