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U.S. Navy

President Truman and guests driving to Key West

President Harry S. Truman stops the motorcade at a scenic spot on the highway to Key West after going to Boca Chica to meet additional guests who arrived late. In the front seat, left to right: unidentified, Admiral William Leahy, President Truman. Back seat, left to right: Harry Vaughan, Judge John Caskie Collet, and John Steelman. From the album "The President's Trip to Key West, Florida."

White House staff on vacation

Various members of President Harry S. Truman's staff at Truman Beach in Key West, Florida while on vacation with the President. Starting at the lower left, are: unidentified; Stanley Woodward (standing on beach below, partly obscured); General Wallace Graham (seated on chair, facing the beach); Admiral Robert Dennison; General Harry Vaughan (head turned away from camera); Charles Murphy (sitting on wall, back to camera); David Lloyd (wearing baseball cap); Eddie Jacobson (wearing shirt and pants, in chair); David Bell (walking, back to camera); and John Steelman. Same as 66-1151.