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Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965

Political Cartoon, "A Second Term for Truman in '48"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by James Berryman for the Washington Evening Star. depicts Harry S. Truman in the center, Senator Joseph Guffey on left, and Henry Wallace on right, all outside White House gates. In his hand, Guffey is holding a piece of paper with the text: "A Second Term for Truman in '48." A text bubble above Henry Wallace has the following text: "The Senator must be slowing down, Harry... You had almost moved into the White House before he thought that one up!"

Vice President Harry S. Truman Being Sworn in as President, After the Death of President Roosevelt

Vice President Harry S. Truman being sworn in as President, after President Franklin D. Roosevelt died. Left to right: Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins; Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson; Secretary of Commerce Henry A. Wallace; Secretary of the Navy James A. Forrestal; Secretary of Agriculture Claude Wickard; Attorney General Francis X. Biddle; Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; and Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes. In foreground, Harry S. Truman takes the oath of office with Bess Truman in center and Justice Harlan Stone at right.

Henry Wallace Presents the First Corn Reduction Check in Des Moines, Iowa

The first corn reduction check, Des Moines, Iowa. Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace (right) presents it. In November, Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace spent $100,000,000 of his $500,000,000 corn-hog money in his native state, Iowa. From: Photos used in the 1984 Truman Centennial Exhibit. This photo is from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman, and Vice President Henry Wallace

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (left with his hand raised) rides in a car with Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman (center) and Vice President Henry A. Wallace (far right), upon President Roosevelt's return to Washington, D.C. President Roosevelt's dog, Fala, is also in the picture, with his head peeking out over the top of the door. All others in the photo are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Volume 1.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman, and Vice President Henry Wallace

President Franklin D. Roosevelt (left with his hand raised) rides in a car with Vice President-Elect Harry S. Truman (center) and Vice President Henry A. Wallace (far right), upon President Roosevelt's return to Washington, D.C. President Roosevelt's dog, Fala, is also in the picture, with his head peeking out over the top of the door. All others in the photo are unidentified. From the scrapbooks of Matt Connelly, Volume 1.