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Vaughan, Harry H., 1893-1981

Truman and DeGaulle attend welcoming ceremonies for French visit

President Harry S. Truman (front, right) and General Charles De Gaulle (front, left) attend the welcoming ceremonies for the French leader on the White House lawn while officers salute in the background. Behind General De Gaulle (mostly obscured) is Admiral William Leahy; second from the right in the second row is Major General Harry Vaughan; others are unidentified.

Truman awarding Byrnes with Distinguished Service Medal

President Harry S. Truman awarding the Distinguished Service Medal to Secretary of State James Byrnes in the Rose Garden at the White House. From left to right: General George C. Marshall; General Henry "Hap" Arnold; the President; Secretary Byrnes; his wife, Maude Byrnes; John Snyder of the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion; and General Harry Vaughan, the President's Military Aide.

Truman, Prince Abd al-Ilah, and others in front of the White House

President Harry S. Truman (front row, right), Prince Abd al-Ilah of Iraq (front row, left), and representatives of the government of the United States and Iraq, standing on the porch in front of the White House. In second row are Major General Harry Vaughan and Captain James K. Vardaman. Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes is in the third row, fourth from the right. Lieutenant George Elsey is next to the door on the right. All others are unidentified.

President Truman and Party on Williamsburg

The President and the presidential party on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg, with the USS William C. Lawe trailing as an escort. From left (foreground): Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), and Brigadier General Robert B. Landry (Air Aide to the President). From left (background sitting): John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), William D. Hassett (Correspondence Secretary to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President), and Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President).

Truman and party aboard the Williamsburg

The President and the presidential party relaxing on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg enroute to Key West, Florida. From left (foreground): Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President) and Brigadier General Robert B. Landry (Air Aide to the President). From left (background): Charles S. Murphy (Special Counsel to the President), John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), Brigadier General Wallace H. Graham (Personal Physician to the President), William D. Hassett (Correspondence Secretary to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L.

Truman and others on deck of Williamsburg

The President and members of the presidential party relaxing on the after deck of the USS Williamsburg. From left: David H. Stowe (Administrative Assistant to the President), John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), Charles S. Murphy (Special Counsel to the President), President Harry S. Truman, Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President), Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President), Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), Commander Donald MacDonald (Commanding Officer of the USS Williamsburg), and Brigadier General Robert B.

Presidential aides relaxing on deck of Williamsburg

On the fantail of the USS Williamsburg, members of the presidential party relax three days out of Washington, D.C. enroute to Key West and a vacation until April 10th. From left: Hon. John R. Steelman (Assistant to the President), Major General Harry H. Vaughan (Military Aide to the President), Hon. Charles G. Ross (Press Secretary to the President), Brigadier General Robert B. Landry (Air Aide to the President), and Admiral Robert L. Dennison (Naval Aide to the President). From: Robert Dennison.