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  4. Harry S. Truman Papers: Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President

Harry S. Truman Papers: Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President

Dates: 1934-1945

The Harry S. Truman Papers: Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President, contain correspondence, handwritten notes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, printed materials, speeches, and other items pertaining to Truman’s service as United States Senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945, and his brief tenure as Vice-President, from January 1945 to April 1945.

[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]



Size: 140 linear feet, 1 linear inches (about 256,000 pages)
Access: Open, with the exception of a few documents that are closed in accordance with the legal instructions of the donors.
Copyright: Harry S. Truman donated his copyright interest in writings in these files to the United States Government. Documents created by U.S. Government officials in the course of their official duties are likewise in the public domain. Copyright interest in other documents presumably belongs to the authors of those documents, or their heirs.
Processed by: Frank Barkofske, Jerry Hess, Erwin Mueller, and others (1959, 1963, 1975); Tammy Kelly, Jan Davis, and Jessica Seigler (2009).

The creation of this online resource was made possible in part by funding from the William T. Kemper Foundation - Commerce Bank, Trustee.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



1884 (May 8) Born, Lamar, Missouri
1887 Moved with family to farm near Grandview, Missouri
1890 Moved with family to Independence, Missouri
1901 Graduated form Independence High School
1901-1906 Lived in Independence and Kansas City, Missouri; held various jobs, including clerk at two Kansas City banks
1905-1911 Served in Missouri National Guard
1906-1917 Worked on family farm near Grandview, Missouri
1917-1919 Served in 129th Field Artillery; commanded Battery D during World War I; promoted to rank of Captain
1919 (June 28) Married Bess Wallace at Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri
1919-1922 Partner with Eddie Jacobson in Kansas City haberdashery
1923-1925 Eastern District Judge, Jackson County (Missouri) Court
1924 (February 17) Daughter Mary Margaret born
1927-1935 Presiding Judge of the Jackson County (Missouri) Court
1935-1945 United States Senator from Missouri
1945 (January 20-April 12) Vice President of the United States
1945 (April 12)-1953 (January 20) President of the United States
1953 (January) Left Presidency and retired to Independence, Missouri
1957 (July 6) Helped dedicate the Harry S. Truman Library, Independence, Missouri
1972 (December 26) Died, Research Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri

A more detailed timeline of Harry S. Truman's life and Presidency is available on the Truman Trivia Page.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]



The Harry S. Truman Papers: Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President contain correspondence, handwritten notes, memoranda, newspaper clippings, printed materials, speeches, and other items pertaining to Truman’s service as United States Senator from Missouri from 1935 to 1945, and his brief tenure as Vice-President, from January 1945 to April 1945. While there are some documents in the collection that date from Truman’s first term as Senator, most of the collection relates to Truman’s second term. The material from the first term (1935-1941) was presumably destroyed after being removed from Truman's office and sent into storage somewhere in the Senate Office Building. There is also some material in the collection dating from April of 1945, after Truman became President, that is attached to correspondence Truman received while still Vice President.

The Papers as U.S. Senator and Vice President are arranged into seven series. The first and main series is the Correspondence File. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject. Subjects covered include Kansas City, Jackson County, and Missouri politics; the Missouri River and flood control (especially in Kansas City); transportation issues; Army and Navy enlistments, commissions, discharges, and court martial cases; correspondence seeking Truman’s intervention regarding appointments to jobs or obtaining benefits; aid to veterans and their dependents; and correspondence seeking Truman’s assistance in obtaining money for federal projects. Material related to these topics is sometimes filed under the topic heading, or the name of the person who wrote to Truman.

Within the Correspondence File are several large subgroups of material. Two large groups of correspondence are with young men seeking entrance to the Naval Academy and the United States Military Academy. These files are arranged by location (Annapolis or West Point) and thereunder alphabetically by surname of applicant. The files include correspondence from the applicants and their families, references, and others interested in the young man’s application (including Tom Pendergast). Some of this material dates from 1934, shortly after Truman was elected to the Senate and before he even arrived in Washington.

A second major subgroup in the Correspondence File is the Applications for Government Jobs. These are divided into whether or not the person obtained a position, and thereunder alphabetically by surname. Some of this material dates from as early as 1934. Material in this subgroup documents the hardships people experienced during the Great Depression, and the appropriate connections sometimes required to get a position.

A third subgroup of material is the applications for immigration. This includes correspondence from people in Missouri seeking Truman’s intervention to assist people wanting to come to the United States. As one might expect for this time period, much of the material relates to Jewish people coming from areas controlled by Germany. The correspondents with Truman include his former business partner Eddie Jacobson and Kansas City friend Alex Sachs, among others.

There are several segments related to National Defense topics. One contains general material related to National Defense issues. Much of this material consists of correspondence from people in Missouri complaining about war-related issues, such as ration plans for various commodities or problems obtaining supplies and equipment. Other correspondence relates to businessmen and local government officials seeking Truman’s assistance in getting government contracts. Similar materials can be found in the files related to the Office of Price Administration and the War Production Board. There is also a large amount of correspondence from people seeking Truman’s aid or intervention in getting government facilities (veterans hospitals, airports, etc.) and defense plants located in various places in Missouri.

The second major segment of National Defense material is related to the Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, popularly known as the Truman Committee. Much of the correspondence in this segment consists of commendations of Truman and the work of the Committee and tips concerning specific plants, camps, companies, or industries that the writers felt the Committee ought to investigate. There is also a small amount of correspondence from other members of the Committee and employees of the Committee. This segment also contains summaries of selected Committee hearings compiled by the Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service. More material related to defense issues and World War II can be found with the material about the Navy Department and the War Department in the Correspondence File.

The second series, the 1944 Campaign File, consists of two subseries. The first, the Card File, contains index cards of names and addresses of people invited to two 1945 Inaugural receptions: one hosted by the White House, the other hosted by John Snyder. The second subseries, the Correspondence File, primarily consists of correspondence and telegrams congratulating Truman on his elevation to the Vice-Presidency. Both of these subseries are arranged alphabetically.

The third series, Masonic File, contains correspondence, telegrams, newspaper clippings, printed materials, speeches, and memoranda related to Truman’s Masonic memberships. This series is arranged chronologically. The correspondence is equally divided between members of the Masonic hierarchy in Missouri and leaders of local lodges throughout the state. The vast majority of the correspondence relates to Masonic business and requests for Truman to attend various Masonic functions and communications, especially during his tenure as Grand Master of Missouri in 1940-1941.

The fourth series, the Cross Reference File, is arranged alphabetically by surname. This series consists of cross reference sheets created by Truman’s Senate staff that refer to items in the Correspondence File. Most of the correspondence is in the material related to the War Department, regarding commissions, transfers, promotions, and the like.

The fifth series is the Speech File, which is divided into four subseries. The first, the Press Release File, is arranged chronologically. This series contains printed copies of speeches given by Senator Truman. Some are labeled as press releases, while others are simply typed copies. Some of the files contain copies of speeches from the Congressional Record This subseries is digitized in its entirety and available online.

The second subseries, the Draft File, is also arranged chronologically. This series contains both typed and handwritten drafts of speeches delivered by Harry S. Truman. Some of the items in this series are simply press release copies. Some of the items may be reading copies of speeches. Most of the material that is in the Press Release File is also represented in the Draft File. This subseries also contains drafts for speeches that Vice-President Truman was scheduled to give after April 12, 1945; these speeches obviously were not delivered. There are also speeches by Senator Truman in the Correspondence File. Most, but not all, of the speeches in the Correspondence File are duplicated in either the Press Release File or Draft File.

The third subseries is the General File, which is also arranged chronologically and contains press releases, drafts, and reading copies of speeches given by Truman. This subseries contains many of the speeches delivered by Truman during the 1944 Presidential campaign. A good portion of this material is duplicated in the Press Release File and Draft File. This material has not been integrated into the other two subseries, as it was accessioned separately. The General File was part of the original donation of Truman’s papers; the Draft and Press Release Files were kept by Mr. Truman and did not come to the archives until after Mr. Truman’s death.

The fourth subseries is the Reference File, which is arranged alphabetically. This subseries contains newspaper clippings, press releases, reports, correspondence, and printed material that could be used in speeches. The press releases tend to be speeches given by various government officials and legislators. There are numerous press releases from the Republican National Committee during the 1944 Presidential campaign.

The sixth series is the Civil Service Job Applicant File, which is arranged alphabetically. These are note cards containing the names and addresses of people writing to Truman seeking civil service jobs. This file acts as a cross reference to the Applicants for Government Jobs section of the Correspondence File. The cards are color coded as to whether the person obtained a position or not, and whether they had references – that is, if they had appropriate Democratic Party credentials.

The seventh and final series is the 1940 Campaign File, which has two subseries. The first, the Contributors File, is a card file consisting of names of people who either contributed or were asked to contribute to Truman’s 1940 Senate campaign. It is arranged alphabetically. The second subseries, the Financial Data File, contains cancelled checks, bank statements, memoranda, lists, and memorabilia related to the campaign. Nearly all of this material relates to the 1940 Senate primary in Missouri, which was a more challenging race for Truman than that year’s general election.

Other materials at the Truman Library that relate to this collection include the Truman Papers Pertaining to Family, Business, and Personal Affairs; Truman Papers: Papers as Presiding Judge; and the papers of James Aylward, Fred Canfil, Harry Easley, Hugh Fulton, Lou Holland, Victor Messall, James Pendergast, Lloyd C. Stark, and Sam M. Wear. Federal Records related to this time period include two series from Record Group 46: Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program and Bills Introduced by Senator Harry S. Truman, 1935-1938. Oral histories that pertain to this time period include Mildred Dryden, Mr. and Mrs. John Earp, Edgar C. Faris, Jr., Shirley Hehmeyer, Walter Hehmeyer, Jane Taylor Lacy, Neale Roach, Harold G. Robinson, Wilbur Sparks, John H. Tolan, and Harry Vaughan.

[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List ]





Container Nos. SERIES
1-264 CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1934-1945
Correspondence, cables, invitations, handwritten notes, maps, memoranda, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, printed materials, reports, speeches, drafts of legislation, receipts and bills related to Harry S. Truman and his service in the United States Senate. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
265-273 1944 CAMPAIGN FILE, 1944-1945
  Two subseries:
265 Card File, 1944-1945, Cards recording invitees to events celebrating Harry S. Truman’s election to the Vice-Presidency. Arranged alphabetically surname.
266-273 Correspondence File, 1944-1945, Correspondence, cables, newspaper clippings, photographs, and memoranda related to the 1944 Presidential campaign. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
273-276 MASONIC FILE, 1936-1945
Correspondence, cables, invitations, speeches, printed materials, and memoranda related to Harry S. Truman’s Masonic membership and positions. Arranged chronologically.
276-282 CROSS REFERENCE FILE, 1941-1945
Cross reference sheets created by Senator Harry S. Truman’s staff that refer to items in the Correspondence File. Arranged alphabetically by surname.
282-292 SPEECH FILE, 1935-1945
  Four subseries:
282-285 Press Release File, 1937-1945, Press releases and printed copies of speeches delivered by Senator Harry S. Truman. Arranged chronologically.
285-290 Drafts File, 1935-1945, Press releases, notes, memoranda, and typed and handwritten drafts of speeches delivered by Senator Harry S. Truman. Arranged chronologically.
290-291 General File, 1941-1945, Press releases, notes, speeches, and typed and handwritten drafts of speeches delivered by Senator Harry S. Truman. Arranged chronologically.
291-292 Reference File, 1941-1945, Newspaper clippings, press releases, reports, correspondence, and printed material used as reference material for speeches written for Harry S. Truman. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Cards containing names and addresses of persons who sought the assistance of Harry S. Truman in applying for a job. Arranged alphabetically by applicant’s surname and by position sought.
  Two subseries:
303-319 Contributors File, 1940, Cards containing names and addresses of contributors to Harry S. Truman’s 1940 Senatorial campaign. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
320 Financial Data File, 1940, Cancelled checks, bank statements, memoranda, lists, and memorabilia related to Harry S. Truman’s 1940 Senatorial campaign. Arranged alphabetically by subject.


