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American History

Marshall Plan Promotions

Students will be placed in the role to produce support for the Marshall Plan from both the American public and Congress.
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Colonial Social Media

Applying a historical figure to modern social media.
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An afternoon with Mary Todd Lincoln

Using Mrs. Lincoln to give a sense of the Civil War era
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Truman Declines to Comply: Examining the Loyalty program

This lesson uses primary documents to support an examination of the use of subpoenas by legislative bodies to demand testimony and the power of presidents when refusing to cooperate.  The lesson can be done as individual or pair work initially and finishes with group and class discussion.
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Factors that influenced President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation

Comparing and contrasting opinions that influenced Lincoln in making the Emancipation Procalmation
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Edith Bolling Wilson: Madam President or Dutiful Wife?

Studying primary and secondary sources to discern Edith Wilson's role in the presidency.
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Making an informed decision utilizing Primary sources

Using primary sources to analyze the Bay of Pigs invasion.
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Martha Washington and the Colonial Era

Spending time with Martha Washington to learn about the colonial era.
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Using Primary Sources to Start ELA Writing Journal/Storytelling

Lesson Plan Using Primary Sources to Start ELA Writing Journal/Storytelling.
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To Free the Slaves

Students will research members of Lincolns cabinet to better understand the process of emancipating the slaves.
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