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Bess Truman's First Speech as First Lady Christening Two Airplanes

Bess Truman's first speech as First Lady at the christening of two hospital airplanes at National Airport in a Memorial Day ceremony. The planes are "U.S. Capitol" for the Army and "Congressional" for the Navy. The planes were funded through the sales of war bonds through the Congressional Club. Gunnar Back is the CBS announcer. The first speaker is Ted Gamble, Director of the War Finance Division of the U.S. Treasury Department. President of the Congressional Club Selma Florence Burton of Ohio gives remarks and introduces First Lady Bess Truman as the sponsor of these two planes. Mrs.

President Truman's Remarks on Secretary of the State Byrnes' Departure for the Paris Peace Conference

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at Washington National Airport on Secretary of the State James Byrnes' departure for the Paris Peace Conference. Also includes remarks by Senator Tom Connally, Secretary of State Byrnes, and Senator Arthur Vandenberg. The president's remarks start about 15:10. The NBC radio correspondent narrates the scene. The U.S. Army Band plays in the background.

President Truman Presents the Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Service Medal to General Marshall

President Harry S. Truman presents the oak leaf cluster to the Distinguished Service medal to General George C. Marshall upon his retirement from the office of Army Chief of Staff, as broadcast over the Columbia Broadcasting System, 12:30 P.M. EST. The presentation was given at the Pentagon. Text not available in Public Papers.

President Truman's Remarks Welcoming Secretaries Acheson and Snyder on Their Return From Lisbon

President Harry S. Truman's remarks welcoming Secretaries Acheson and Snyder on their return from the NATO Conference in Lisbon, Portugal. The President spoke at 10:35 a.m. at the Washington National Airport, following which Secretary of State Dean Acheson and Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder responded briefly. The text of the Secretaries' remarks was also released. The ninth session of the North Atlantic Council was held in Lisbon from February 20 to February 25, 1952.