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Truman, Margaret (Mary Margaret), 1924-2008

Harry S. Truman and Bess Truman in Ottawa During a Presidential Visit

Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King (left) speaks with Margaret Truman (second from left); while Governor General of Canada Harold Alexander (third from left) and Margaret Diana Alexander, Countess Alexander of Tunis (third from right), pose with President Harry S. Truman (second from right) and First Lady Bess Truman (right). The Trumans are shown here in Ottawa, Canada, attending a formal white-tie dinner in their honor. The caption of the photo album page reads "A good-will mission completed." From an album called "Visit of President Truman to Ottawa, June 10-12, 1947."

Harry S. Truman and Family at Truman Library Groundbreaking Ceremony

Robert P. Weatherford, Mayor of Independence, Missouri, stands behind the lectern during the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Truman Library and Museum. Former President Harry S. Truman, former First Lady Bess Truman, Margaret Truman, and Mary Jane Truman stand to Weatherford's left. The future home of the Truman Library is located in Slover Park in Independence, MO. Donor: Dr. Elliot S Berkley.

Senator Barkley, President Truman, and Margaret Truman Appear on Campaign Train

President Harry S. Truman waves as he shakes the hand of Vice Presidential nominee Alben Barkley from the rear platform of the presidential campaign train. Margaret Truman also appears on the the platform. The president promised Senator Barkley that he would "fight like hell" to get elected, as they embark from Union Station in Washington, DC, on a 19-state election tour. From: Chicago Sun-Times. 

Off-the-Air Radio Coverage of Harry S. Truman's Funeral

Sound recording, apparently taped off-the-air, of music interrupted by news coverage of Harry S. Truman's funeral from Independence, MO. Most of the recording is music, but at about 27:15 of side one, radio DJ Army Specialist Bob Meyer interrupts the music to bring the Group W news feed of former president Harry S. Truman's funeral services at the Harry S. Truman Library. On this day, the casket was being unloaded from the hearse and moved into the Library lobby for viewing. President Nixon and former president Johnson were scheduled to appear later in the day.