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Scrapbooking the 2016 Presidential Election

The Presidential election gives a wonderful opportunity, every four years, to spark student interest in the election process and the candidates involved. The scrapbook project allows the students to work with primary sources and current materials and develop a working knowledge of the electoral process.
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Election Memorabilia, Posters, Cartoons

This lesson is to examine political symbols and how they have been used and continue to be used in political campaigns. Students will do individual research of memorabilia, posters, and cartoons using books provided as well as the internet.
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How Images Can Affect Perspectives of the Lincoln Conspirators

To assist students in developing analytical skills that will enable them to evaluate primary sources and images such as documents, photographs, political cartoons and posters related to the Lincoln conspirators.
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Campaigns through the Decades and Evolution of Media

Students will use a graphic organizer to analyze primary sources of Campaign media in three elections.
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Predicting the 2016 Presidential Election Results

Students will individually aim to use socio-economic and political data to determine and predict how each swing state will vote in the upcoming 2016 Presidential Election.
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Election Campaign Poster and Campaign Button

Students will choose a presidential candidate and construct a campaign poster and a lapel campaign button in support of that candidate.
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Comparing Campaign Speeches Given in Salt Lake City during the 1948 Presidential Campaign

Students will read campaign speeches given by Truman and Dewey in September, 1948, in Salt Lake City, and then compare the two by filling out a checklist of typical campaign speech characteristics.
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Truman and the Cold War

Document analysis and DBQ Essay on the Cold War.
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Make Nixon President in 1960

Students will create a Social Media Campaign for Richard Nixon in hopes of him winning the 1960 Election.
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Considering the 1860 Election

Students will get a chance to a hands-on project and will get to incorporate competition, propaganda, lobbying and victory or defeat.
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