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Paul Begley

President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference

President Harry S. Truman (center) hosted newspaper and radio correspondents and photographers at a picnic in the north garden of the Little White House. Following the picnic the President held a press conference. Standing behind the President, from left to right: two unidentified men, David Niles (wearing glasses), Stephen Spingarn, Stanley Woodward, Donald Dawson, Matthew Connelly (smoking cigarette), General Harry Vaughan (with mustache), Admiral Robert Dennison, William Hassett, unidentified man, General Wallace Graham, and Charles Ross. All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Holds a Press Conference in Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman holds a press conference on the lawn of the Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing from left to right: Mr. Phil Regan, Mr. David K. Niles, Mr. Stephen Spingarn, Mr. Stanley Woodward, Mr. Donald S. Dawson, Mr. Matthew J. Connelly, Major General Harry H. Vaughan, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Mr. William D. Hassett, unidentified, Major General Wallace H. Graham, and Mr. Charles G. Ross. The man writing on his knee next to Mr. Ross is Edwin W. Darby. Identifiable men sitting around President Harry S.

Truman Attends Easter Service in Key West

President Harry S. Truman and other members of his party attend Easter sunrise church service while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Seated in the front row, from left to right: Admiral Robert Dennison, Captain C.C. Adell, President Truman, Margaret Truman, and Dr. John Steelman. Second row, left to right: Stanley Woodward, Donald Dawson, David Niles, and Press Secretary Charles Ross. All others are unidentified.

Truman vacation party at Key West

Group shot taken at the 10th Presidential trip to Key West. [L to R] first row: Harold Enarson, John R. Steelman, First Lady Bess W. Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, William Hassett, Irving Perlmeter. Second row, left to right: Eben Ayers, David H. Stowe, Major General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan, Joseph Short, Rear Admiral Robert Dennison, Brigadier General Robert Landry, Philleo Nash, and Charles W. Jackson. See also 67-3204, 67-3205, and 74-796

President Truman and Party on Williamsburg

The President and the presidential party on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg, with the USS William C. Lawe trailing as an escort. From left (foreground): Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), and Brigadier General Robert B. Landry (Air Aide to the President). From left (background sitting): John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), William D. Hassett (Correspondence Secretary to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President), and Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President).