President Harry S. Truman (left) shakes hands with an unidentified man during his trip to Rhode Island. Senator J. Howard McGrath is visible in the background.
President Harry S. Truman (standing, left) shakes hands with an unidentified man prior to delivering a speech in Rhode Island. Seated next to President Truman is First Lady Bess W. Truman. All others are unidentified.
President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with an unidentified man during a campaign stop in Rhode Island. Clockwise, starting at lower left, are President Harry S. Truman, Senator Theodore F. Green, Governor John O. Pastore, Senator J. Howard McGrath, and unidentified man.
Margaret Truman (left) and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman (second from right) are greeted by unidentified women during a campaign stop for President Harry S. Truman in Rhode Island.
A crowd stands behind a rope line with police reinforcement at a campaign event for President Harry S. Truman in Rhode Island. Several supporters hold signs supporting Truman for President, others welcoming the President to Rhode Island.