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Associated Press

President Truman Cuts His 78th Birthday Cake

A six-tier birthday cake looks like a formidable object to former President Harry S. Truman as he does a bit of slicing at a party in observance of his 78th birthday. The lettering reads; "Seven decades and eight." Vice President Lyndon Johnson and Truman administration cabinet officers (not pictured) were among the guests attending the affair at the President Hotel in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. From: Houston Post.

President Truman Accepts Presidential Seal Made of Wheat

Former President Truman holds a presidential seal presented to him today at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, by the Kansas Wheat Commission. The seal is made of wheat except for the round wooden base board. Making the presentations were G. C. Fowler, left, a member of the Wheat Commission from Hutchinson, Kansas, and R. L. Patterson, right, Oxford, Kansas, the commission chairman. The seal was accepted by Truman for the Truman library. From: Houston Post.