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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman and Winston Churchill Receive Honorary Degrees from Westminster College

President Harry S. Truman (center) and Great Britain's former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, stand behind the podium after having received honorary degrees from Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri. On the far right is Dr. Franc McCluer, President of the College. Winston Churchill also made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech this date. Clark Clifford and Harry Vaughan are in the background. From: Hathon M. Fields, Independence, Missouri.

President Harry S. Truman and Britain's former Prime Minister Winston Churchill at Westminster College

President Harry S. Truman stands at the podium during the playing of the National Anthem prior to introducing Britain's former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who is the main speaker. Both he and Mr. Churchill are to receive honorary degrees from Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, this date. Mr. Churchill is on the President's left, and Dr. Franc McCluer, President of Westminster College, is on his right. Behind the President on the left is Brig. General Harry Vaughan and on the right is Phil M. Donnelly, Governor of the state of Missouri. The other men are unidentified.

President Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill at Westminster College

President Harry S. Truman (right) waves his hat to the crowd as Winston Churchill (center), Britain's former Prime Minster, enjoys one of his famous cigars while standing on the front porch of the residence of Dr. Franc McCluer, President of Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, where the two are to receive honorary degrees this date. Phil M. Donnelly, Governor of the state of Missouri, is at left. Dr. Franc McCluer is directly behind Mr. Churchill. The woman is unidentified. From: Hathon M. Fields, Independence, Missouri.

Winston Churchill and Harry S. Truman at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri

Snapshot of Winston Churchill and Harry S. Truman in cap and gown taken at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, as a procession started from President McCluer's home on campus to the gymnasium where Sir Winston Churchill made his famous "Iron Curtain" speech. Directly behind President Truman is General Harry Vaughan. From: C. Owen Taylor.

Overhead Photograph of Former President Truman at a Truman Committee Reunion Banquet

Overhead photograph of former President Harry S. Truman at an Truman Committee banquet in 1957. Charlie Clark is seated to the left of the Mr. Truman and has signed the mounting: To my old boss Harry S. Truman with affectionate memories of "The Old Truman Committee" Charlie Clark - 12 November 1957. Harry Vaughan is seated in front of the President. From the Truman estate 12/3/74, transferred from Museum Collection 5/28/75.

President Truman and his party on the deck of the U.S.S. Williamsburg during a cruise off the New England coast

President Truman and his party on the deck of the U.S.S. Williamsburg during a cruise off the New England coast. From left to right: unidentified, John Snyder, Ted Marks, President Harry S. Truman, Matthew Connelly, Gen. Harry Vaughan, Charles Ross, and Clark Clifford (partially obscured).