[ Top of the page | Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description |
| Series and Subseries Descriptions | Folder Title List ]





Box 1

  • Absentee Voters
  • Absentees
  • Adams, Dr. C. F.
  • Agriculture Department: February-September, 1943
  • Agriculture Department: March-April, 1944
  • Agriculture Department: May-December, 1944
  • Agriculture Department: January-April, 1945
  • Air Transportation Policy
  • Alien Camps
  • Alien Property Custodian

Box 2

  • Allen, Colonel Harry B.
  • American Legion
  • American Legion – St. Louis, Missouri
  • American Lithofold Corporation
  • American Medical Association
  • American Sash and Door Company, Moss, F. J., President
  • Annapolis: General [1 of 2]
  • Annapolis: General [2 of 2]
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Adkins, Lewis Warner
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Allen, George Wayne
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Anderson, Clay J., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Andrews, Roy C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Arnold, J. T., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Ashley, Courtland Lee
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Baker, James I.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Barlow, E. A. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Barnes, Clarence E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bates, Ferdinand C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Beach, Roswell
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Beeler, James Walter, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Berry, George C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Berry, Preston E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Blanton, John
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Boggess, William Samuel
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bohner, Earl A., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bonar, Arlie Emerson
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Boniface, William
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Borders, M. W. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bosley, Donald B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Boss, Marvin
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bourk, Gil P., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bowman, James
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Boyle, John
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bradford, Monte Hale
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bradley, Frank L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Brandt, Buell F., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Brown, Jack H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Brown, William K. (Non-Resident of Missouri)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Burns, Stanley
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Bush, Robert Samuel
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Campbell, Robert J., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Cantrell, William Luther, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Carbone, Joseph
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Carroll, Daniel M.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Casey, William C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Catlin, Ralph Conner
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Cecil, William R.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Chasnoff, Jacob

Box 3

  • Annapolis: Applicants – Combs, Robert E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Conrad, Henry W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Cook, James Mitchell, First Alternate, 1940
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Crawford, George
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Cruzen, Nathaniel Green
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Dace, Billy Lee
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Dail, Jere
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Dampf, Phil M., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Davidson, Phillip B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Deghuee, Rex
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Denney, F. C. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Dewey, Elliot A.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Drury, William F.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Ebright, Arlie H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Eddy, Samuel
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Edwards, John Arthur
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Eime, Kenneth E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Ellis, Harry John, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Elwood, Ernest Anthony, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Emmons, James H., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Estes, Russel E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Fabes, Norman
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Felkel, Edward Otto
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Ferguson, John A., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Finnegan, Frank R.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Fisher, William R., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Flanigan, George
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Fletcher, Douglas
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Fowler, James
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Friedman, Adolph M. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gaebe, Harold C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gardner, James F., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Garfinkel, Alvin David
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gartiser, Madill F.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Garwood, Mrs. S. M. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gaskill, Morriss S.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gaston, Robert Sanford
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Goode, Jack H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Goyette, Lewis E., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Grace, Robert M.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Gray, Dick
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Grier, John
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Griesedieck, Alvin (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Grim, David Lee
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Guthrie, Frank W., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hafner, Richard P., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Haley, Jack A.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hall, Haynes H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hamilton, James N., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Harlan, Jerry William
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Harris, Herbert E. II
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Harville, Willis
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hawes, George Mason
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Heil, Charles
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Henderson, J. Fred
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Henning, Jack
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Henry, James T.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hereford, Thomas Graham
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hewett, Paul
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Heironymus, Alan
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hilmer, John Grant
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hirschfield, Stanley M.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hobbs, Alvin
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Holloway, William A.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Holton, Carl L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hopkins, Frank, Jr.

Box 4

  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hopkins, Robert II
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hoppe, William E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Horan, Robert M.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Horn, James V.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hoxie, Derrick, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hull, Owen Rumpel
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Hundley, Daniel H. (Private)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Icenogle, William, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Israel, Lon F., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Jamison, Eldon
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Johnson, Randolph
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Jones, Francis Dunn
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Jost, Glennon Matthew
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Joy, Charles Turner, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Joyce, Robert Terrence
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kable, Don
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kaiser, Charles B., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Keller, Orville F.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kelly, James B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kimball, William
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kinard, Kerwin
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kincheloe, John O., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kindred, Collins Ford
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kirby, Jimmie
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kollasch, George E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Krashin, Jack
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kretz, Bill
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Kuhnmuench, Lloyd E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lafferty, Frederick Reid, Jr. (Non-resident)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lamar, Kirby, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lamar, Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lamothe, William Charles (Private)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lane, Eldon R. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lapp, Jack Allyn
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lennartz, Joseph
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lewis, Elmer M., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Libby, Hugh L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Lichterman, Dan
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Long, Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Longley, Thomas B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Mace, Charles Edward
  • Annapolis: Applicants – May, Kenneth Lee, Second Alternate, 1940
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McCaffery, James
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McClure, Thomas H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McCullough, Carlos D’Arcy
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McDaugal, Thomas
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McDowell, John B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McKay, Charles
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McMahon, Paul G.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – McQueery, Wayne H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Main, Donald
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Matthews, Herbert Spencer, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Maxwell, Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Metcalf, Harold, Principal
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Meyer, James W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Meyersieck, Thomas
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Miler, Richard W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Miley, Wayne G.

Box 5

  • Annapolis: Applicants – Miller, Jo Zach IV, Principal
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Mize, Jack Pitts (Non-resident)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Modie, Bob
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Moeller, Frank
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Morgan, Daniel L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Moser, Kevin
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Mossbarger, Frank
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Mulvihill, Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Neet, Robert Lehman
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Nelson, Harold V., Third Alternate
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Niehaus, William F. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Norman, Frank R.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Noyes, Roger F.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – O’Connell, John W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – O’Donnell, Leo
  • Annapolis: Applicants – O’ Laughlin, George Thomas
  • Annapolis: Applicants – O’Toole, William P.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Overall, Sidney R., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Owens, James C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Parks, Billy Bowman
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Pendergast, (Son of Francis G.)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Peret, Warren S.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Phelps, Billy, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Pilkington, Gordon, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Poudeveigne, Paul and Pierre
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Powell, Rodger Glenn
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Price, W. M. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Pritchard, Harry L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Pritchard, William Sylvester
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Quigley, Joseph
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Ragsdale, Iona (Pfc.) (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rand, J. O., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rasmussen, Merwin (Non-resident)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Reilly, Robert D.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Reynolds, Donald Chalmas
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rice, Arthur
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Richardson, Robert O.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Robinson, R. M. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rodina, C. W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rogers, Daniel L.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rosenthal, Howard T.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rosser, Clark B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Rothschild, Louis Irwin, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Royer, Kenneth
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Russell, Jerry
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sanner, William R. H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Saucier, Francis F.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Schlafly, Edward
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Schneider, Gene
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Schoknecht, Henry A. III
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Schulz, Robert Henry
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Schwarz, Carlos
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Scott, Clyde Richard

Box 6

  • Annapolis: Applicants – Scott, Warren
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Seaton, Stanley
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sellers, Stephen W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Shanahan, John E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Shaw, Arthur
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sido, G. Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sisk, Forest O., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Slimp, W. E.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Smith, Stuart G., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sokol, C. Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Sternke, Myrl B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Stivers, George W., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Streeter, Fred
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Thompson, Boyd
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Thurlo, John
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Timbrook, Paul W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Timothy, Jack
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Trantham, Frank
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Tucker, William J., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Turley, Miles, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Turner, Stansfield
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Turpin, William
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Valelly, Richard
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Valentine, Gordon K.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Van Hoozer Carl
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Van Ravenswaay, Robert C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Vardaman, Kim
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Vorce, Fred W.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Walker, David
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Walz, Buck (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Watkins, George Neil
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Webb, John Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Welch, Allen
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Westcott, J. T. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Westmeyer, Fred H., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Whitaker, Robert
  • Annapolis: Applicants – White, Robert B.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Whyte, David P.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Wickham, Fred O., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Williams, Dale
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Williams, Virgil H.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Wilson, Loyd C.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Windsor, John H., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Woehrle, Charles D.
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Wood, R. F. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Woodard, William
  • Annapolis: Applicants – Young, Robert James
  • Annapolis: Board of Visitors
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Austin, William R.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Barry, Lynn Forbes
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Boggess, Jack (Luke)
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Branson, Eugene and Leon (Twins)
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Brown, Richard G.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Bryson, W.L. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – De Largy, Jack
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Ehreke, Gustave W. R., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Gardner, David
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Gatchell, Seth
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Green, John J.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Griffiths, Charles H.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Hanssen, Henry

Box 7

  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Hearne, William G.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Kiersted, Wynkoop III
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Judy, James W.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Laitner, Humphrey L.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Leffen, John S.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – McIntosh, Robert
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – McMullen, F. D. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – McNatt, Robert B.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Neenan, James
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – O’Connor, Thomas
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Payne, Oliver
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Quisenberry, William R.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Renfrow, John Thomas
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Schauffler, Robert A.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Schwerin, William E.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Smith, Tom (Son)
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Spalding, Clayton T.
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Trum, Herman J. III
  • Annapolis: Midshipmen – Volk, Kenneth
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Berra, Robert L.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Bondurant, Delnorte
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Bryant, Roland, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Chapline, Edwin M.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Eisenman, Edward James
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Eyer, Leland
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Hein, Robert
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Horneyer, Robert Lee
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – James, Thomas McKee
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Mayes, Kenneth
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Polk, Robert L.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Richardson, Charles
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Rider, Paul Reece, Jr.

Box 8

  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Rush, John D.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Sneed, John M., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Thompson, Robert A.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Treasure, Harold B.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Weeks, T. J., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Wilkinson, Frank Lee
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Williams, Pierce Doyle
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Wilson, Willard Bruce
  • Annapolis: Nominated and Disqualified – Young, John M., Jr.
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – General
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Bassing, Bernard
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Bush, Robert S.
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Dun, James K.
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Frier, Jack, Jr.
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Harrington, Edward M.
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Harrison, David
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Herman, [Mrs.] Martin B. (Son)
  • Annapolis: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Ismay, Arthur
  • Application Blanks: General [Bituminous Coal Commission, War Department]
  • Application Blanks: Agricultural Adjustment Administration
  • Application Blanks: Agriculture, Department of
  • Application Blanks: Civil Aeronautics Authority
  • Application Blanks: Commerce, Department of
  • Application Blanks: Commodity Credit Corporation
  • Application Blanks: Farm Credit Administration
  • Application Blanks: Federal Communications Commission
  • Application Blanks: Federal Home Loan Bank Board – HOLC [Home Owners’ Loan Corporation]
  • Application Blanks: Federal Housing Administration
  • Application Blanks: Federal Power Commission
  • Application Blanks: Federal Trade Commission
  • Application Blanks: Interior, Department of [and] Indian Affairs
  • Application Blanks: Internal Revenue Service
  • Application Blanks: Internal Revenue Service (Legal – Chief Counsel’s Office)
  • Application Blanks: Justice, Department of
  • Application Blanks: Justice, Department of [Federal Bureau of Investigation]
  • Application Blanks: Labor, Department of
  • Application Blanks: National Archives
  • Application Blanks: National Defense Council
  • Application Blanks: National Labor Relations Board
  • Application Blanks: Navy, Department of
  • Application Blanks: Panama Canal
  • Application Blanks: Procurement Division, Treasury Department
  • Application Blanks: Public Works Administration
  • Application Blanks: Re-Registration [to vote in Missouri]
  • Application Blanks: Reconstruction Finance Corporation
  • Application Blanks: Resettlement Administration
  • Application Blanks: Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Application Blanks: Social Security Board
  • Application Blanks: Treasury Department
  • Application Blanks: Treasury Department, Accounts and Deposits
  • Application Blanks: Veterans’ Forms
  • Application Blanks: Wage and Hour Division [Department of Labor]
  • Application Blanks: Works Progress Administration
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Acton, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Adams, Arvol A.

