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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

President Truman and Secretary of State Byrnes visit Marshal Stalin

President Harry S. Truman visits Soviet Prime Minister Josef Stalin at Mr. Stalin's residence during the Potsdam Conference in Germany. From left to right on the balcony: unidentified man; Major General Harry Vaughan (partly obscured); Secretary of State James Byrnes; Soviet Ambassador to the United States Andrei Gromyko (behind Byrnes); President Truman; Premier Josef Stalin; and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. All others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945.

Truman and Byrnes visit Stalin during the Potsdam Conference

President Harry S. Truman and Secretary of State James Byrnes visit Premier Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union at Stalin's residence during the Potsdam Conference in Germany. On the balcony in the foreground are, left to right: Secretary of State Byrnes, President Truman, Premier Stalin, and Vyacheslav Molotov, Soviet foreign minister General Harry H. Vaughan is in the background, second from the left. Soviet Ambassador to the United States Andrei Gromyko is in the background, behind James Byrnes. All others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945.

President Harry S. Truman Talks with Lieutenant Colonel L. Curtis Tiernan at Potsdam

President Harry S. Truman talks to Lieutenant Colonel L. Curtis Tiernan of Kansas City, Missouri, Chaplain to U. S. forces in the European theater after church services in Berlin, Germany. The President is attending the Potsdam Conference and is reunited with his chaplain from World War I. Behind President Truman on the left is Major General Harry Vaughan. Others are unidentified. From Potsdam album, 1945.