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Paul Begley

Volleyball at Truman Beach

Volley Ball at Truman Beach, while on vacation with President Harry S. Truman in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. James J. Rowley, Mr. Clark M. Clifford, Mr. Gerald A. Behn, Lieutenant Hoye D. Moore, Mr. Rex Scouten, Mr. Henry J. Nicholson (partly obscured by Commander Warden), Commander Horace D. Warden, and Major General Harry H. Vaughan. From: Robert L. Dennison.

Volleyball game at Truman beach

Volley ball at Truman Beach, while President Harry S. Truman was on vacation in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Mr. Gerald A. Behn, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. Clark M. Clifford, Commander Horace D. Warden, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Lieutenant Hoye D. Moore, Mr. Rex Scouten (partly obscured by Mr. Rowley), Mr. James J. Rowley, Mr. Henry J. Nicholson, and Major General Harry H. Vaughan.

Truman and Dennison on flying bridge of Williamsburg

Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison (left) and President Harry S. Truman (right) standing on the flying bridge of the U.S.S. Williamsburg while docked at the Key West Naval Station, Key West, Florida. In the background is the U.S.S. William C. Lawe, which picked up the U.S.S. Williamsburg for escorting duty as she entered Chesapeake Bay on this trip from Washington D.C. to Key West. From: Robert L. Dennison

Truman's staff on the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Members of President Harry S. Truman's party relaxing on the after deck of his yacht, the U.S.S. Williamsburg, as the U.S.S. William C. Lawe provides escort in the background, during a vacation cruise to Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Stowe, John Steelman, William D. Hassett, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Press Secretary Chares Ross, Brigadier General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan, and Brigadier General Robert Landry. From: Robert L. Dennison.