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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Political Cartoon, "It was Right Here When I Left for St. Louis!"

This is a photograph of a political cartoon by Jim Berryman for the Washington Evening Star. President Harry S. Truman is standing behind a desk, saying, "It was right here when I left for St. Louis!" Standing beside him is William Boyle (left) and John Steelman (right), sweating and looking through a file cabinet and emptying a trash container. Kneeling on the floor are Charles Ross and General Harry Vaughan. Vaughan is pointing at a small creature coming out of a hole in the floor.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) addresses the closing session of the United Nations Conference at San Francisco, California. Seated on the right is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (closest to podium) and Alger Hiss. Seated behind President Truman is Military Aide Major General Harry Vaughan (left) and Naval Aide Captain James Vardaman (right). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) is applauded after his address to the closing session of the United Nations as San Francisco, California. Standing next to President Truman is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius and conference Secretary-General Alger Hiss. Standing behind President Truman is Major General Harry Vaughan (second from left) and Captain James Vardaman (third from left). All others are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman Addresses the United Nations

President Harry S. Truman (behind the podium) addresses the closing session of the United Nations Conference at San Francisco, California. Seated on the right is Secretary of State Edward Stettinius (closest to podium) and Alger Hiss. Seated behind President Truman is Military Aide Major General Harry Vaughan (left) and Naval Aide Captain James Vardaman (right). All others are unidentified.

Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference

The Opening Session of the Potsdam Conference poses for photographers. President Harry S. Truman is near the center at the back end of the table, wearing a bow tie. Clockwise around the table, starting at President Truman: Charles Bohlen; two unidentified men; British foreign minister Anthony Eden; Prime Minister Winston Churchill; unidentified British military officer; Clement Attlee; unidentified man; Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov; Joseph Stalin; two unidentified men; Admiral William D. Leahy; Secretary of State James Byrnes.

Stereograph of Alben Barkley, Wallace White and General Harry Vaughn at a Banquet

Stereograph of Alben Barkley, Wallace White and General Harry Vaughn at a banquet. African-American waiter standing behind. From: Lowell Mason's Stereographic library, Annual Baseball Outing, Volumes I and II. Photographs are of Baseball, Clam and chowder club of the United States Senate, of which Harry S. Truman was a member.

The Trumans and Their Guests at the Little White House in Key West, Florida

Members of President Harry S. Truman's vacation party pose for a photograph at the 10th Presidential trip to Key West. First row, left to right: Harold Enarson, John R. Steelman, first Lady Bess Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman, William Hassett, Irving Perlmeter. Second row, left to right: Eben Ayers, David H. Stowe, General Wallace Graham, General Harry Vaughan, Joseph Short, Admiral Robert Dennison, General Robert Landry, Philleo Nash, and Charles W. Jackson. Same as photo 67-3204, 67-3205,67-3204. This photograph is inscribed "Kew West, Florida. December 4, 1951."

President Harry S. Truman Arriving For Visit to Fort Benning, Georgia

President Harry S. Truman is in view in the center of the photograph, shown arriving at Lawson Air Force Base, Georgia. Others in view include: Louis Johnson, Secretary of Defense, second from the right; John Snyder, Secretary of the Treasury, directly behind Truman; and General Harry H. Vaughn in uniform behind Truman to the left. Labor Secretary Maurice Tobin is standing behind Snyder. Also visible is a partial view of the presidential airplane, "The Independence." Photograph is part of a scrapbook identified as "The Infantry Center, Fort Benning, Ga., 21 April 1950. Visit of Harry S.