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Truman in Front of the Capitol

Former President Harry S. Truman is the center of attention of a crowd on the steps of the U.S. Capitol today as he arranges a group of friends to pose with him for news photographers. Truman, in Washington for the first time since he left the presidency, paid his second visit to the Capitol today for lunch. From: Houston Post.

Sgt. Bell Escorts Former President Truman to New Office

Kansas City, Missouri. Ex-President Truman gets a helping hand from Sgt. Arthur Bell as he opens his portable typewriter shortly after arriving at his new office in the Federal Reserve Bank Building today. He announced no plans for the day as he arrived to go through some correspondence. Sgt. Bell, of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, has been assigned to escort the former chief executive. From: Houston Post.

Former President Truman Looks at a Possible Site of the Future Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman points out one of the proposed locations for the projected 1,500,000 Truman Library as he talks with reporters today on a tour of the family farm near Grandview, Missouri. Three sites on the farm are under consideration for the library, which will house the ex-President's official papers. Behind Mr. Truman is Associated Press reporter Tony Vaccaro, wearing earmuffs. From: Houston Post.

Former President Truman Reading the Mail

Harry Truman, the ex-President, is in full swing -- working six days a week in his offices in downtown Kansas City. He is shown here this morning dictating letters to his secretary, Rose Conway -- answering piles of correspondence, some of which may be seen on the tables. The picture was taken prior to a press conference held by Truman. He is at his office at the Federal Reserve Bank in Kansas City. From: Houston Post.

Truman is Awarded an Armed Forces Reserve Medal

A serious President Harry S. Truman (right) looks down at the medal Brig. General Fred W. Warren has just pinned on his coat in a White House Rose Garden ceremony today. The decoration, with two clusters, is the first Armed Forces Reserve Officers Medal. Truman retired as a reserve officer last year after holding the rank of Captain for 30 years. Brig. General Warren, of Ft. Thomas, Kentucky, is Vice President of the Army Reserve Officers Association. Major General Harry Vaughan (rear) is the President's military aide. From: Houston Post.