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U.S. Navy

General Graham Goes Fishing

General Wallace Graham has gone fishing on the Big Wheel. Here he proudly shows his catch. He is President Truman's doctor, who accompanied the President on vacation in Key West, Florida. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives, 4 X 5 negatives.

An Evening View of the Ships Near the Naval Base in Key West Florida

An evening view of the ships in the harbor near the Naval base in Key West Florida. The original jacket for the negative contains the following technical information on how Mr. Begley took the photo: "Open between f:8 & f:ll, then flashed with 1 #5 to show running light's pattern." From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives, 4 X 5 negatives.

White House Staff Member in the Naval Hospital

In the log of President Truman's 10th Visit to Key West, Florida, it states that Jack Romagna, White House Staff, was admitted to the Naval Hospital. It also stated he had appendicitis. This photo was taken November 18th, 1951. There is no mention of the staff member attending the patient, presumed to be Mr. Romagna. From: Naval Photo Center, sent to the Truman Library by the National Archives, 4 X 5 negatives.