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Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972

Averell Harriman Speaks at the Truman Library

W. Averell Harriman speaks about former President Harry S. Truman's decisive nature and international leadership in this speech given in the auditorium of the Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, April 19, 1969. During the Truman administration, Harriman served as Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Secretary of Commerce, US Coordinator of the Marshall Plan, Special Assistant to the President, and Director of the Mutual Security Agency.

President Truman Smokes Peace Pipe with Chief First To Fly

President Harry S. Truman meets with Native Americans on the rear platform of his train while on a Whistlestop tour in support of Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign. He smokes a peace pipe with Assiniboine Chief First to Fly (shown at right with horned ceremonial head gear) in Glasgow, Montana. Two years earlier, President Truman had been made "Chief Bear Soldier" by the Assiniboine (Hohe Nakota) people. The other two Native Americans are unidentified. Donor: New York Herald Tribune.

President Truman Holds Frances Friedel During Whistlestop in Minnesota

President Harry S. Truman holds six year old Frances Friedel on the rear platform of his train during his whistlestop tour through Waseca, Minnesota, during the presidential campaign. Frances was aboard the train to present corsages to the First Lady and Margaret. Donor: New York Herald Tribune. Photograph was touched up by newspaper for publication.

Former President Truman Walks Outside Independence Home

Original caption: "Former President Harry Truman, alone and relaxed from the tensions of life in the White House, walks past his home in Independence as he takes an early morning stroll. After seven strenuous years as the nation's Chief Executive, Mr. Truman is enjoying his well-deserved rest."

Former President Harry S. Truman walks along the sidewalk outside the Truman Home at 219 N. Delaware in Independence, Missouri.

President Truman Receives New Bible From Dr. Weigle

President Harry S. Truman (left) accepts a new Revised Standard Version of the Bible from Dean Emeritus of the Yale Divinity School, Dr. Luther A. Weigle (right), in a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House. Dr. Weigle gave the book on behalf of the National Council of Churches as the chairman of the American Standard Bible Committee. Fifteen years of labor by 32 Protestant scholars went into the crafting of the RSV Bible, which was written in contemporary language. Other people are unidentified.

Senator Truman at Detroit Masonic Lodge

Standing left to right, with their signatures below their images: Oliver "Ollie" Blanchard; Detroit City Clerk Thomas "Tom" Leadbetter; Senator Homer Ferguson; Senator Harry S. Truman; Bill [illegible]; and Bob Moore. Left of signatures reads "Zion Lodge #1. F&AM Detroit Mich. April 12, 1944. Senator Truman gave a speech in honor of the 180th anniversary of the Masonic Zion Lodge #1 in Michigan.