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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

General Vaughan Presenting Award to McQuade

General Harry Vaughan presenting Donald J. McQuade, National Commander of the Catholic War Veterans, a hand-illuminated scroll, at the Veterans Night presentation of the drama "Faith of Our Fathers" at Rock Creek Amphitheatre. The presentation was part of the National Capital Sesquicentennial celebration. The scroll commemorates the meritorious service of the Catholic War Veterans. Others in the background are unidentified.

Armed Forces Day Parade

View of the Armed Forces Day Parade from the viewing platform as a military band marches by. Pictured on platform, front row, left to right: Major General Robert B. Landry; Major General Harry Vaughan; President Harry S. Truman; Brigadier General Morris J. Lee; and Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison. All others unidentified.

Armed Forces Day Parade

President Harry S. Truman attends the Armed Forces Day Parade. Left to right: Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison; Brigadier General Morris J. Lee; President Harry S. Truman; Major General Harry Vaughan; and Major General Robert B. Landry. People in background unidentified.

Dr. Emerson Tends to Mr. Steelman

Dr. Emerson dresses a bruise on John Steelman's leg while on vacation with President Harry S. Truman in Key West, Florida. Standing in the background behind the bench are, from left to right: William Hassett, Press Secretary Charles Ross, and General Harry Vaughan. Seated on the right is President Truman (foreground, back to camera). All others are unidentified. From the album The President's Vacation Trip to Key West.

Truman Looks On As Mr. Steelman is Fixed Up

President Harry S. Truman sits on the ground nearby as Dr. Emerson patches up John Steelman's (seated on bench) bruised leg in the background while on a vacation trip to Key West, Florida. Standing behind the bench are Correspondence Secretary William Hassett, Press Secretary Charles Ross, and General Harry Vaughan. All others are unidentified. From the album The President's Vacation Trip to Key West.

Truman Descends from Plane

President Harry S. Truman exiting his airplane, the Sacred Cow, upon his arrival at the Boca Chica airport for a vacation in Key West, Florida. Behind him is Admiral William D. Leahy and General Harry Vaughan (just inside doorway, mostly obscured). All others are unidentified. From the album The President's Vacation Trip to Key West.