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Gardner, John F.

Truman’s Desegregation of the Armed Services and Executive Order 9981

The students will read background material on civil rights movement relating to the armed services. They will analyze and discuss Executive Order 9981 and learn how the blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodward affected President Truman. After reading and class discussion, the students will express their thoughts in a writing activity.
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Using Photographs and Cartoons to Teach About Eleanor Roosevelt

Using Photographs and Cartoons to teach Eleanor Roosevelt's Role as First Lady and Adviser to the President
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Eleanor Roosevelt, Marian Anderson, and the Daughters of the American Revolution

Analyzing Eleanor Roosevelt and her role in the early civil rights movement.
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Berlin Airlift

Students will read a brief passage from the text concerning the Berlin Airlift. Students will watch excerpts from documentaries on the airlift and on Gail Halvorsen. After viewing the dvd/videos, the class will discuss and complete a study guide.
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Truman Doctrine

The students will listen to an audio recording of President Truman's address to Congress, which requests that Congress appropriate financial aid to Greece and Turkey.
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