Box 9

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Adams, C. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Adams, Wood
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Adamson, Vencil T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Adkins, Mary Kelly
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Agers, Lawrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Albrecht, Hugo P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Alden, Kathleen K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Alexander, Knox
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Allen, Joseph H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Allen, William A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Anderson, A. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Anderson, C. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Anderson, Chrissie J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ank, George T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Arrowsmith, Dr. George M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ashpole, Kenneth D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Baker, Charles K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Baker, Mrs. Edith Craig
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ball, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Barron, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bayliss, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beal, Margaret A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beam, Fred P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beavers, Ellis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beber, Jo Allen
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beck, Major Earl W.

Box 10

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Becks, Roy Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Beland, Theodore W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Benton, Nat W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Berry, Clarence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Berry, Edward C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bevans, Mac B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Biechel, Earl L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bierer, Jacqueline
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Black, Merle Jean
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Blair, Nadine
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Blakley, Mrs. Florence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Blood, Mrs. Irene F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Boatright, William G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Boehm, Glenn P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bond, L. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bonewits, Doyle D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bowles, Thomas J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Boxley, George T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Boyle, Bernard J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brady, Albert J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brady, Edgar J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brickey, N. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Broadhurst, Frank W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brock, Hobart M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brooking, W. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brown, Fred W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brown, Omer E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brown, Paul A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brown, Ray
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Brunk, Ralph A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Buckley, Ellen M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bucknam, Theresa R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Burkhart, Harry A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Burns, Angus C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bush, R. G., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Busse, Gustave
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Buzzard, Paul A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bybee, Curtis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Bybee, Howard R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cady, H. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cain, Forrest
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Caldwell, Mary Lee Smith
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Calhoun, Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Calloway, W. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Calvin, George B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Campbell, Eugene O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Campbell, Frank A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Canfield, Fred

Box 11

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Carlo, Collin C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Carlock, Cecil H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Carlton, T. Roland
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Carter, J. Truman
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Carvin, Florence Jenet
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Casebolt, Flossie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Casebolt, R. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Casey, William R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cates, Hon. Edwin F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Caulkett, Arthur A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cerne, Rose Ann
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cervi, Eugene
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Chase, Henrietta
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Chitty, William D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Chopin, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Christopher, [Mr. and Mrs.] J. Arthur
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Churchill, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Clabbey, Thomas R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Clair, John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Clark, Mrs. Elsie Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Coester, F. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Coffin, E. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cohagen, Mrs. Anna
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cole, D. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Collins, Edith
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cook, Paul R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Countee, Arthur Lorenzo
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Courtney, J. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Craig, N. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Crandall, L. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cravens, W. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Crisp, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cross, Samuel T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Crow, Edward George, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Crumpley, Jack
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Crutcher, Thomas E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cruzen, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cunningham, James H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Cushing, Joseph W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dalton, Annie M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Daume, Meta M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dawson, Miss Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Demara, Elaine
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Demnati, Mrs. Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Demos, Peter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dempsey, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dempsey, Mrs. Welleta
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Diamond, T. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dickey, Byron M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dinwidde, R. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dolphy, Gerald E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Donham, Howard L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Downey, G. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dugan, Edward J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Durgy, Milton S.

Box 12

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Duvall, Harold
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Dyke, Nathaniel, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Edler, Victor
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Edwards, Mrs. Fern D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Elbrecht, A. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Elders, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Engdahl, T. N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: England, Mrs. Georgia
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Eversole, Edward T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ewing, George M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ewing, Shirley Dean
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fagan, Ernest P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fairall, Dr. Emmett R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Falls, William E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Farley, Lillian M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Farmer, J. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Farrow, Earl W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Farthing, A. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fate, Clara M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Feldkamp, Hubert D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fell, Kenneth
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Felstrup, Andrew R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Feltenstein, Anna M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ferguson, Charles L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ferguson, Hon. John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ferguson, Oliver B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Finestone, Al
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Finley, Emmet S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Finnegan, James P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fitzgerald, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fitzgerald, Thomas J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fly, Elbert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fly, Walter R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Forrest, Temple
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Foster, Mrs. R. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fox, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fraher, Mary C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fredman, Harold E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Friant, Mrs. Julian
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fulkerson, J. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Fullington, M. Wayland
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gabriel, Russell
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gardner, Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Garner, E. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Garrett, Clarence E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: George, Leslie Irwin
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gephart, W. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gers, Marcella

Box 13

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gilkey, Leon L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gillespie, Clarence R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Glaser, Rala
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Godsey, Townsend
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gooch, James W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Goodman, Charles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Goodman, E. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Goss, Cassel C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Graf, Glen V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Graham, Clyde B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Graham, W. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gray, William Judson
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gregory, W. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Griffith, Ralph E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Grimm, Howard L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Grinker, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Grosby, Dr. Carzell H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Guild, John M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gunn, Frederick C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Gutwein, Galel
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hachman, Logan F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Haggard, Hollis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Halstead, Charles W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hambacher, Gus
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hamblen, Champ T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hammons, A. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Handford, Jack
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Harrington, James L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Harris, Marvin
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Harrouff, Major Earl R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hayes, H. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Healey, J. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Heath, Gaylord T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hederstrom, Oscar
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Helton, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Helwick, Harold J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hendricks, Ralph
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Henry, Charles H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Henson, Harold A.

Box 14

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Herndon, Mrs. Eva L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hetch, Norma
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hewitt, C. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hicks, William E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hill, Lucius C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hill, Ralph W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hillerman, Hubert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hillix, Albert F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hison, Ottis L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holland, Mrs. Osceola
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holliday, A. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holloway, John C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holloway, June
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holman, Judge Chester D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Holtzman, J. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hopkins, Harry P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hopp, Madeline
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Horst, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hostetter, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Howe, H. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Howell, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Howell, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hoy, W. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hudson, V. Don
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Huff, Elmer E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hughes, A. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hughes, Stephen C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hulston, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Hurst, James
  • Applications for Government Jobs: James, Miles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Jepson, Peter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Jiron, Mrs. May B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Joerndt, Mrs. Alice
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johannes, J. Minor
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, Andy P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, B. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, Charles L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, Robert D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnson, Thelma A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Johnston, J. Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Jones, Lavina Irene
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Jordan, Bernard A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Justus, Inez

Box 15

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kaufman, Ralph E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kearns, James L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Keirsey, Cole
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kelly, H. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kelly, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kennedy, Michael J., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kerr, E. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: King, Evelyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs: King, Willard
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Klaber, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Klepping, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Knaus, Ezra
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Koebel, Edward W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kohn, Jules
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Kunkler, Ira S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: LaFont, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Laing, Delbert T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lampkin, Mrs. Maud
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Langan, Pfc. Edward A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Langin, J. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Larkin, James M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lauer, Earl
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Laughlin, John Purcell
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lawson, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lembeck, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lessing, Warren
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lett, Thomas H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Levi, Ed
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lewis, Eva Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lillard, R. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lind, H. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Linder, Pearl F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lindsey, S. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Link, Wendell A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lloyd, B. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lloyd, Wright
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Loble, Lester H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lotz, Elston A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Luce, Milton H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Luhrsen, Julius B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Lynch, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Magee, Thompson

Box 16

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mahaffie, Charles D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Manning, Mrs. Anna L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Marquis, George B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Marshall, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Massey, W. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Masterson, Byron
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Matthews, Rev. John B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mayer, Ernest T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McClanahan, Sid B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McClymond, E. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McDaniel, Mrs. Lawrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McDevitt, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McElwee, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McFall, L. Golson
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McGinty, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McGlothlin, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McGlynn, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McGreevy, William C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McKean, M. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McKenzie, Walter I.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McKinney, Jett L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McLaughlin, Joseph A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McLaughlin, Joseph A. – Sister
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McLellan, M. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McMahon, H. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McMeekin, Mrs. Georgia A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McNulty, George A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McShane, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McSkimming, Hugh
  • Applications for Government Jobs: McVey, Karl
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Meadows, Russell D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Medling, S. V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Milham, Russell F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Milholland, M. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Miller, Frank J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Miller, Miss Helen A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Miller, Mildred S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Miller, Paul R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Miller, Walter H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mitchell, Charles F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mitchell, David W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mitchell, Jesse
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Monroe, Thomas
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Montague, Miss Marion
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moore, Clarence M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moore, Rex H.

Box 17

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Morgan, David H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Morgan, Edwin A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Morgan, Thomas E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mosee, Elmer V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moseley, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moser, Joseph Jay
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Motchar, John P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moten, William D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Moulder, Morgan M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Mullins, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Murray, W. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Murrell, W. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Myer, Dillon S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Myers, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Nangle, Henry J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Nunnally, Edward H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: O’Connell, E. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Oerly, Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Oesch, Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Oldham, M. Brent
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Olmstead [no first name given]
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ooley, Howard
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Osborn, Norris
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Overton, James H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Owensby, Ethel
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ozburn, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Padberg, Eugene L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Padgett, Carl E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Palmer, Mrs. W. L. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Parker, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Parkins, Hugh
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Parry, John G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Patrick, Laura Jim
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Payne, Parker
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pease, Mrs. Eva L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pefley, David Robnett
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pendergast, Francis G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pennington, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Perry, Conita G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Petty, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Petty, Walter T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pharriss, Walter

Box 18

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Phelps, Leon R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Phillips, A. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Phillips, De Ett
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Phister, Lawrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pierson, Lloyd L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Porter, Dan D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Porter, Dr. E. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Poser, Ferdinand W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Potter, Kennett F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Powell, J. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Powers, James H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Powers, Lucille
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Preston, William E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pruitt, Mrs. Ethel Gertrude
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Pruyn, Keith
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ragsdale, Luther S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Raines, Mabel
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ray, Ruth D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rector, Diana
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Redmond, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Reid, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rexford, Ley P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rhoades, C. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ridge, Albert A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ridge, Georgea
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Riley, E. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Riley, James William
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rincker, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rivercomb, Harry J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rives, Jno. R. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rix, H. G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Robards, C. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Roberts, Paul V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Robertson, Helen C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Robey, William F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Robinson, Marion (Mrs. J. George)
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Roche, Francis J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Rosenmeyer, Martin P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Royston, J. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Ruch, Sophia M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Russell, Dorothy Waddell
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sachs, Percy H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sapp, Robert V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schimmel, Walter E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schmidt, Mrs. Victoria
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schmohl, Mrs. Helen and Mary Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schroeder, Becky
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schuermann, William O.

