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Associated Press

Mutual Security Director W. Averell Harriman Shakes Hands with President Truman

Returning from Missouri, President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with W. Averell Harriman, Mutual Security Director. Also on hand are: (second from left) Secretary of Commerce Charles Sawyer and Secretary of Interior Oscar Chapman (far right). The President said he was confident the National Democratic ticket would win in November. Same as 68-1566 but better print. From: Houston Post.

President Truman and First Lady Bess Wallace Truman Walking Home From Voting

President Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess Truman stroll home from Memorial Hall, where they vote. Both seem in a jovial mood. They voted in the Missouri Primary. Newsmen and members of the Chief Executive's Secret Service detail accompany them as they walk the block and a half to the "Summer White House" on Delaware Street in Independence, Missouri. The President left immediately for Washington. Same as 68-1507 but better print. From: Houston Post.

President Truman Waits in a Thunderstorm for Secretary of State Acheson

Umbrella protocol is an impromptu affair tonight as President Harry S. Truman (center) waits in a thunderstorm at the Washington National airport for Secretary of State Dean Acheson to arrive from Honolulu, Hawaii. David K. Bruce, Under Secretary of State, has a ruffled parasol and Brig. Gen. Robert Landry, the President's Air Force Aide, a man sized model. Donor: Houston Press.

President Truman in an Open Car Riding to the Democratic National Convention

President Harry S. Truman (left) smiling as he rides in a open car from his hotel to the Stockyards Inn, adjacent to Chicago's International Amphitheater where the Democratic Convention is in session attempting to name a party presidential nominee. With him are Treasury Secretary John Snyder (center) and Mayor Martin Kennelly of Chicago.