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Associated Press

Truman driving convertible

President Harry S. Truman smiles broadly as he takes the wheel of his new convertible club coupe as he starts on a drive in the Charlottesville, Virginia area during a holiday weekend vacation. With him are (from left to right, front seat) Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder; Stanley Woodward, State Department Protocol chief and President Truman's host; President Truman; (back seat, left to right) Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, Naval Aide; and Major General Harry H. Vaughan, military Aide. From: New York Herald Tribune

White House Policemen Recover

White House Police Force members Private Joseph Downs, left, and Private Donald Birdzell, right, are shown seated in wheelchairs while recovering in a Washington, D.C. hospital. They were wounded protecting President Harry S. Truman from an assassination attempt while he was staying at Blair House. Joseph Downs was hit in the chest, abdomen, and thigh; Donald Birdzell was shot in both legs.