Box 19

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schwartz, Mrs. Blanche W. Davis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schwartz, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schwartz, Leo T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Schweppe, Courtney
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Scott, Gene
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sebers, Laurence
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Serbin, Alfred J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sherrard, Glenwood
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sherrill, Dr. K. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Shields, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sick, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sifers, Mrs. Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Simon, Anton C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sims, [Mrs.] John B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Skeer, Berkey
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Smith, B. Hugh
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Smith, Bergie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Smith, Bettye Lou
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Smith, Byron
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Smith, Mrs. Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sneary, Loy E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Snodgrass, Forrest Wayne
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Spragg, Hon. L. Y.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Springer, Mrs. Edith L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stanbrough, Mrs. Margaret R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Steffens, George V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stephens, Mrs. Pauline Parcell
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sterling, Wilson R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stewart, Anne
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stickel, H. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Still, Andrew T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stone, C. Card
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stone, Forrest R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Strang, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stranghoener, Louis L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Stuart, Clyde A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Suor, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Surber, A. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Swanson, Thomas C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Swofford, Mrs. Jewell
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Sworzyn, Marilyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Taylor, A. Y., and Company

Box 20

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Taylor, Van L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Taylor, William D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Tedford, Howard W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Teter, Evalyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Thomas, Carl D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Thomas, Lt. Col. Edward S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Till, Mrs. Ruth Ward
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Timmons, Charles R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Tingle, Rachel A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Tobin, R. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Todd, Mrs. Phyllis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Townsley, Louis
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Toyne, Guy E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Tracy, Nelson N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Trammell, William A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Turner, E. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Turner, Mrs. Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Turney, E. V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Tyler, Oliver W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Valentine, Sam
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Van Wilkinson, Mrs. Lillian B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Vance, Homer B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Vaughan, James R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wade, Alfred S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wade, Guy L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wadlow, Clee
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wagenknecht, Harry E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walker, James C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walker, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wallington, C. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walpole, Mary Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walsh, John K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walsh, Walter E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Walters, Charles H., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Waltner, Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Waltner, Marion D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Washington, Edmund D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Watkins, Howard D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Way, Heber O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wear, Sam M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Weaver, Carlena B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Webb, Norman Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wells, Oscar
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Welsh, Frank J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Westhues, Mary B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Whitaker, Mary Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Whittenburg, Robert L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wilbourn, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wilcox, A. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wilken, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Willett, Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Williams, George T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Williams, P. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Willis, Mary Eunice
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wilsey, Mortie
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wilson, Leon M.

Box 21

  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wingo, Beulah
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wisdom, Glen A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Witt, B. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wogan, Mrs. Isabel
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wolff, Joseph S., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Womack, Robert H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wood, Walter A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Wyatt, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Yancey, C. E., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Yarborough, Charlotte
  • Applications for Government Jobs: York, Elmo P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Zick, Mercer
  • Applications for Government Jobs: Zimmerman, Mrs. Elsie M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Adair, Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Adams, Ruth and June
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Abernathy, M. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Agriculture, Department of
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Alcorn, Scott
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Aldrich, N. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Alfert, Bernadina
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Allaman, Rex, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Allen, Mrs. Eva Lyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Allen, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Allen, Joseph H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Allman, Orah
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Amick, F. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Amos, Miss Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Anderson, Albert M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Anderson, Mason
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Anderson, R. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Anderson, Robert G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Anderson, Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Annan, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ardinger, John

Box 22

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Armstrong, Arthur A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Arner, Claud Wright
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Aronoff, Harry J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Arth, Josephine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Arthur, O. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ash, Miss Margaret M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Asher, Mrs. Ida L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Asher, Philip
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Atkinson, Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Atkisson, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ayres, William L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bain, Mrs. Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Baker, Ralph H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Baker, Tracy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Baker, W. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ballou, Jeannette G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bankhard, Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barber, John D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barner, Oliver D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barnhart, Miss Sydnie K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barrett, Miss Alice T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barron, Francis C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barron, W. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barrow, John D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barry, G. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barry, James E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Barton, Loretta E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bartrim, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bass, Virgil
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bassford, Philip J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bassford, Wallace
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bauer, O. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bauman, Arthur J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bauman, Mrs. Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Beams, Lula
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Beasley, Effie L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bell, Lorene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bell, Mrs. Thomas E.

Box 23

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bellemere, Fred, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bender, Mrs. Emma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bennett, R. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bergen, H. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bergman, Richard S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Berrey, F. Emmett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bevington, M. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bidwell, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Billings, Mozelle
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Biorck, Esther
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bird, L. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bird, Leo [1 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bird, Leo [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Birnbaum, Mrs. Etta Schlein
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bischoff, Mrs. Frances E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bischoff, Ida
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Black, Fred B., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Blair, Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Blanton, Harry C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Blickensderfer, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bliss, George M.

Box 24

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bloxton, Margaretta
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bode, Paul F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bohling, Walter H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bohon, Marion T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bohrer, Everett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bolin, Kenneth L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boone. W. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bootman, Janet L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bossert, Harry F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boston, Mrs. Dorothy C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boswell, Criss
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boswell, Samuel S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bowen, F. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bowes, Norman M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bowman, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyd, Carolyn Plummer
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyd, Charles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyd, O. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyersmith, Ralph H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyle, Mrs. Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Boyle, James H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bradley, Lorene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bradshaw, H. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Braithwaite, Alice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brand, Carl, A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brandenburg, Albert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brantingham, C. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brennan, Edward T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brent, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Britton, Gordon

Box 25

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Broaddus, Harry R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brock, Cleo A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brockett, Miss Helen M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Broderick, Paul F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Jean
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Richard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brown, Walter H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Browning, R. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brownlee, Marjorie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brubaker, Cornelia B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bruggere Capt. Wm. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Brune, Flora
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bruner, Glen L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bruner, R. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bryan, Esther
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bryan, Mrs. May H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bryant, Pierce
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Buckner, Clark
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Bukowsky, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burchfield, Ula Mae
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burdett, Wanda
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burge, Betty Lou
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burgwin, A. B., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burk, Sam
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burns, Bernard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burress, Walker [1 of 2]

Box 26

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burress, Walker [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burris, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Burrus, Rebakah
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Butler, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Button, Kenneth A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Butuyan, Emilio B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Byars, Wm. L., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Byrne, L. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Byrum, M. K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cable, Bernice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cahn, Samuel J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Calder, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Caldwell, Alban B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Callaway, Donald G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Bryan
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Hon. D. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Fred E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Spurgeon
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Campbell, Viola
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Canole, Aurice L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Capps, Ernest L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carlin, Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carr, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carroll, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carroll, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carroll, Maurice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carsten, William T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carter, James L.

Box 27

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Carter, Milton E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Casey, Harold A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cathey, J. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Catron, Mary Martha
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Catron, W.G., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Caudle, Fred H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cavanaugh, Mrs. Theresa
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chandler, B. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chandler, C. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chandler, Naomi
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chapin, Lois
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chapman, John H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chapman, Roy H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Charles, Miss Gene [Jeanne]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chestnutt, John C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Childress, Charles Freeman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chinn, Wm. O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chiswell, L. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chunn, Ralph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Chrane, J. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Church, M. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clark, Thomas C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clay, Stanley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clay, Theodore E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clevenger, Lt. Grover C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clevenger, Mrs. Myrtle
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cloud, Vashti
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clymer, Lewis W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Clymer, Myrtice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coates, Esther G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coats, Don
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coblentz, Mr. Wesley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cogswell, John E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coile, Clifford C.

box 28

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cole, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coll, Elizabeth E. Rhiner
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Collet, Hon. J. C. (Judge)
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Collier, Cassie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Collings, Lee I., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coltrane, Victor, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Combs, Jess B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Conn, Jason G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Conrey, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cook, Floyd L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cook, Charlotte
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cook, Francis N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cook, Mrs. Sarah Major
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cooley, Cyrene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cooper, J. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coppage, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cordell, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Corey, Clifford
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cotton, Weldon Cooper
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cottrell, Halcy M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Couch, Miss Elizabeth F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coughlin, Thomas J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coughlin, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cowell, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cox, John D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cox, John M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Coy, William Z.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Craig, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cramer, Lucille
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crandall, H. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crawford, Eugene C.

Box 29

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crawford, Muriel Eugene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crispin, E. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crispin, S. Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cross, Mrs. Ethel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crosser, Marjorie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Crump, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cruse, Fern
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cunningham, B. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cunningham, George G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cunningham, Monnie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Curtis, Jack
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cushman, Charlotte
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cushman, Walt W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Cushwa, Caroline B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Daggs, Edna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dale, Arthur
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dalton, James F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Damon, Eugene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Danson, R. O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Darby, Anne Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Darnell, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davidson, James C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davidson, O. N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davis, Elbert H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davis, Judge Elgin

Box 30

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davison, Mrs. Kathryn E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Davisson, Ross
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dawes, Holmes G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Day, William E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dean, Chester E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dedrich, Mrs. Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Defebaugh, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dehler, Mr. E. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Deister, Albert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Delaney, Mrs. Josephine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Delaney, Thomas J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Delaney, Thomas V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Denning, Anne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Devaney, Sarah
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Devin, Mrs. Dorothy B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dick, Mrs. Vivian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dickey, Harris B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dickmann, Hon. Bernard F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dicus, C. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Diemer, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dienhart, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dillingham, Ed
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Doarn, James
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dobyns, Mrs. Sue
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dolan, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Donnell, Edna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Donnell, St. Claire M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Donnelly, Mrs. Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Doores, Maurine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dossett, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dowell, Lial Ernie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Downey, Eleanor
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Drennen, Verne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Driver, Frank L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dryden, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dudley, Florence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Duffey, Francis O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dugan, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dugan, T. C.

Box 31

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dunlap, R. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dunn, Carlyle J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dunway, Jack W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Durham, Maxine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Duvall, Miss Aileen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Duvall, H. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dwyer, David A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dwyer, Miss Rose Ella
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dye, Homer
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Dyer, Lois L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Easley, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eckel, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eddy, Lee M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Egan, Corinne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Einbinder, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eiserman, Rose
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elliott, Estes E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elliott, Wesley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elliott, Winifred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ellis, J. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ellison, Sara G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elrod, Virgil W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elsea, Nita
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elson, A.C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Elsworth, Elmo

Box 32

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Emmons, Carolyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Endicott, John V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Engel, Robert W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: English, Maxine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Enloe, Justin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eoff, Miss Flossie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Epp, Dr. George J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eulich, A. V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Eustace, Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Evans, Albert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Evans, Emmett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Evans, Harold T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Evans, Lenly C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Evilsizer, Thomas S., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ewing, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ewing, W. Prewitt
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fahy, William B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faley, Fred B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faris, E. C., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faris, Edgar C., Sr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faris, Hale
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Farr, Mrs. Verla M. Garner
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Farrington, Bert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Farrington, John S., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Farris, Mrs. Mae Y.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faulkner, Woodrow
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Faurot, Vera

Box 33

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fears, Clifford
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fearson, Ellen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fellhauer, Martin, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fenning, Madlyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferguson, Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferguson, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferns, James A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferrell, Mrs. Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferrell, Martha
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ferris, Walter F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Few, Mary R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fiedler, Frances E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Field, Eva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Filholm, J. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fine, Lloyd E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fisher, Miss Anne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fisher, W. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fitzsimmons, Paul E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Flaxbeard, Jesse
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Flippin, W. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fly, Leta M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Flynn, John G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Flynn, Leo
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Flynn, William R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Foley, Charles J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ford, Floella
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ford, Viola M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Forester, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fox, Miss Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fraher, Agnes
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fraher, J. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Franklin, Edwin A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Freeman, Lorrine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Freeman, Mildred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Friday, Walter R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Frohoff, Mr. F. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Fulkerson, Charles C.

