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American History

President Truman's Civil Rights Policies Leading to Desegregation of the Military

After a review of African American military history, students will analyze three primary documents associated with President Truman's decision to desegregate the military.
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Analyzing the Decision to Drop the Bomb

This lesson uses the jigsaw method of cooperative learning to determine how President Truman felt about dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan.
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Baseball Goes to War, 1941-1945

Allow students an opportunity to go back to America's WWII Home Front to examine various morale boosters in general ( radio, movies, etc. ), but particularly Major League Baseball.
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George Orwell's Animal Farm

The student will be able to analyze and determine central themes in George Orwell’s Animal Farm as these themes relate to the novel’s role as an allegory of Communism in Russia during WWII.
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Atrocities on Trial

Students will determine which war crime trials were the most heinous during World War II and use evidence to build a case to convict the guilty.
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Comparing the United States Bill of Rights and the United Nations

Students will compare and contrast the United States Bill of Rights and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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For the Love of the Game and Country

Students will research the impact of World War II on Major League Baseball and create a trading card using a draw program.
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Cold War Visual Analysis and Presentation

This assignment allows the students the opportunity to explore the vast amount of visual examples that address various aspects of the Cold War and offers new insight into the era.
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Did FDR's Weakening Health Lead Stalin to Believe that Eastern Europe Was His for the Taking?

Students should be able to make inferences as to the tenor of each conference, the state of mind of the participants and the importance of the photographs in relation to their background knowledge to support or refute: FDR was too physically ill at Yalta.
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Was Truman's Decision to Drop the Bomb, To End the War in the Pacific, Justified or Not?

Students will analysis and evaluate primary documents, videos, excerpts from newspapers and books, and then in groups will create a persuasive essay supporting their point of view, including quotations from the provided sources.
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