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Truman, Mary Jane, 1889-1978

Harry S. Truman and Family at Truman Library Groundbreaking Ceremony

Robert P. Weatherford, Mayor of Independence, Missouri, stands behind the lectern during the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Truman Library and Museum. Former President Harry S. Truman, former First Lady Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and Mary Jane Truman stand to Weatherford's left. The future home of the Truman Library is located in Slover Park in Independence, MO. Donor: Dr. Elliot S Berkley.

Screen Gems Collection (outtakes from the television series "Decision: The Conflicts of Harry S. Truman")

Former President Harry S. Truman recalls the problem of refugees discussed at the Potsdam Conference. He also reads from a letter he wrote to his mother and sister about the vote on the UN Charter and his experiences with Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin at the conference. NOTE: Mr. Truman uses a racial slur in this video. The out takes both repeat from different camera angles. Sound and picture.