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Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965

President Roosevelt and his Cabinet

President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Cabinet members. From left to right around the table: Secretary of Agriculture Claude Wickard, Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace, Secretary of Commerce Jesse H. Jones, Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, Postmaster General Frank C. Walker, Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, President Roosevelt, Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Attorney General Francis Biddle, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox.

Political Cartoon on 1948 campaign by Mauldin

Photograph of a political cartoon depicting a schoolroom, with the teacher labeled as "Voters" and holding a ruler. Portraits of Presidents Washington and Lincoln hang on the wall behind the teacher, and the only student left in the desks is President Harry S. Truman. Two of the other students coming towards the teacher are Henry Wallace and Strom Thurmond. Other students are in the corner wearing dunce caps, and three students labeled "Lovett" "Forrestal" and "Marshall" are sneaking out of the room. From: Mauldin

Truman being sworn in as Vice-President

Harry S. Truman being sworn in as Vice President of the United States at the White House. From left to right: Edwin Halsey, Secretary of the Senate; Henry A. Wallace; Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan; unidentified Secret Service man; Colonel James Roosevelt, United States Marine Corps; Vice President Harry S. Truman (taking oath); and Major General Edwin M. Watson, Secretary to the President.