Box 34

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gabriel, Russell W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gage, J. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gallagher, John W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gallagher, Mrs. Mary B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gallagher, Neil Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gallardo, J. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gardner, Elmer H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garner, Ruby
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garnett, J. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garrett, Charles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garrett, Mrs. Mildred L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garrison, J. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garrison, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garth, Kirkpatrick
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Garvin, Mrs. Addie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gear, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Geiger, Robert F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Geis, Louis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Geisel, Joseph S., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gelling, Melba
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gholson, Rex
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Giese, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gifford, Romney R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gilberg, Tillie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gilbert, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gill, Mrs. M. Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gilliland, Miss Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Girton, Milton
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gledhill, John T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Glenn, [Mr. and Mrs.] C. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Glynn, William J. [1 of 2]

Box 35

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Glynn, William J. [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Goodding, James W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Goodman, Charles E. [1 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Goodman, Charles E. [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Goodman, Freeda
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gordon, Crystal
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gordon, John L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gordon, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Graham, Wallace
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gratz, Turney
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Callie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Edwin H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Naomi
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Ray
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Robert A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Green, Wanda
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Greene, Earl T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Greene, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Greenley, John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Grempczynski, Thelma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Griffin, Earl D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Griffin, Gerald N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Griffith, James A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Griggs, Mrs. Emma

Box 36

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Griggs, John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Grinstead, Gayle
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Grisham, Loran
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Groff, Miss Gertrude
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Grove, Edna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Groves, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gualdoni, L. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Guilfoyle, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Guilfoyle, Mary R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Guthrey, Nannamai
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Gwaltney, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hackethorn, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hackler, Charles K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hadley, Brice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hague, James T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hahn, Joe F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hailey, Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Haldeman, Mrs. Iva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hale, Arthur M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hale, Freda
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hale, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hale, Herbert J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hall, Faye
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hall, Ralph M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hall, S. Truman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hall, Viola Atnip
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hall, William R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hallaway, Charles S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ham, Olin L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hamilton, Anne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hamilton, Dorothy

Box 37

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hamilton, Milo Fowler
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hamm, John Earl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hammond, Mrs. Laura Ruhlman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hands, Vivian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hanley, Lloyd
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hanlon, E. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hanna, Floyd
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hansen, Richard R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hard, Miss Clara E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hardy, George Allen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harlan, Mrs. Gertrude
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harlan, Samuel P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harman, Leota
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harmon, Mrs. Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harrington, James D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harris, Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harris, H. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harris, Mrs. Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harris, Marie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harris, Vearl W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harrison, Berniece Waters
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hart, Adora
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Harutun, James J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hatfield, Grant B., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hathaway, Allie M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Haubtman, Sydney C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hayes, Margaret V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hayward, Mrs. Nitro
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hazelton, J. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Headen, Claude, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Heard, E. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Heckler, William R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hegg, Freida
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Heiler, Mrs. Etta
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Heilman, A. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Heller, Doris L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hembree, Charles H.

Box 38

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hendren, Dr. Glen W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hendricks, Ralph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hennessy, Captain J. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hennier, Raymond A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henry, F. M. “Pat”
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henry, P. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henry, Patrick
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henry, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henry, Thela S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Henson, Mrs. Noma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Herndon, Ada
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hessee, Helen Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hetzler, Mrs. Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hicklin, Marjorie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hicks, Sam C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, Gertrude May
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, Hiley H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, Howard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, Opal
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, Mr. R. L. [Robert]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hill, W. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hillyer, F. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hillyer, Orley J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hinkle, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hinkle, Mary Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hinton, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hoblitzell, Clinton
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hoblitzell, Harriette W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hodgden, Perry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hodge, Rosalie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hoeper, Richard H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hoffman, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hogan, Elizabeth

Box 39

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holbrook, Mrs. Florine Young
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holcombe, Bryce P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holland, R. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holliday, Mrs. [No first name given]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holloway, Lloyd
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holloway, T.G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holman, James
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holmes, Sarah
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holt, John D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Holtzen, Florence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Honan, Phyllis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hood, Mrs. Clara L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hopkins, Howard V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hornbuckle, Mrs. Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Horner, Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Horton, Kathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hostetter, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: House, Elmer
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Houston, Sam
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Howard, Albert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Howe, Robert E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Howe, William M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Howseman, Matthew
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hoy, Otto O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hubbard, Ernest L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hubbell, Helen L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hubbell, Ray F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hubbert, Guy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huber, Brownie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hudnall, A. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hudson, Joel C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hudson, John R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hudson, William K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huey, A. C.

Box 40

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, Agnes F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, Charles J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, Emmett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, G. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, Stephen C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hughes, William J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Humphreys, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hunkins, Edith
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hunt, S. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huntsberry, Howard J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hurley, John F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hurley, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hurley, W. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huston, Mrs. Ellen Findley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huston, Mrs. Margaret G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huston, William E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Hutchins, Rita
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Huttig, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Isbell, Irene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Izzard, B. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jacob, Morey D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jaeger, Joseph, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: James, Bernice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Janssen, Nellie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jastatt, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jaynes, Wallace C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jenkins, Charles R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jenkins, Gordon E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jenkins, Max
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jenkins, Nissley R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jenneman, Mrs. Margaret C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jennings, Cleo
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jennings, Thornton

Box 41

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jensen, Martin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jessen, Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johns, Everett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johnson, H. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johnson, Idalene T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johnson, John W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johnson, Kenneth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Johnson, Todd W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, A. Loy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Andrew J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Beulah B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Charles E., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Miss Dorothy M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, E. M. Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Floyd
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Grace M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Joseph M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Miss Nina
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jones, Renick
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jordan, Ione
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Jordan, O. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Joyce, J. Kenneth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Junghans, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kaelin, Mrs. Genevieve
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kammerer, C. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kanan, Leo Vincent
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kaplan, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kasper, Harry M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kavanaugh, Charles B.

Box 42

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kaye, Mrs. Fern
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kearful, Rosemary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Keefer, G. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Keen, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Keer, William Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelley, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelley, Mary Ann
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelley, Walter L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelliher, W. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelly, Charles R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kelsay, C. O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kennedy, William V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kennett, Mrs. Leona
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kenney, Claude B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kenny, Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kerr, Donald
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kerr, Harry P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kerr, Sibyl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kersting, C. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kessinger, Georgia Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kidd, Myrtle Payton
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kiefer, Mrs. Catherine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Killough, Chalice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kilpatrick, Geneva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kilroy, James L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kimberlin, C. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kinder, P. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: King, Edoline
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: King, R. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: King, T. Carson
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kirby, William M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kirkland, E. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kithcart, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kleeman, Mrs. Mary Lacey

Box 43

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knier, Dewey M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knight, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knight, Thomas F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knight, William R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knowlton, Rebecca
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Knox, Mrs. Alice Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Korte, Ermalee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Krahenbuhl, Loraine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kratz, Edwin G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Krause, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Krenning, William G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Krider, Burl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kruse, Martin A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kucera, Charles J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kueker, Nona Belle
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kunz, Eva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Kyger, Richard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lacy, Mrs. Jane Taylor
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lafferty, Hayward G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lafferty, Mrs. Reva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lahnar, Clarence P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lallinger, E. Michael
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lamasney, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lambert, Bruce E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Landgraf, Alexander
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Landis, Mildred Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lane, E. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lane, Mrs. Kathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lang, A. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Langkop, Earl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Larkin, Edward P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Larkin, Loretta
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lathrop, W. B.

Box 44

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Latimer, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lawless, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lawrence, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lawson, Connie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lawson, Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Le Roi, Elmer H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Leatherman, Ora L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lederer, Caroline
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, Alfred K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, Frank M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, Harold
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, J. Lawrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, John F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, Martha E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lee, Meredith
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Leech, Howard W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Leeper, Woodrow
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Legg, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: LeGrand, Adaline
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lenz, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Leslie, Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lester, Harlow B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Leusch, Harriett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lewis, Elwyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lewis, Gill Marren
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lightener, Frankie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Liles, Charles M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Liles, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Liles, R. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lillis, John R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lincoln, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lindemood, Maxine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lindley, Joe, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Line, Laura Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Line, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Linebaugh, Hubert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Linn, Alice

Box 45

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lipari, Stephen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lipscomb, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Liston, Emmett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lobban, Mr. Ollie R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lomax, Byron E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lomax, Mrs. Winnie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lonergan, Jerome
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Long, H. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Long, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lord, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Loucks, Albert J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lowman, James W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lubbock, Winans F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lucas, Alexander
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lugar, Ed
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Luplau, Kaj
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lutz, Mrs. Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Lynch, Dan
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mabary, Berniece
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mack, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Macrae, Richard H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Magruder, Alene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maher, Harry J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maher, William L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Malinee, Aileen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Malone, Charles H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Malone, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Malone, Ruby
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maloney, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maloney, Walter

Box 46

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Manning, Claire
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Manning, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Manning, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Manson, William Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maret, Charles B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Marks, Ted
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Marler, Harry W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Marmon, Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Marsh, Frank E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Marti, Norman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, Mrs. Anna Claire
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, Carl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, Effie L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, Milton A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, Stella M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Martin, W. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mason, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mason, Mary Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Massie, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Masters, Ralph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Matthews, Julia M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mauldin, Norman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mauller, Lloyd
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maurer, Andrew
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maxwell, C. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Maxwell, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mayes, Wendell
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mayfield, Frank

Box 47

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mayse, Scott
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McAdams, L. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McAtee, C. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McBee, Sam
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCabe, George H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCabe, Willard D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCarthy, Charles W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McClaren, Ray E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCluer, Mrs. Fred L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCoole, Robert F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCord, Marthell
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCormick, Helen B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCoy, Lyle F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCoy, Mrs. Norene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCoy, Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCrary, Mr. Marion
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McCurry, John E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McDonald, Mrs. Letty Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McElhenie, Julianne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGaugh, Hugh
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGee, Thomas
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGill, Mrs. Lucile J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGinnis, Mrs. Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGrail, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGrath, R. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McGregor, W. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McIntyre, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McKenna, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McKenney, John E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McKinney, Betty
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McLaughlin, Miss Agnes
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McMains, Mrs. Ola
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McManus, John F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McMillian, Neville J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McMillin, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McNamara, J. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McNatt, John L.

Box 48

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McNergney, R. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McNulty, John J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McPherson, Harry H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McPike, Ben Miller
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McShane, Neil
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McSwain, Cecil E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McTernan, Hugh
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McTernan, Rose E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: McVey, Hobart O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meaney, Josephine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meehan, Mrs. Blanche B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meek, Miss Clyde
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meisburger, Eddie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Menne, John W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mercer, Mary Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meredith, J. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meredith, Willis H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mertens, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meservey, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Metzler, Edward L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Meyer, Rector B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Middendorff, K. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Middleton, Charles W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Midyette, Mrs. Ruth P.

Box 49

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Milan, William
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Milani, Mrs. Ursula
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Millar, Mrs. Ruth H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Mrs. Agnes Taylor
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, E. L., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Edward H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Guy H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Harley A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Mrs. Ida
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Miller, Kenneth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Milligan, James J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Millikin, Lillian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mindell, Marcus
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Minor, C. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Minor, E. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Minte, Helen S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Misenhelter, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mitchell, David W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mitchell, Kathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mitchell, Ora Green
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mobley, Nancy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mohn, Alice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moler, Josephine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Monroe, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Montgomery, Mary Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Montgomery, Merrill E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moore, Albert S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moore, James W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moore, Rex H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moore, Robert M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moore, Wilbur W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morales, Milton
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moresi, Joseph Carl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morgan, Dr. E. L.

Box 50

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morgan, Harold N. [1 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morgan, Harold N. [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moritz, Anna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morris, Mrs. Bernice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morris, E. S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morris, Flo Ann
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morris, Myrtie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morrison, Edward E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morrow, Martel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Morton, Pearl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Moseley, George R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mosier, Mrs. Ernestine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mountjoy, Rosalie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mudge, Sewall W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mueller, E. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mullen, B. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Mullins, Betty Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Munger, Paul O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Munin, Mrs. June
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murchison, Nollie M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Emmett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Joseph F.

Box 51

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Loretta
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Maurice P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Norman H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murphy, Watson
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murray, Miss Ben Lou
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murray, Francis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murray, Joseph E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Murrell, Charles, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Myers, James L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nachtman, Paul
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Naunheim, Herman J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nestlang, Albert J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nevins, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newberg, Dr. George C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newman, Orville
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newsum, Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newton, Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newton, Dorothy F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Newton, Mrs. Myrtle E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nicholas, M. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nichols, Courtland W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nielsen, Carl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nies, Frank R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nigro, Jake W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nixon, Evelyn J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nolte, J. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Noonan, F. J.

Box 52

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: North, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Northrup, Mrs. H. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Norton, William S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Novak, Leo
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nowlin, Kathleen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Nulf, Jacob L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Brien, Mrs. Ellen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Brien, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Brien, Terrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Connell, Daniel Andrew
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’ Connell, Frank J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Connor, Harold V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Donnell, T. Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Hare, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Laughlin, M. E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Leary, Dorman
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Malley, Lambert S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Neal, Evelyn L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Rourke, John C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: O’Sullivan, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Odum, Miss Rethel [Reathel]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ohrazda, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Oliver, W. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Olsasky, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Orear, Marvin L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ormsbee, Nora
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Orr, H. A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ortleb, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Orton, Eugene M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Osterloh, Mary Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Owen, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Owens, Mrs. Beulah Davis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Owens, Lila
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Padgett, Mrs. Betty J.

