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Westerfield, William

Mr. and Mrs. Pauley and the Crew of the Special Mission Plane (Reparations)

Ambassador Edwin Pauley and Barbara "Bobbe" Pauley (at right) and the crew of the C-54, special Mission plane. Next to Ambassador Pauley in the front is Major William Westerfield, Chief Pilot for C-54, special mission plane. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

Ambassador Pauley and Mrs. Pauley at Airport

Ambassador Edwin Pauley and Mrs. Barbara Pauley. Picture taken at Los Angeles upon the Ambassador's return from the Orient, Dec. 17, 1945. Also shown (center) is Major William Westerfield, Chief Pilot for C-54, special mission plane. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).

The Pauleys and the Crew of the Special Mission Plane (Reparations)

Ambassador Edwin Pauley and Barbara "Bobbe" Pauley (at right) and the crew of the C-54, special Mission plane. Next to Ambassador Pauley in the front is Major William Westerfield, Chief Pilot for C-54, special mission plane. Photograph taken during the U.S. Reparations Mission. Edwin Pauley was the U.S. Ambassador on the Allied Reparations Committee from 1945-47 (the committee that assessed the reparations Axis powers could afford to pay the victors).