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Associated Press

Truman Greets Crowd Outside Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City Upon Presidential Victory

President Harry S. Truman wears a broad grin and raises his hands over his head as he greets a crowd outside Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, Missouri after Gov. Thomas Dewey had conceded victory in the Presidential election. Same as 78-696, only better print and less cropped. Photo 78-696 is credited to Photo World. From: Houston Post.

President Truman and Family Leave by Train for Philadelphia and the Democratic Convention

President Harry S. Truman, Mrs. Bess Truman, and daughter Margaret (left) wave from the back platform of their train tonight just before leaving for Philadelphia. Mr. Truman and his party will drive direct from the station there to Convention Hall. Same as 68-1949, only this is a better print. From: Houston Post.