Presidential Plane at Boca Chica
The Presidential airplane, the "Sacred Cow" arrives at Boca Chica Naval Airfield, Florida, at the start of a vacation to Florida, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Cuba.
William D. Hassett (left) and Joseph Short, two of the secretaries of President Harry S. Truman, on vacation with President Truman in Key West, Florida. From the Papers of William D. Hassett, originals held by the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. The Harry S. Truman Library holds photocopies of the Hassett Papers.
Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill on board the USS Williamsburg for a conference. From left to right: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Sir Anthony Eden, Secretary of State Dean Acheson, President Harry S. Truman, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill. From album: "Meeting aboard the USS Williamsburg, January 5, 1952." Same as photographs 58-335 and 58-281.