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Washington (D.C.), Statler Hotel

President Truman's Address at a Dinner of the Federal Bar Association

President Harry S. Truman's address at a dinner of the Federal Bar Association. The President spoke at 10 p.m. at the Hotel Statler in Washington. His opening words "Mr. President" referred to James Palmer, president of the Federal Bar Association. In the course of his remarks the President referred to the Chief Justice of the United States, Fred M. Vinson, and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sam Rayburn. The address was broadcast. In two parts.

President Truman's Address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Statler Hotel

President Harry S. Truman's address at the Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Statler Hotel, Washington, DC, 10:40 p.m. In his opening words the President referred to Wilson W. Wyatt, chairman of the dinner, and Senator J. Howard McGrath, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. The address was carried on a nationwide radio broadcast and was televised as far west as St. Louis, MO. NOTE: President Truman gave two different speeches at dinners at two different hotels this date. This one is the Statler Hotel speech.

President Truman's Remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner. The President spoke at 10:22 p.m. at the Statler Hotel in Washington, DC. In his opening words he referred to Charles E. Wilson, Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization, who presided at the dinner, and Secretary of Defense George C. Marshall. The President's remarks were broadcast directly to the armed forces in Korea by shortwave radio. The dinner was sponsored by the Military Order of World Wars, the Navy League, and the Air Force Association.

President Truman's Remarks at the Wright Memorial Dinner of the Aero Club

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at the Wright Memorial Dinner of the Aero Club. Truman uses the phrase "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." The President spoke at 9:50 p.m. at the Statler Hotel in Washington. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to Edward E. Slattery, Jr., president of the Aero Club of Washington. He also referred to Albert E. Winger, president and director of Crowell-Collier Publishing Company. Following his remarks the President presented three aviation awards. Lt. Gen. James H.

President Truman's Remarks at the National Convention Banquet of the Americans for Democratic Action

President Harry S. Truman's Remarks at the National Convention Banquet of the Americans for Democratic Action. The President spoke at 9:32 p.m. in the presidential Room of the Statler Hotel in Washington, D.C. In his opening words he referred to Francis Biddle, former Attorney General of the United States, and national chairman of the Americans for Democratic Action. Later he referred to, among others, Henry A. Wallace, candidate for President in 1948 on the Progressive Party ticket, Robert A. Taft, Senator from Ohio, Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York, General of the Army Dwight D.

President Truman's Remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at the Armed Forces Day dinner. The President spoke at 10:15 p.m. in the Presidential Room of the Statler Hotel in Washington. During his remarks he referred to Dean Acheson, Secretary of State, Robert A. Lovett, Secretary of Defense, frank Pace, Jr., Secretary of the Army, Dan A. Kimball, Secretary of the Navy, Thomas K. Finletter, Secretary of the Air force, General of the Army Omar N. Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff of the Air force, and Adm.

President Truman's Remarks at the 21st Annual Banquet of the National Housing Conference

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at the 21st Annual Banquet of the National Housing Conference. The President spoke at 10:05 p.m. at the Statler Hotel in Washington. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to Raymond M. Foley, Administrator of the Housing and Home finance Agency, who served as chairman of the banquet.

President Truman's Remarks at a Masonic Breakfast

President Harry S. Truman's remarks at a Masonic Breakfast. The President spoke at 8:55 a.m. in the Presidential Room of the Statler Hotel in Washington, DC. In his opening words he referred to frank Land, founder of the Order of DeMolay and chairman of the breakfast, and Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Later the President referred to Joseph H. Short, Secretary to the President, Charles G. Ross, who until his death on December 5, 1950, had served as Secretary to the President, William D. Hassett, Correspondence Secretary to the President, John R.