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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

President Harry S. Truman and His Party Aboard the USS Williamsburg

President Harry S. Truman and members of his vacation party are seated on the fantail of the presidential yacht, the USS Williamsburg. From left to right: David Stowe, John R. Steelman, Charles Murphy, President Truman, Admiral Dennison, Charles Ross, Captain Donald J. MacDonald, General Robert Landry, and General Harry Vaughan (in plaid shirt). Original oversize photograph is located in oversize file.

Dinner in honor of Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue

Shown together during a dinner in honor of Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of the Internal Revenue are Lt. Col. Harry Vaughan, Joe Holland, Leo Laughren, Ralph Toesnfeldt and Senator Harry Truman. From: The Album, Knights of the Cauliflower Ear Proudly Acclaim the Presidential Appointment of Hon. Robert E. Hannegan as Commissioner of Internal Revenue.

President Truman With Members of His Staff

President Truman is shown seated on a sofa with members of his staff and others. This photo was taken on his 61st birthday at the White House. On the sofa, left to right: Col. Harry Vaughan, President Harry S. Truman, unidentified military man. Standing left to right: M. R. Evans, J. J. Leonard Reinsch, unidentified, John W. Snyder, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Matthew Connelly, unidentified, William Simmons, unidentified.