Mike Westwood, Noel Fields, and Hilary Bush
From left to right, Paul (Mike) Westwood, Noel Fields, and Hilary Bush pose for a photo at the Harry S. Truman Library.
In front of the Thomas Hart Benton mural in the lobby of the Truman Library, left to right, are: president of Union Finance Co. Charles W. Munkers, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, former President Harry S. Truman, and Lieutenant Paul "Mike" Westwood of the Independence Police force.
Paul "Mike" Westwood, an Independence Police officer (left), sits with Margaret Truman (right) during an interview.
Former President Harry S. Truman (left) walks with Lt. Paul "Mike" Westwood (right) of the Independence police department, three days before his 85th birthday. Westwood was assigned to protect the former president.