Captain Lewis Parks, left, poses next to a cake to celebrate the crew of Turret 2 firing the 28,000 round aboard the USS Manchester. All others pictured are unknown.
Crew members of the USS Manchester stand along side the deck to greet USS Los Angeles crew. The Manchester crew wrote messages in white paint on the ship. The USS Los Angeles was to be the relief of the USS Manchester in Korea.
Captain Lewis Parks of the USS Manchester goes ashore with Dr. Frank Virgilio and a Marine orderly to meet with Republic of Korea Army and Marine Commanders. Captain Lewis Parks is third from left. All others are unidentified.
Captain Lewis S. Parks of the USS Manchester accepts a large bouquet of flowers from Republic of Korea Army and Marine commanders ashore in Korea. All others are unidentified.
The view from the USS Los Angeles as the USS Manchester passes. Manchester crew wrote messages to the Los Angeles in white paint on the ship's side. Crew members from both ships were alongside their decks to greet each other. The Los Angeles was the Manchester's relief in Korea.
The view from the USS Los Angeles as the USS Manchester passes. Manchester crew wrote messages to the Los Angeles in white paint on the ship's side. Crew members from both ships were alongside their decks to greet each other. The Los Angeles was the Manchester's relief in Korea.