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Harry S. Truman Makes Statement on Integration

Kansas City, Missouri. Former President Harry S. Truman speaks on integration. The former President wears a stern expression as he holds a statement in which he said when the Governor cannot enforce federal laws "it is the sworn duty of the President of the United States to enforce them." Harry S. Truman made the statement today at the Kansas City Municipal Airport shortly before leaving for New York to resume a visit with his daughter. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman and Bess Arrive at Pennsylvania Station to Visit Daughter

Former President Harry S. Truman and his wife, Bess, are greeted by daughter, Margaret, and her husband, Clifton Daniel, on arrival at Pennsylvania Station today from Independence, Missouri. The former President has one major engagement during his planned one-week stay, an address before the Zionist Organization of America. Same as 68-1519, only better print. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman with Sundial at Truman Library

Former President Harry S. Truman checks his watch against a sundial presented to him today by the Women's Jefferson Democratic Club of Kansas City for the new Harry S. Truman Library. At right in foreground is Mrs. D. C. M. Hart, club president, who made the presentation. Harry S. Truman jokingly remarked the sun dial was "three minutes behind time" compared with his watch. The presentation was made at the Library, which will be dedicated tomorrow. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman Before House Administration Subcommittee Speaking about Presidential Papers

Washington D. C. Former President Harry S. Truman today tells a House of Representatives Administration Subcommittee he hopes to set a precedent for Chief Executives to give the government both their official papers and the gifts they receive in office. Harry S. Truman put a 21-million-dollar valuation on the material relating to his administration going into government possession next month. From: Houston Post.

Harry S. Truman "Toasts" Averell Harriman this Morning

Former President Harry S. Truman and New York Governor Averell Harriman "toast" each other over breakfast coffee at Harriman's New York home this morning. The former president and the candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination walked to meet each other this morning and then walked to Harriman's east side residence for breakfast. Harry S. Truman again professed his intention to remain "neutral" in the Democratic campaign.

Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson Talks With Harry S. Truman

Senator Lyndon B. Johnson emphasizes a point in serious conversation with former President Harry S. Truman. Senator Johnson, Senate Democratic leader and House Speaker Sam Rayburn, both from Texas, are among key Democrats opposing formation of a permanent advisory committee to make their party "more responsive and more responsible to its members and to the public." Harry S. Truman is in favor of establishing the group. The get together was at the reception prior to a dinner by the National Capital Democratic Club here in Washington, D. C. tonight.