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American History

Civil Rights After Baseball: The Presidential Responses to Jackie Robinson

This will be a technology-based, analysis, assignment that will focus on primary source documents of President Truman's viewpoints on race and letters that Brooklyn Dodgers Hall-of-Famer Jackie Robinson wrote to former Presidents.
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Truman and Civil Rights: Analyzing Sources

This is a document-based-question assignment that requires the students to construct a coherent essay that integrates their interpretation of primary source documents and their knowledge of the time period referenced in the question.
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Desegregating Armed Forces

Students will research the historical cause of desegregating the Armed Forces.
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The Civil Rights Presidents

The purpose of this lesson is to take a comparative examination of the Civil Rights Movement. The actions of three Presidents at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement will be examined to determine the effectiveness of each.
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To Desegregate the United States Military or Not ..

In this lesson, students will be asked to analyze two groups of the letters written to President Truman concerning the desegregation of the United States military.  One group of letters will be supportive of the Desegregation of the US military and the second group of letters will voice opposition to the desegregation of the military.  
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President Harry Truman and Civil Rights In America

What is the difference between what Truman said and what he did on the subject of race
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Truman, Civil Rights and the Desegregation of the Military

This activity will employ selected primary documents to explore Truman's views on the race question, from his days of courting Bess Wallace through his post-Presidential years.
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Protecting our Posterity from the Prejudices of our Past

Students will determine what facts, fictions, emotions, and/or events were involved between individuals and groups as they examine past prejudices in the cities of Pierce City, Missouri; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Little Rock, Arkansas; Wichita, Kansas.
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Truman and Civil Rights: Deciding to Desegregate the Military

Students will predict why Truman decided to desegregate the military. Students will then work in groups to analyze relevant primary documents to seek clarification for Truman's decision. Finally, each student will use evidence from the documents to write an essay arguing why Truman decided to desegregate the military.
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Women's Suffrage and Why We Vote

The students will read about events and people significant to the women's suffrage movement in the United States. They will review documents, photographs, poems and listen to music associated with the movement. They will compose a poster using four primary source documents.
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