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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

President Harry S. Truman and staff on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Left to right: Charles Ross, Press Secretary; Harry Vaughan, Military Aid to the President; Ted Marks; Clark Clifford, White House Counsel; President Harry S. Truman; John Snyder, Secretary of Treasury; George Allen, Director, Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Wallace Graham, White House Physician; and Naval Aide James Foskett, on board the U.S.S. Williamsburg. This photo was taken while President Truman took a vacation cruise to Bermuda. Same as 96-31.

President Harry S. Truman and others at a baseball game

President Harry S. Truman and members of his staff attending a baseball game between the Washington Senators and the Boston Red Sox. From left to right are: Vice President Alben Barkley; Chief Justice Fred Vinson; Major General Harry Vaughan (behind Vinson); Major General Robert Landry (behind Truman); President Truman; Matthew Connelly (behind Truman and Griffith); Clark Griffith, owner of the Washington Senators; Admiral William D. Leahy; Bucky Harris, manager of Senators; Lou Boudreau, manager of the Red Sox.

President Harry S. Truman attends the Armed Forces Day Parade

President Harry S. Truman attends the Armed Forces Day Parade. Pictured left to right are Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, United States Navy, Naval Aide to President Harry S. Truman, Brigadier General Morris J. Lee, United States Air Force, in charge of Armed Forces Day Parade, President Harry S. Truman, Major General Harry Vaughan, Military Aide to President Harry S. Truman, and Major General Robert B. Landry, United States Air Force, Air Force Aide to President Harry S. Truman.

George Marshall taking the oath of office as Secretary of State, with guests

George Marshall taking the oath of office with, pictured from left, Arthur H. Vandenberg, Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, General Harry H. Vaughan, John W. Snyder, Tom C. Clark, George C. Marshall, President Harry S. Truman, General Walter Bedell Smith, Clinton P. Anderson, Fred M. Vinson, Julius A. Krug, James F. Byrnes, and Lewis B. Schwellenbach. Autographed by all present.

Truman at George Washington's tomb

President Harry S. Truman (second from the right)at the gravesite of George Washington at Mount Vernon. President Truman had just placed a wreath on the tomb in celebration of Washington's birthday. There is an African-American guard to the left. General Harry Vaughan (in the long coat) is on the left. On the right is Louis Starr, Commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Others are unidentified.

Truman driving convertible

President Harry S. Truman smiles broadly as he takes the wheel of his new convertible club coupe as he starts on a drive in the Charlottesville, Virginia area during a holiday weekend vacation. With him are (from left to right, front seat) Secretary of the Treasury John W. Snyder; Stanley Woodward, State Department Protocol chief and President Truman's host; President Truman; (back seat, left to right) Rear Admiral James H. Foskett, Naval Aide; and Major General Harry H. Vaughan, military Aide. From: New York Herald Tribune