Box 53

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Page, Jo Ann
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Palmer, Lella
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Palmer, Mrs. W. L. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pappenport, Carson Radford
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Park, M. Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Parker, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Parle, Devereux
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Parrish, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Parsons, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Patterson, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Patterson, W. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Patton, Miss Laura
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Patton, Miss Pebble
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Payne, Felix, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Payne, George P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Peace, Mrs. Pauline Raker
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Peak, Harry B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pealer, Rolla D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Peetz, Kenneth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pendleton, Ira
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Penfold, John Brook
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Perkins, Walter J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Perkins, William C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Perry, Lt. Ryland B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Peters, Mize
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pettit, L. A., Jr.

Box 54

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pfefferkorn, Gene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pharriss, Walter [1 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pharriss, Walter [2 of 2]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Phelps, George E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Phillips, Charles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pickett, Kathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pierce, Abial R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pinkley, Wilma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Planchon, Marguerite
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pointer, Chester A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pollard, Helen B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pond, Norman R., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pool, John E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pool, Miss Lodeane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Porter, Ellie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Porter, Robert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Potts, O. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Powell, David
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Power, Mrs. Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Powers, Mrs. Gene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Powers, Lorenzo M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pranter, Harold
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Prather, Mrs. Nellie J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Precht, Halbert M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Price, C. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Price, John B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Price, Louis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Proctor, Charles J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Proctor, John P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pruente, Martha K.

Box 55

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pruett, Homer Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pulliam, Robert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Purcell, Mrs. Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Pyle, Vernus N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Quadlander, Mrs. Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Quaintance, Fordyce F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Quinlan, Johanna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Quinn, Theo J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Quist, Mrs. Betty Dee Mason
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Race, Albert Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Radinsky, Eli
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ragland, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ragland, Robert T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ramsey, Mildred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ramsey, S. W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rappaport, Sidney J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rector, A. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Redmond, Mary
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Redwine, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Reed, Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Reid, Conrad H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Reilly, Mark B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Reinhart, Sarah Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rentsehler [Rentschler], S. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Reynolds, Charles A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rhea, William F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rhodes, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Richards, Edward E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Richardson, Irene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Richey, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Riddle, Glenn B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ridenour, Mrs. Harriett Ross
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ridge, George C.

Box 56

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ridge, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Riedel, George Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rieder, Jules C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Riepma, Mary E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Riley, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Riley, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rinehart, Homer
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roach, Mrs. Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roach, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robbins, Gladys Edith
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roberts, Cecil
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roberts, Edith
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roberts, John W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roberts, Ray H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roberts, Sam C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robertshaw, Gwendolyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robertson, George L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robertson, J. B. A., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robertson, James M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robey, Mrs. Betty Jean
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robey, Stewart
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robinson, Florence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robinson, Henry R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robinson, Lawrence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robinson, Louis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Robinson, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rogers, Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rogers, Faye
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rolf, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Romine, John N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roper, Faust
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rose, Harriett
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ross, Clara Neece

Box 57

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rosse, Virginia
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roth, Mrs. Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Roth, R. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rowe, Fama
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rowe, Grace<
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rowe, Mrs. Nellie W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rowland, Frank
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rowland, William D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ruddell, William L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rush, Earl D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Russell, Mrs. Margaret Maxwell
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Russell, Mary Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Russell, Roland
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Rutter, Elmer J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ryals, Francis Ray
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ryan, Martin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ryan, Rose
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sain, Frank J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Salomon, Eugene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Salsbury, Harry J., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Salveter, Henry C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Samuels, Lewis E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sanders, Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sanders, Marguerite
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sanders, Ted
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sanderson, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sands, I. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sands, [M.] Reynolds
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sanford, Arley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sapp, Robert M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sappenfield, Jean Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sargent, Forest C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sayler, William H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sayles, John W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Scanlan, Eugene A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schaefer, Charles J.

Box 58

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schaumleffle, Lois
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Scheer, Rose
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schinze, John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schisler, William M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schofield, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schoolfield, James E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schroer, Orlando
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schuchmann, Philip
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Schwind, Miss Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Scobel, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Scrogin, Merle
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Seaman, Frederick H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sells, Genevieve
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Seufert, Florence
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shafer, Oscar
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shaffer, James B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shaffer, John T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shain, Matson
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shannon, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shaughnessy, Lenore
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shaw, Charles J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shaw, Rev. Simeon
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sheets, Ed T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shelby, T. K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shelton, Eugene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shelton, J. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shepard, James J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sherman, Mrs. Kate
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sherwood, Joe
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shields, Hon. Leighton
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shine, B. T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shipp, Jim
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shipp, Lawrence N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shirkey, Howard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shirky, Mrs. Martha D.

Box 59

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shoemaker, Barbara
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shomaker, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shomaker, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shortridge, Mrs. Harriette K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Showalter, B. N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Shull, Francis R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sibert, Edna
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sibley, Gerald E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Siemon, Roy G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sifford, Faye
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sigler, F. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sills, John
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Silverberg, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Silverman, Mrs. Louis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Simpson, Dan D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Simpson, Louise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Siplinger, Alma Charline
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Skeels, S. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Skelly, W. Harold
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Skelton, Mary Ann
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Skyles, Evelyn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Slinkard, Eva
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Slinkard, Roy L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Avis
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Clifford V.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith (Weeks), Mrs. Dorothy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, George W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, H. Hunter
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, L. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Lee C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Lena Mae
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Maynard [Menard]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smith, Thelma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Smithson, Doris Jane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Snyder, Miss Maxine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spears, J. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spencer, D. G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sperling, Lewis M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spicer, Donald
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spitcaufsky, Bertha

Box 60

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spragg, L. Y.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Spurrier, Elmer R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Standley, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stanton, Speed
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Staples, J. Delmar
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stapleton, Madelene
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stark, O. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Staudt, Mrs. Esther Wright
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stecher, Henry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Steele, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Steele, T. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stein, Lou
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stephenson, J. J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sterrett, Rachel F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stewart, Mrs. Leota
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stewart, Robert L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stewart, Robert R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stigall, John O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stinson, Shirley
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stockton, Ray, Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stone, Ed. N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stone, Mrs. Edith [Edythe]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stone, Helen
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stonebraker, H. Barse
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stonestreet, Henry M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Story, Mrs. Wanda
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stout, Louis A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stover, Warren C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Strauss, Thelma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stricklen, Mrs. Hazel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stuart, Clyde A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Stuart, Rupert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Suddath, James W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sulkowski, Cecilia J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sullivan, Anne
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sullivan, Arthur T.

Box 61

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sullivan, Cathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sullivan, Geraldine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Summers, Fabian A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sussman, Morris
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sussman, Mrs. Winifred L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Swett, Fred B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sykes, George
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Sykes, Velma W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taggart, H. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Talbert, Christine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tannehill, Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tanner, Warren
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tate, Della
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tate, George D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tatum, Herbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taylor, Charles M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taylor, Howard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taylor, Olin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taylor, Sarah Lou
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Taylor, Waldo
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Temple, William O.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Templeton, John R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Terry, Mrs. Kathryn
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tevis, Rodney
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Theis, Willis C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thomas, Major Edward S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thomas, Lee<
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thomas, Mary Eloise
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thompson, A. P.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thompson, Melvin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thompson, Pearl M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thompson, Wimer
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thorburn, Mrs. Peggy

Box 62

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thornberry, Edgar K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thorpe, Burnham C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Thurston, M. F., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tilley, Millard F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tillotson, Freeman H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tilton, Martha
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Toms, Charles M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Toney, Dr. Lee E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Townsend, Jas. B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Trantham, Forrest F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tremain, I. F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Trimble, James F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tripp, Robert E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Trotter, Harry L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Trowbridge, Dr. B. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Truitt, Iva Jewell
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Truman, J. C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Truman, Vivian
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tucker, Berniece
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Tucker, Wade
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Turner, Arthur Jack
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ullman, William L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Ungerer, Virginia Dolan
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Unkefer, Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Van Craenenbroeck, F. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Van Natta, C. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Vance, Catherine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Vandivort, Russell
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Vaughn [Vaughan], Harry
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Venter, Opal
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Vernon, Mrs. Dorothy

Box 63

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Vick, Wendell W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Waddington, W. R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wade, Guy L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Waechter, Alma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wakefield, R. N.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Walden, Jay
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Walker, Gilmer J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wallace, Mrs. Betty C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wallace, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wallace, White
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Waller, George R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Walsh, Mrs. Edith L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Walsh, Edward
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Walsh, Hazel E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wardlaw, Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Warner, H. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Warren, Walter
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wasserstrom, Solbert M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Watson, Victor
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wear, [Billy]
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weaver, Frederick S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weaver, Mrs. Kaharmine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Webb, Lyle H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Webb, Roy H.

Box 64

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weber, John A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weidemeyer, John D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weiter, Herman A.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Welborn, Marjorie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Welch, Edward Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wells, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wells, Oscar
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wesner, Fred F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: West, Ashburn T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: West, William M., M. D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Westbrook, Warren
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Westland, Charlotte
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Weter, Delbert
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wheeler, Bertie Lee
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whitaker, Fred
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whitaker, Sophia Olive
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: White, Blanche S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whiteleather, Roy
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whitsett, William L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whittenburg, Joan
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Whittenburg, Mrs. R. L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wholf, Emmett C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilburn, Ethel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilder, John R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wiley, Alice
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilfley, Lt. John S.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilgen, Joseph
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilks, Betty E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willard, Lillie J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willard, Miss Naomi
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willey, Leo W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Beula
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Edward R.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Mrs. Margaret
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Ruth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Samuel Joe

Box 65

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, Ural
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williams, W. G.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Williamson, K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willier, George J.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willis, Emmett W., Jr.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Willis, Rae L.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wills, Miss Donnie
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilmsmeyer, Edwin
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Charles M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Mrs. Clara T.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Douglas W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Idalou
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, James
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Mrs. Sarajane
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wilson, Velma
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Windle, Warren
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wing, L. K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Winget, Riley B.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Winn, Amrine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Witcher, Dave
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Witt, Mrs. Marjorie Northcutt
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wolfe, Miss Frances
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wolpers, J. H.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wood, Guy W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wood, Mrs. Lucile D.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wood, Weltha
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woodard, C. M.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wooden, Charlotte
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woods, Lucy Mae
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woodson, Elizabeth
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woolery, Clyde F.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woolverton, Mrs. Warner
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wooten, Rufus C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Woten, Mrs. Gladys
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wren, Howard
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wright, Charles E.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Wynne, Lena Mae
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yancey, Charles
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yarbrough, Mrs. Julia Fisher

Box 66

  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yarbrough, Orin C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yates, Orland
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yeats, Mrs. Marie Brady
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yocum, Tom
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Yost, Mary Burt
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, Herschel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, Mrs. Lauretta W.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, Mabel
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, Merl
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, Robert C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Young, William K.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Youngkamp, Josephine
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Zaring, Marguerite
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Zartman, Anna C.
  • Applications for Government Jobs Placed: Zehr, Joseph B.
  • Appointments, January, 1942 [- July, 1944]
  • Appropriations: March-August, 1943
  • Appropriations: September, 1943-July, 1944
  • Architect of the Capitol

Box 67

  • Autographs, Pictures, and Gallery Cards [1 of 2]
  • Autographs, Pictures, and Gallery Cards [2 of 2]
  • Aylward, James P.
  • Barker, Durham and Drury
  • Berenstein, David
  • Blair, James T.
  • Blanke-Baer Extract and Preserving Company
  • Blanton, Harry C.
  • Block, Dr. A. E.
  • Board of Economic Warfare
  • Bockleman, Private C. K.
  • Boggess, S. P.
  • Bonds
  • Booneville, Missouri
  • Boro, James F.
  • Bowman, Fred J.
  • Boy Scouts

