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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman with kittens

President Harry S. Truman (left) offers a slice of birthday cake to two kittens sent to him at the White House as a present for his 61st birthday. General Harry Vaughan holds the cats while Commodore James Vardaman holds the crate the cats arrived in.

Truman and the White House staff in a formal pose at Key West, Florida

President Harry S. Truman and the White House staff pose for an informal picture on the lawn at Key West, Florida. In the front row, left to right, are: Joseph G. Feeney, Charles S. Murphy, William D. Leahy, President Truman, John R. Steelman; William D. Hassett; and Roger Tubby; Standing are: David E. Bell, Donald D. Dawson, Robert Dennison, Joseph Short, Matt Connelly, Harry H. Vaughan, Robert B. Landry, David H. Stowe, and David D. Lloyd. The photo is autographed by all of the above, although the signatures are copies. (Same as 77-3285 except color) (Similar to 65-668 and 67-2367)

Table of veterans at Library reception

Group of Battery D members seated at a table during a reception the day of the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Library. Seated second from the left is L. Curtis Tiernan, chaplain of Battery D. Seated third from the right is Harry Vaughan, former Military Aide to President Truman. The others are unidentified. (See 2005-297 and 298.) The china pattern in the photo is that used by the Hotel Muehlebach in Kansas City, Missouri. See also 59-1628-23. From: Conrad Smith (from an album that belonged to Francis Yeager, Battery "D")

Battery D men at Library Dedication reception

Members of Battery D at a reception for the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Library at an unidentified location. Present are: Father Curtis L. Tiernan (center), who was chaplain of the 35th Division; General Harry Vaughan (3rd from right); and John W. Snyder (3rd from left), former Treasury Secretary; and unidentified others. See also 59-1628-20. From: Conrad Smith (from album that had belonged to Francis Yeager, Battery "D")

Dinner Table at Library Dedication Reception

Group of Battery D members seated at a table during a reception the day of the dedication of the Harry S. Truman Library. Seated second from the left is L. Curtis Tiernan, chaplain of Battery D. Seated third from the right is Harry Vaughan, former Military Aide to President Truman. This event was held at the Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri. From a book of 30 photographs of Battery "D" participation in the Harry S. Truman Library Dedication. Same as 2005-296.