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Kilgore, Harley Martin, 1893-1956

President Truman Speaks from the Back of his Train

President Harry S. Truman speaks from the back of his special train today in Parkersburg, West Virginia. He is denouncing Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican candidate for President, and John Foster Dulles, GOP Foreign Policy Advisor, accusing them of talking loosely about rolling back the iron curtain to liberate the enslaved peoples of Eastern Europe. This, the President said, increases the risk of atomic war with Russia. With the President (center) on the platform are: Sen. Harley M. Kilgore and Rep. M.G. Burnside, Democrats from West Virginia. From: Houston Post.

President Harry S. Truman with Democratic Senators

President Harry S. Truman meets with Democratic Party Senators in the Oval Office, shortly after becoming President. First row (seated): unidentified; Glen H. Taylor. Second row (kneeling): two unidentified men; Joseph C. O'Mahoney; Dennis Chavez; Sheridan Downey; Warren Magnuson; and Claude Pepper. Third row: Carl Hatch; Joseph Guffey; unidentified; Allen Ellender; Kenneth McKellar; President Truman; Theodore Bilbo; Pat McCarran; Josiah Bailey; and Peter Gerry.

President Harry S. Truman with Democratic Senators

President Harry S. Truman meets with Democratic Party Senators in the Oval Office, shortly after becoming President. First row (seated): unidentified; Glen H. Taylor. Second row (kneeling): two unidentified men; Joseph C. O'Mahoney; Dennis Chavez; Sheridan Downey; Warren Magnuson; and Claude Pepper. Third row: Carl Hatch; Joseph Guffey; unidentified; Allen Ellender; Kenneth McKellar; President Truman; Theodore Bilbo; Pat McCarran; Josiah Bailey; and Peter Gerry.

Contract for Morgantown Research Laboratory

Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman (seated) signs the contract to begin building the Bureau of Mines' Appalachian Experiment Station in Morgantown, West Virginia. Standing, left to right: Congressman Cleveland M. Bailey; Thomas Kennedy, Vice President, United Mine Workers; Senator Matthew M. Neely; Congressman Harley O. Staggers; Congressman Maurice G. Burnside; Senator Harley Kilgore; and Congresswoman Elizabeth Kee.

Senator Truman and Truman Committee after visiting the Ford Motor Company

Senator Harry S. Truman and members of the Truman Committee at the airport after visiting the Ford Motor Company. Names of the individuals are hand written below the photo: Left to right, Senator Joseph Ball; Hugh Fulton (counsel, partially obscured); Senator Prentiss M. Brown; Senator Harry S. Truman; Paul Brown (child); Senator Owen Brewster; Senator James Mead; Senator Mon Wallgren; Senator Harold Burton; and Senator Harley Kilgore. Donor: Sam Rushay, who loaned us the original photograph to copy.