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Warren, Earl, 1891-1974

Meeting of the Harry S. Truman Institute

Members of the Harry S. Truman Institute for Foreign and International Affairs meet in the Research Room of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum in Independence, Missouri. Seated from left to right are Boyd Shafer, James V. Jones, Carleton F. Scofield, G.L. Cross, W.D. Aeschbacher, Dexter Perkins, Julian P. Boyd, Virgil M. Hancher, Wayne C. Grover, Francis H. Heller, Earl Warren, former President Harry S. Truman, Elmer Ellis, Philip C. Brooks, Tom L. Evans, Thomas C. Blaisdell Jr., Earl J. McGrath, Thomas N. Eliot, Samuel P. Hays, Louis B. Wright, W. Clarke Wescoe, James L.

Earl Warren and Others at Truman Library Dedication

Chief Justice Earl Warren (left), Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (center), and Senator William Knowland (right) are sitting in the front row at the dedication ceremony for the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Seated behind Mrs. Roosevelt and Mr. Knowland is former Attorney General James McGranery. Seated in the top row are, from left to right: unidentified man, unidentified woman in red hat, Orville Freeman, Governor G. Mennen Williams of Michigan, and Averell Harriman. All others are unidentified.

Basil O'Connor Speaks At Truman Library Dedication Ceremony

Basil O'Connor (at podium) speaks at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library dedication ceremony in Independence, Missouri. From left to right: three unidentified men, Charles Halleck (in front of man with the hat), Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, First Lady Bess W. Truman (in white hat, partly obscured by the podium), former President Herbert Hoover, former President Harry S. Truman, Mr.

Distinguished Guests at the Truman Library Dedication Ceremony

The distinguished guests and speakers are standing in the front row at the dedication ceremony for the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri. Front row, from left to right: unidentified, Independence Mayor Robert Weatherford, Charles Halleck, Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, former First Lady Bess W. Truman, Former President Herbert Hoover, former President Harry S. Truman, Phil Regan, Basil O'Connor, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Senator William Knowland, and Missouri Governor James Blair. Others in the background are unidentified.

Basil O'Connor at the Podium at the Truman Library Dedication Ceremony

Basil O'Connor stands at the podium at the dedication ceremony for the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Standing behind the wall of bunting, from left to right: Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn (partly obscured by cameraman), former First Lady Bess W. Truman, Former President Herbert Hoover, Mr. O'Connor, Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Senator William Knowland, Missouri Governor James T. Blair, and Franklin Floete. All others are unidentified.