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Lynn M. Anderson

Former President Harry S. Truman, Col. John W. Richardson, and Maj. Gen. LeRoy Anderson at a Reserve Officers Association dinner

Former President Harry S. Truman (center) sits at the dinner table and chats with Colonel John W. Richardson, Air Force Reserve (Michigan), National President of the Reserve Officers Association and Major General LeRoy H. Anderson, USAR (Montana), National Vice President for Army. All are attending a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Captain Jepsen at a Reserve Officers Assn. banquet

Taking time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet, former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with Capt. Roger Jepsen, USAR (Iowa), Past National Jr. Vice President for Army. Behind Mr. Truman are Lt. Colonel Robert E. Adams and an unidentified man. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

Former President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with four officers at a Reserve Officers Association banquet

Taking time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet, former President Harry S. Truman is shown in a four-way handshake with (left to right) Brig. General C.C. Parrish (Kansas), Army Affairs Chairman; Mr. Truman; Naiff H. Kelel (Michigan); Col. John T. Carlton; and an unidentified man. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Former President Harry S. Truman and Major General Sutherland at a Reserve Officers Association banquet

Former President Harry S. Truman (right) takes time out from a Reserve Officers Association awards banquet to shake hands and chat with Major General Carl Sutherland (Georgia), National Executive Committee for the Army. The location is unknown, probably Kansas City. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.

Former President Truman and Col. John W. Richardson at a Reserve Officers Association banquet

Former President Harry S. Truman sits at the dinner table and chats with Colonel John W. Richardson (left), Air Force Reserve (Michigan), National President of the Reserve Officers Association, at an ROA awards banquet. The location is unknown. From: Robert E. Adams, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri.