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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Harry Vaughan, Wallace Graham, and Others at Dinner in Berkeley, California

A group at a dinner in Berkeley, California during President Truman's western trip to California. President Truman is not in the photo. Front row, left to right: Albert Kam Chow (unofficial mayor of San Francisco's Chinatown), Harry Vaughan, Wallace Graham, two unidentified women. Second row (across table): Unidentified officer, possibly Rose Conway, unidentified man. From: 12x18 metal album from the Charles Ross Papers

Robert E. Hannegan and William D. Hassett come on board the Williamsburg

Robert E. Hannagan and William D. Hassett come on board the Williamsburg on return from Bermuda trip. Left to right: General Wallace Graham; President Harry S. Truman; Secretary of the Treasury John Snyder; Ted Marks; Robert Hannegan; Press Secretary Charles Ross; William Hassett and General Harry Vaughan. Same as 66-1545. From: 12x18 Metal Album.

The President poses with Gov. Mon C. Wallgren and party at Mr. Rainier

President Harry S. Truman (fifth from left in top row) poses with Gove. Mon C. Wallgren of Washington and members of his party at Mt. Rainier on his way to the San Francisco Conference. First row left to right: 4 Secret Service agents and Press Secretary Charles Ross; 2nd row: 3 secret agents and Gov. Wallgren, President Truman, Gen. Harry Vaughan, 5 agents and Appointments Secretary Matthew J. Connelly. From: Papers of Charles Ross; 12x18 Photo album, metal cover with letters CGR.

President Truman and Others on U.S.S. Roosevelt

Fleet maneuvers off the Atlantic coast on the U.S.S. Roosevelt. The group posing, left to right: Captain E. B. Taylor, aide to Secretary of the Navy; Clark Clifford; Admiral William Leahy; Press Secretary Charles Ross; White House physician General Wallace H. Graham; James Forrestal; William D. Hassert; President Harry S. Truman; Edwin Locke, Jr.; John R. Steelman; General Harry Vaughan; Richmond B. Keech. Same as 77-162. From: Papers of Charles Ross; 12x18 Metal album with letters CGR.

Shown Together on the Lawn of the Little White House in Key West are President Truman and Family with White House Staff

Shown together on the lawn of the Little White House are left to right, back row: Stephen Springarn, General Robert Landry, Admiral Robert Dennison, Stanley Woodward, Charles Ross, General Harry Vaughan, General Wallace Graham and David Niles. Front row are, left to right: John Steelman, Bess Truman, President Harry S. Truman, Margaret Truman and William Hassett.