Box 68

  • Boyle, William
  • Brandon, Dr. W. L.
  • Bridges
  • Briggs, Senator Frank P. – Referrals, February, 1945
  • Broadcasts
  • Brown, Dwight H. – Secretary of State, Missouri
  • Bucklew, L. L.
  • Buder, G. A.
  • Bureau of Prisons
  • Bureau of the Budget
  • Bureaucrats [Complaints Re]
  • Burkhardt, J. A.
  • Burrus, Rufus
  • Businessmen’s Club of Cuba, Missouri
  • C. C. C. [Civilian Conservation Corps]
  • Cadet Nurse Corps
  • Camden County Bridge
  • Campaign Contributions, 1940 [and Correspondence Concerning]

Box 69

  • Campaign Contributions, 1944 [Cross Reference to 1944 Campaign File]
  • Canfil, Fred
  • Cantwell, Russell
  • Census Bureau
  • Central Trades and Labor Union
  • Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Chamber of Commerce, United States
  • Chiang Kai-Shek, Madame [Support for]
  • Chiles, Mrs. Henry C.
  • Chinese Situation
  • Chinn, Hiram
  • Civil Aeronautics [1 of 2]
  • Civil Aeronautics [2 of 2]
  • Civil Service Commission [1 of 4]
  • Civil Service Commission [2 of 4]

Box 70

  • Civil Service Commission [3 of 4]
  • Civil Service Commission [4 of 4]
  • Civil Service Retirement Claims: August-November, 1944
  • Civil Service Retirement Claims: December, 1944-April, 1945
  • Civil War Claims
  • Claims, Dependent
  • Claims, Miscellaneous
  • Claims, U. S. Employees’ Compensation [Commission]
  • Clark, Charles P.
  • Clippings: General [1 of 2]
  • Clippings: General [2 of 2]

Box 71

  • Clippings: Investigation of the National Defense Program
  • Coast Guard and Coast Guard Academy [1 of 2]
  • Coast Guard and Coast Guard Academy [2 of 2]
  • Collectors of Customs – Missouri
  • Collins, [Mr. and] Mrs. George R.
  • Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
  • Commerce Department
  • Committee Assignments
  • Commodity Credit Corporation
  • Complimentary Notes
  • Condolence, Letters of
  • Congratulatory Letters Sent by Senator Truman
  • Congressional Record [1 of 2]
  • Congressional Record [2 of 2]
  • Congressional Record – Mailing List

Box 72

  • Connelly, Matthew J.
  • Constitution of Missouri (New)
  • Contributions
  • Coordinator, Inter-American Affairs
  • Copyrights
  • Cotton
  • Cox, Lester E.
  • Crabbs, Lt. Colonel Leo B.
  • Crane, J. de M. Cirne
  • Creve Coeur Lake Plan
  • Custodian’s Office
  • Customs Office
  • Dam Projects
  • Danuser Machine Company [folder empty]
  • Davis, Frank A.
  • Deal, H. B. and Company [1 of 2]
  • Deal, H. B. and Company [2 of 2]
  • Dearmont, Russell L.
  • Democratic Central Committees
  • Democratic County Committees

Box 73

  • Democratic National Committee
  • Democratic National Convention – Chicago
  • Democratic State Committee
  • Denver-Kansas City Airline Route
  • DePugh, Ralph A.
  • Dickmann, Bernard F.
  • Dillon, Mrs. Edward J.
  • Disbursing Office, United States Senate
  • District Judges
  • District of Columbia
  • Donations, Requests For
  • Donnelly, E. P.
  • Douglas, Shannon C.
  • Dryden, Mildred L.
  • Dunn, Riley B.
  • Durasteel Company
  • Easley, Harry E.

Box 74

  • Electoral College Telegrams
  • Eleemosynary Institutions
  • Elliott, E. M.
  • Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts, 1935-1942: Report [2017 accretion]
  • Equal Rights Amendment
  • Esquire
  • Evans, Tom
  • Fairfax Bridge
  • Farley, James A.
  • Farm Credit Administration
  • Farm Problem
  • Farm Security Administration
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Federal Communications Commission [1 of 2]
  • Federal Communications Commission [2 of 2]

Box 75

  • Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: General
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Charles G. Haake
  • Federal Home Loan Banks
  • Federal Housing Administration: General [1 of 2]
  • Federal Housing Administration: General [2 of 2]
  • Federal Housing Administration: Personnel
  • Federal Judges
  • Federal Land Bank
  • Federal Power Commission [1 of 2]
  • Federal Power Commission [2 of 2]
  • Federal Reserve Installment Regulations
  • Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
  • Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation
  • Federal Trade Commission

Box 76

  • Federal Works Agency [1 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [2 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [3 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [4 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [5 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [6 of 10]

Box 77

  • Federal Works Agency [7 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [8 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [9 of 10]
  • Federal Works Agency [10 of 10]
  • Feeder Wheat [1 of 2]
  • Feeder Wheat [2 of 2]
  • Ferguson, John A.
  • Fish for Stocking Bodies of Water, Applications for
  • Flags

Box 78

  • Flood Control: General [1 of 5]
  • Flood Control: General [2 of 5]
  • Flood Control: General [3 of 5]
  • Flood Control: General [4 of 5]
  • Flood Control: General [5 of 5]
  • Flood Control: Kansas City, Missouri
  • Florida Ship Canal Project
  • Flynn, Edward J.
  • Food and Drug Administration
  • Ford Plant

Box 79

  • Foreign Economic Administration
  • Forest Service
  • Forline, Carl W.
  • Fort Bragg, North Carolina
  • Four Freedoms Committee
  • Franklin, C. A – Editor, The Call
  • Fray, M. G. [1 of 2]
  • Fray, M. G. [2 of 2]
  • Frazee, Major Harry W.
  • Freeman, J. H.
  • Freight Forwarders
  • Fulton, Hugh A. – Memorandums From
  • Gabriel, Russell
  • Gage, John B., Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri
  • General Accounting Office
  • General Land Office

Box 80

  • George Washington Carver Memorial [1 of 2]
  • George Washington Carver Memorial [2 of 2]
  • Georgia Warm Springs Foundation
  • Gillespie, M.
  • Gillette Investigation Committee
  • Ginsburg, Joseph
  • Godfrey, Dewey S.
  • Gooch, K. Richard
  • Goodman, E. B. – Letters Submitted to Mr. Boyle by
  • Gorrell, Colonel Edgar
  • Government Printing Office
  • Hannegan, Bob [1 of 2]
  • Hannegan, Bob [2 of 2]

Box 81

  • Hardware and Supply Corporation
  • Hargus, Sam O.
  • Harper, L. E.
  • Harper, Roy
  • Harrington, John W.
  • Harris, Hon. Brown
  • Harsh, James E. – Empire Electric Company
  • Hawes, Harry B.
  • Hay, Charles M.
  • Hays, J. T.
  • Hazaleus, Forrest F.
  • Heinkel, F. V.
  • Helm, Neal W.
  • Helm, William P.
  • Henderson, Mitchel J.
  • Hennessy, Helen Yore
  • Herwig, Major L. J. H.
  • Hicks, C. D.
  • Hicks, W. E.
  • Hill, Ralph E.
  • Hinde, Edgar J.

Box 82

  • Hodges, Frank
  • Hoffman, J. W.
  • Holland, Lou
  • Home Owners’ Loan Corporation
  • Hourigan, William
  • Howard, C. R.
  • Howell, Charles M.
  • Hubbell, Edward F.
  • Huselton, Howard E. [1 of 2]
  • Huselton, Howard E. [2 of 2]
  • Immigration and Naturalization
  • Immigration Cases: Abraham, Karl
  • Immigration Cases: Abt, Jacob and Hedwig
  • Immigration Cases: Andreano, Pasquale

Box 83

Box 84

Box 85

  • Immigration Cases: Loewenstein, Joseph
  • Immigration Cases: Loewy, Solomon and Wife; Loewy, Siegfried
  • Immigration Cases: Lorch, Mrs. Freiderike and Weil, Franziska
  • Immigration Cases: Malick, George
  • Immigration Cases: Malter, Rosa
  • Immigration Cases: Mann, Albert
  • Immigration Cases: May, Jacob, Anna, and Hans; Gottlieb, Nathan
  • Immigration Cases: Meyerhardt, Ingeborg
  • Immigration Cases: Michel, Lorchen and Max
  • Immigration Cases: Midler, Dvera
  • Immigration Cases: Miklevich, Jovan
  • Immigration Cases: Misar, Dr. Vladimir
  • Immigration Cases: Mischel, Lene
  • Immigration Cases: Nathan, Dr. Ernst and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Nelson, Dr. Frank
  • Immigration Cases: Nemes, Mrs. Rozsi and Daughter
  • Immigration Cases: Neufeld, Paula [and Joseph]
  • Immigration Cases: Neugarten, Bernhard and Wife
  • Immigration Cases: Neuman, Karoline - See File of Michel, Lorchen and Max
  • Immigration Cases: Neumann, Hermann
  • Immigration Cases: Nixon, Allan and Lucille
  • Immigration Cases: O’Beirne, James F.
  • Immigration Cases: Oelsner, Henrietta, Martha, and Edmund
  • Immigration Cases: Olin, Mrs. Jacob B.
  • Immigration Cases: Pariska, Safir - See File for Kuhn, Jozsi
  • Immigration Cases: Pincuss, Leo and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Putzel, Charles
  • Immigration Cases: Raes, Alphonse [Deportation Case]
  • Immigration Cases: Reifer, Dr. Arnold and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Reisfeld, Hardy
  • Immigration Cases: Reisner, Franz W.
  • Immigration Cases: Renberg, Herman and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Richter, Rabbi Karl
  • Immigration Cases: Rogoschanski, Feibush, and Schakowsky Families
  • Immigration Cases: Rosner, Mrs. Erna
  • Immigration Cases: Rossio, Emil
  • Immigration Cases: Rubenstein, Mrs. Lea
  • Immigration Cases: Ryan, Mrs. Ellen
  • Immigration Cases: Sachs, Dr. Heinrich
  • Immigration Cases: Schick, Mrs. Irene Sara
  • Immigration Cases: Schmidt, Fanny
  • Immigration Cases: Schneier Family
  • Immigration Cases: Schuchert, Carl and Ruth

Box 86

  • Immigration Cases: Schulz, Chay Surye
  • Immigration Cases: Schwartz, Joseph and Amelia
  • Immigration Cases: Segal, Heinrich
  • Immigration Cases: Simon, Stephanie
  • Immigration Cases: Sladek, Ciprian
  • Immigration Cases: Souderskaya, Raisse
  • Immigration Cases: Spitzer, Desider and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Stern, Heinz
  • Immigration Cases: Stern, Karl and Wife
  • Immigration Cases: Stern, Leo
  • Immigration Cases: Stern, Mrs. Sara
  • Immigration Cases: Strauss, Dr. Hermann
  • Immigration Cases: Streletz, Mary
  • Immigration Cases: Strenger, Jacob
  • Immigration Cases: Teichmueller, Mrs. Lilli
  • Immigration Cases: Tenzer, Wolf Leib
  • Immigration Cases: Thomsen, Oluf R.
  • Immigration Cases: Tooni, Louis
  • Immigration Cases: Tooni, Mejib and Dorris
  • Immigration Cases: Treibich, Fishel
  • Immigration Cases: Triplar, John
  • Immigration Cases: Turkel, Isreal S.
  • Immigration Cases: Turkel, Rabbi Solomon
  • Immigration Cases: Ucko, Erich
  • Immigration Cases: Ursuline Convent Nuns
  • Immigration Cases: Valkoff, Eli [Deportation Case]
  • Immigration Cases: Van Der Laan, Mrs. J. J. and Daughters
  • Immigration Cases: Wabrick, Pinchos
  • Immigration Cases: Wainwright, Frank Gordon [Deportation Case]
  • Immigration Cases: Weil, Ludwig Carl
  • Immigration Cases: Weil, Sophie and Schwarz, Richard and Family
  • Immigration Cases: Weiss Family
  • Immigration Cases: Wertheim, Mrs. Emmi
  • Immigration Cases: Westerfeld, Mrs. Lilli
  • Immigration Cases: Windmueller, Phillip
  • Immigration Cases: Wirthmann, John L.
  • Immigration Cases: Yake, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.; Cooper, Mr., Mrs., Miss
  • Immigration Cases: Zinger, Idel and Family
  • Independence, Missouri
  • Indian Affairs
  • Inflation Problem
  • Inland Waterways Corporation
  • Installment Buying Situation
  • Insurance
  • Inter-office Communications
  • Interior Department: General [1 of 3]

