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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman Gives a Press Conference While on Vacation at Key West

President Harry S. Truman (standing, center foreground) gives a press conference in the garden of the Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Reporters and photographers who are gathered in front of him are unidentified. Standing behind Truman are, from left to right: Captain Robert Dennison; Washington State Governor Mon Wallgren; Admiral William Leahy; General Harry Vaughan; Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington; and Special Counsel Clark Clifford.

Truman Holds Press Conference in Garden of Little White House, Key West

President Harry S. Truman (standing, foreground, left) gives a press conference in the garden of the Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Photographers and reporters gathered around are all unidentified. Standing behind President Truman, from left to right, are: General Harry Vaughan; Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington (mostly obscured); and Special Counsel Clark Clifford.

Truman and His Party Pose for Photograph During Visit to Key West

President Harry S. Truman and members of his vacation party pose for photograph in the garden of the Little White House. Back row, left to right: Administrative Assistant to the President Donald Dawson, Assistant Press Secretary Eben Ayers, General Robert Landry, General Harry Vaughan, Leslie Biffle, Special Counsel to the President Clark Clifford, Stanley Woodward, General Wallace Graham, Captain Robert Dennison, William J. Bray, Jonathan Daniels. Front row, left to right: Correspondence Secretary William D.

Truman Aboard the U.S.S Williamsburg with His Staff and Others

President Harry S. Truman (far right with back to camera) and others on board the presidential yacht U.S.S. Williamsburg during a vacation cruise to Bermuda. From left to right: Special Counsel to the President Clark Clifford; Ted Marks; unidentified Navy officer; unidentified man; Press Secretary Charles Ross (back to camera); Major General Harry Vaughan; George Allen; and President Truman.

President Truman Holds Press Conference in Key West

President Harry S. Truman (center, with hands on hips) holds a press conference in the garden of The Little White House while on vacation in Key West, Florida. Standing behind the President, from left to right are: Press Secretary Charles Ross (partly obscured by camera flash bulb) Admiral William Leahy, General Harry Vaughan, Stuart Symington and Clark Clifford. All other reporters and photographers are unidentified.

Baton Twirlers from the Douglas School of Key West

In a joke being played on Appointment Secretary Matthew Connelly and Press Secretary Charles Ross upon their arrival at Key West, Florida, African-American baton twirlers and a marching band lead them to the Little White House. They are in Key West to join President Harry S. Truman and his party on vacation. Mr. Ross can be seen on the far left, behind the band, wearing a bow tie. On the extreme right, from right to left, are Stanley Woodward, General Harry Vaughan, Margaret Truman, and General Wallace Graham. All others are unidentified.