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Wells, Louise

Gates-Wallace Family

Members of the Gates and Wallace families gather for the funeral of George Porterfield Gates. A note on the back of this photograph in Bess W. Truman's handwriting reads: "All the grandchildren here for Nana's funeral - June 1917?" From left to right: Oscar Wells; George Wallace; Helen Wallace; John Wallace; Bob Wells; Louise Wells: Frank Wallace: Bess Wallace; Gates Wells; Maud Gates Wells; Fred Wallace; Frank Gates.

Young Bess Wallace and relatives on the front porch of a large stone house

A group of Wallace, Gates, and Wells children sit on the porch of a large stone house identified only as 115 Waldron Ave., Kansas City, Missouri. Left to right (standing) are: Maud Louise Gates, George Wallace, and Bess Wallace. Left to right (sitting) are Louise Wells, Helen Wallace, John Wallace, Oscar Wells, and Fred Wallace. (See also 82-163-2.) From: John Elliott.

A young Bess Wallace with relatives in front of 219 N. Delaware, Independence, Missouri

Standing in front of the Gates/Wallace house at 219 N. Delaware, Independence, Missouri, are, left to right: (First row) Helen Wallace, Gates Wells, and Louise Wells; (Second row) Frank Wallace, George Wallace, and Bess Wallace (Bess and her brothers). The other children are their cousins. Bess and Frank are probably in their teens; the others are much younger. From: John Elliott (restricted at request of donor)

George Wallace, Helen Wallace, and Maud Louise Wells as children

Left to right: George Wallace, Helen Wallace, and Maud Louise Wells sit on the steps of the front porch of the George Porterfield Gates home at 219 N. Delaware, Independence Missouri. George Wallace is Bess Wallace's brother. Helen Wallace is the child of Myra Gates Wallace, Madge Gates' sister, and Maud Louise Wells is the daughter of Maud Gates Wells, Madge Gates' other sister. From: John Elliott.