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The Great Migration Lesson Plan

Students will learn about the Great Migration through discussion, analyzing primary sources in cooperative groups, watching a TED Talk, and reading an excerpt of a secondary source.
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American Intervention in Russia 1918-1920

Students will use computer technology to analyze Internet websites containing primary and secondary sources that contain a variety of documents related to U.S. intervention in Russia from 1918-20.
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First Ladies, Vice Presidents, and Presidential Advisors - The real Influence on the Presidency

The students are instructed that they will select a president of the United States and have to research who had a great deal of influence on the policy that was supported and put into place by that president.
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Desegregation of the Military

This activity will give students an awareness of the types of documents that advisors consider as they advise a president. Their analysis will help them see the different viewpoints to consider.
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Indiana - Mother of Vice Presidents

Students will conduct research and analyze primary sources to investigate why Indiana could be called the “mother of Vice Presidents”.
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Cabinet Reflective Experience

This lesson will give students the opportunity to examine the role of the President from various angles to consider its important role within the United States’ government.
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Gerald Ford and the Vietnam War

Students will evaluate primary sources such as documents and political cartoons related to decisions made by President Ford's administration during the final days of the Vietnam War.
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Civil War Turning Points

Students will understand the major turning points of the Civil War, why these turning points were important, and how many of these turning points are interconnected.
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Cold War Tensions Between the US and the USSR

Students will examine how the end of WWII, and especially the threats of atomic weapons and Communism, changed the political dynamics of the world.
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Tweet It!: Truman's Big Decision Edition

This lesson will require students to examine the primary sources of personal letters and conduct biographical research on either President or first lady Truman. They will then use their information to determine the influence and relationship of the first lady and her presidential husband and examine her influence on the issues of the time.
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