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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman's staff on the U.S.S. Williamsburg

Members of President Harry S. Truman's party relaxing on the after deck of his yacht, the U.S.S. Williamsburg, as the U.S.S. William C. Lawe provides escort in the background, during a vacation cruise to Key West, Florida. From left to right: David Stowe, John Steelman, William D. Hassett, Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Press Secretary Chares Ross, Brigadier General Wallace Graham, Major General Harry Vaughan, and Brigadier General Robert Landry. From: Robert L. Dennison.

Armed Forces Day Parade

The Coast Guard Colors pass the President's box in the Armed Forces Day Parade. In the President's box, from left to right, are: Rear Admiral Robert L. Dennison, Naval Aide to President Truman; Brigadier General Morris J. Lee, United States Air Force, in charge of Armed Forces Day Parade; President Harry S. Truman; Major General Harry Vaughan, Military Aide to President Truman; and Major General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to President Truman. From: Harry H. Vaughan.

Truman at the United States Naval Academy

President Harry S. Truman (foreground fourth from the right and wearing a stetson) and his staff at the United States Naval Academy on the steps of the Chapel. In the background on the left is Major General Harry H. Vaughan. In the background second from the left is General Robert Landry. Standing to the left of President Truman is Admiral William Leahy. All others are unidentified. From: Harry H. Vaughan.

Truman Walking Down for Morning Swim

President Harry S. Truman (left) walking down for morning swim while on vacation in Key West, Florida. With Truman are Captain Cecil Adell, Commanding officer of the Naval Base at Key West (front row, right), General Harry Vaughan (behind Truman, in hat), and Admiral Sidney Souers (behind Captain Adell). All others are unidentified. From: Harry H. Vaughan.

Truman with Generals at Aberdeen Proving Ground

President Harry S. Truman in front of a train at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland. Foreground, from left to right: Major General Edward E. MacMorland, Commander of Aberdeen; Major General Elbert L. Ford, Chief of Ordnance (behind MacMorland); Secretary of the Army Frank Pace; President Truman; General J. Lawton Collins, Chief of Staff; General Harry Vaughan (obscured by Collins). From: Harry H. Vaughan.