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Washington, DC, White House, Rose Garden

President Truman's Remarks in Response to Princess Elizabeth's Presentation of an Overmantel

President Harry S. Truman's remarks in response to the presentation by Princess Elizabeth of an Overmantel for the White House. The President spoke at 12:30 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House, Washington, DC. The overmantel was sent as a gift of from the Princess's father, King George VI, and consisted of a rare pair of English candelabra and a three-part mirror with an oil painting of flowers set above it in a carved gilt frame.

President Truman's Remarks to Delegates to the International Conference on Agricultural and Cooperative Credit

President Harry S.Truman's remarks to delegates to the International Conference on Agricultural and Cooperative Credit. The President spoke at 1:05 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. In the course of his remarks he referred to Dr. Henry G. Bennett, the first Administrator of the Technical Cooperation Administration. The conference included some 75 delegates from 35 countries, participants in a training program designed primarily to better equip leaders in countries where point 4 programs were being carried out.

President Truman's Remarks to Members of "Task Force Smith"

President Harry S. Truman's remarks to members of "Task Force Smith." The President spoke at 3:10 p.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. The group included 16 members of the 1st Battalion, 21st Regiment, 24th Infantry Division, the first American unit to see combat in Korea in July 1950. The battalion movement to Korea, called "task force Smith," was named for its commander, Lt. Col. Charles B. Smith, who also headed the group that met with the President.