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Tito, Josip Broz, 1892-1980

Charles W. Thayer With Other Uniformed Officials in Yugoslavia

Exterior view showing diplomat and author Charles W. Thayer standing third from the left in U.S. Army uniform and saluting. He is in line with ten other men, most in uniform and some believed to be Russian. Penciled on the back of the photograph is the following left to right: Gen'l [Nikolai Vasilievich] Korneev, Brig. [Fitzroy] MacLean, C.W.T. [Charles W. Thayer], Marshall Tito ? (center, back showing, and shaking hands). Location probably Yugoslavia, World War II era. Thayer served as Chief of U.S. Military Mission to Yugoslavia, 1944-45 and attained the rank of Lt. Col. in the Army.