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Warren, Lindsay Carter, 1889-1976

President Truman at the new Government Accounting Office Building

President Harry S. Truman laying the cornerstone of the new $25,000,000 Government Accounting Office building in Washington, D. C., and in a speech following the ceremony, he defended the federal budget against criticism conceived in "ignorance, and malice." Photograph is autographed by Frank L. Yates, Assistant Comptroller General of the United States; W. Englebert Reynolds, Commissioner of Public Buildings; Lindsay C. Warren, Comptroller General of the United States, and John McShain, Builder. Original is oversized.

Comptroller General Lindsay C. Warren before the Mead Committee

Comptroller General Lindsay C. Warren, appearing before the Mead Committee today, said that "everybody and his brother," apparently encouraged by laxity of Federal War Profit Renegotiation laws, "were out to get the Government during the lush war years." Warren told the committee that untold billions were "given away" by the Government during renegotiations of war contracts From: Beth Gore.