Box 87

  • Interior Department: General [2 of 3]
  • Interior Department: General [3 of 3]
  • Interior Department: Geological Survey
  • Internal Revenue Service [1 of 3]
  • Internal Revenue Service [2 of 3]
  • Internal Revenue Service [3 of 3]
  • Interstate Commerce Commission [1 of 3]
  • Interstate Commerce Commission [2 of 3]
  • Interstate Commerce Commission [3 of 3]
  • Interstate Commerce Committee [United States Senate]
  • Inventions

Box 88

  • Invitations: December, 1942-February, 1943
  • Invitations: March, 1943
  • Invitations: April, 1943
  • Invitations: June, 1943
  • Invitations: July, 1943
  • Invitations: August, 1943
  • Invitations: September, 1943

Box 89

  • Invitations: October, 1943
  • Invitations: November, 1943
  • Invitations: December, 1943
  • Invitations: January, 1944
  • Invitations: February, 1944
  • Invitations: March, 1944

Box 90

  • Invitations: April, 1944 [1 of 2]
  • Invitations: April, 1944 [2 of 2]
  • Invitations: May, 1944
  • Invitations: June, 1944
  • Invitations: July, 1944
  • Invitations: August, 1944
  • Invitations: September, 1944

Box 91

  • Invitations: October, 1944
  • Invitations: November, 1944
  • Invitations: December, 1944
  • Invitations: January, 1945
  • Invitations: February, 1945 [1 of 2]
  • Invitations: February, 1945 [2 of 2]
  • Invitations: March, 1945 [1 of 2]

Box 92

  • Invitations: March, 1945 [2 of 2]
  • Invitations: April, 1945
  • Itineraries
  • J. D. Street and Company, Inc.
  • Jackman, Colonel Jerome
  • Jackson County, Missouri [1 of 2]
  • Jackson County, Missouri [2 of 2]
  • Jackson, North Dakota
  • Jackson Hole National Monument
  • Jacobs, Harry L.
  • Jacobson, Eddie
  • Jameson, Colonel W. Ed.
  • Japanese
  • Jayne, Sears
  • Jefferson Barracks
  • Jefferson [National Expansion] Memorial/span>
  • Jews [1 of 2]

Box 93

  • Jews [2 of 2]
  • Jobes, Harry C.
  • Johnson, Leo H.
  • Johnson Rifle
  • Jonas, Frank H. – Professor, University of New Mexico
  • Jones, Dr. Bowan (Program for Conditioning Draftees)
  • Joplin, Missouri
  • Joplin Broadcasting Company
  • Justice Department: General [1 of 3]
  • Justice Department: General [2 of 3]
  • Justice Department: General [3 of 3]
  • Justice Department: Immigration and Naturalization Service

Box 94

  • Kane, Charles P.
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Kansas City – Available Office Space, July 30, 1941
  • Kansas City Bar Association
  • Kansas City Court of Appeals
  • Kansas City Journal – E. A. Allison
  • Kansas City Ward Leaders – Pendergast Faction
  • Keck, Charles
  • Kemper Military School
  • Kenny, Roy S.
  • Kinne, Judge James B.
  • Kitchen, William A.
  • KMOX Radio Station
  • Knudsen, Wm. S.
  • Kronheim, Milton S.
  • Labor – Newspaper
  • Labor Day Committee
  • Labor Department
  • Labor Situation: March, 1940-June, 1941
  • Labor Situation: July-December, 1941

Box 95

  • Labor Situation: January-November, 1942
  • Labor Situation: March-May, 1943
  • Labor Situation: June, 1943-December, 1944
  • Lacy, Dr. N. Eugene
  • League of Women Voters
  • Leathe, Mrs. Samuel H.
  • Lee, Edgar D.
  • Lee, Frank H.
  • Legislation, Liquor – Bill S. 860 [1 of 2]
  • Legislation, Liquor – Bill S. 860 [2 of 2]

Box 96

  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: December, 1942-January, 1943
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: February, 1943
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: March, 1943
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: June, 1943 [1 of 2]
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: June, 1943 [2 of 2]
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: July, 1943
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: August, 1943
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: August-September, 1944
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: January, 1945

Box 97

  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: February, 1945 [1 of 2]
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: February, 1945 [2 of 2]
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: March, 1945 [1 of 2]
  • Legislation, Miscellaneous: March, 1945 [2 of 2]
  • Legislative Reference Service
  • Lend-Lease Report
  • Letters of Introduction to Senator Truman
  • Levy, Mortimer B.
  • Liberty Bend Cutoff
  • Libraries of Missouri
  • Library of Congress
  • Lininger, Col. Clarence
  • Linxwiler, Colonel A.

Box 98

  • Literature Received: October-December, 1940
  • Literature Received: January-July, 1941
  • Literature Received: August, 1941
  • Literature Received: September-October, 1941
  • Literature Received: November-December, 1941
  • Literature Received: January-February, 1942
  • Literature Received: March-April, 1942
  • Literature Received: May, 1942

Box 99

  • Literature Received: June-August, 1942
  • Literature Received: September-December, 1942
  • Literature Received: January-February, 1943
  • Literature Received: March, 1943
  • Literature Received: April, 1943
  • Literature Received: May, 1943
  • Literature Received: September-December, 1943
  • Literature Received: January, 1944

Box 100

  • Literature Received: February, 1944
  • Literature Received: January-March, 1945
  • London, England
  • Long, Richard M.
  • Lowe, Brigadier General Frank E.
  • Lowenthal, Max
  • Mabee, Major Charles R.
  • Major, Joe F.
  • Manpower Situation
  • Maps
  • Marble
  • Marine Corps: General, April, 1940-December, 1941
  • Marine Corps: General, January-December, 1942

Box 101

  • Marine Corps: General, January-December, 1943
  • Marine Corps: General, January-December, 1944
  • Marine Corps: General, January-April, 1945
  • Marine Corps: Re Private Seldon Brown
  • Marine Corps: Women’s Reserve
  • Maritime Commission
  • Marks, Major Theodore
  • Marqua, F. C.
  • Mason, William L.
  • McCoy, John A., et al
  • McCullough, Major Ervin W.
  • McDaniel, Lawrence
  • McDowell, R. Newton
  • McGee, Joseph

Box 102

  • McKim, Edward D. [1 of 2]
  • McKim, Edward D. [2 of 2]
  • McPherson, Hon. Orville S.
  • McPherson Party
  • Merchant Marine Cadet Corps
  • Messages Sent – March, 1945
  • Messall, V. R.: General
  • Messall, V. R.: Offer to Appear Before Defense Committee
  • Mexican Claims
  • Mid-Central War Resources Board
  • Milham, Russell
  • Military Affairs Committee
  • Military Conscription
  • Milk
  • Milk Bids
  • Miller, B. Fred
  • Miller, Jo Zach III
  • Milligan, Maurice M.
  • Mills, Ray – Candora Marble Corporation
  • Mineral Resources Corporation [folder empty]
  • Mines
  • Mining Situation
  • Miscellaneous: October-December, 1940
  • Miscellaneous: January-March, 1941

Box 103

  • Miscellaneous: April, 1941
  • Miscellaneous: May, 1941
  • Miscellaneous: June-July, 1941
  • Miscellaneous: August-September, 1941
  • Miscellaneous: October-December, 1941
  • Miscellaneous: January-November, 1942
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Aa-Ac
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ad-Ak
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ala-All
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Alm-Ame

Box 104

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ami-Ans
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ant-Arl
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Arm-As
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: At-Az
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Baa-Bak
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bal-Ban
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bara-Baro
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bar-Bas
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bat-Baz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bea-Bed
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bee-Bell
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Belm-Beq
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bera-Berm
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bern-Bes
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bet-Bie
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bif-Bj
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bla
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ble-Bly
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Boa-Bok
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bol-Boo
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bor-Bot
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bou-Boy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Braa-Bran
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bras-Bren
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bres-Bri
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bro
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bru-Bry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bua-Bul
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Bun-Burn

Box 105

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Burr-By
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Caa-Cal
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cam-Can
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cap-Carm
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Carn-Case
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cash-Caz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ce-Char
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Chas-Cho
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Chr-Cla
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cle-Cod
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Coe-Col
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Com-Cono
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Conr-Cop
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cor
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cra-Cri
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cri-Cry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Cu-Cy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Daa-Dan
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dar-Day
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dea-Deg
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Deh-Del [folder empty]
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dem-Dep
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Der-Dez
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dia-Dil

Box 106

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dim-Dix
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Doa-Don
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Doo-Doz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dr-Dt
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dua-Dunl
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Dunn-Duz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ea-Ec
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ed-Eh
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ei-Elk
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ell-Em
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: En-Er
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Es-Ez
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Faa-Fan
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Far-Faz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fea-Fel
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fen-Fez
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fia-Fir
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fis-Fle
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fli-Foo
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: For-Foy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fra-Fre
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fri-Fry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Fu-Fy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gaa-Gan
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gar-Gas
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gat-Gem
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gen-Gey
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gh-Gil

Box 107

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gim-Gle
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gli-Gok
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gol-Gor
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gos-Gra
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gre-Grig
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gril-Gro
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gru-Gui
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Gul-Gy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Haa-Hai
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hal-Ham
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Han-Hard
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hare-Harz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Has-Haw
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hay-Hee
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hef-Heik
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hell-Hen
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hep-Hes
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Het-Hil
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Him-Hob
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hoc-Hold
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hole-Hoo
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hop-Hou

Box 108

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hov-Hum
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Hun-Hy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: I
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ja-Jd
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Je-Jof
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Joh-Ju
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kaa-Kan
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kap-Kau
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kau-Kei
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kel-Ker
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kes-Kim
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kin-Kiz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kl-Kni
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kno-Kol
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kom-Kos
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Kot-Kre
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Krl-Kry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ku-Ky
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Laa-Lam
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lan-Lap
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lar-Lau

Box 109

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lav-Lec
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Led-Lei
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lel-Ler
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Les-Lib
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lic-Lind
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Line-Liz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ll-Lom
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lon-Lou
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Lov-Ly
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Maa-Mac
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mad-Mai
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Maj-Mand
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mane-Marc
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mard-Mars
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mart-Mat
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mau-McB
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: McC-McD
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: McE-McKa
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: McKi-McW
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mea-Mel
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Men-Mey
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mia-Mil
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Min-Mod
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Moe-Mon

Box 110

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Moo-Mos
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mot-Mul
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Mum-My
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Na-Nd
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Nea-Net
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Neu-New
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ni-Nol
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Nom-Ny
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Oa-Og
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Oh-Om
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: On-Or
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Os-Oz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Paa-Pan
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pap-Par
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pas-Pea
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pec-Peq
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Per-Pez
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pf-Pin
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pio-Pl
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Poa-Pop
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Por-Pra
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pre-Pry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Pu-Py
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Q

Box 111

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Raa-Ram
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ran-Raz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rea-Reg
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Reh-Rem
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ren-Rh
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ria-Rie
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rif-Riz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Roa-Roe
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rof-Roo
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rop-Rot
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rou-Rud
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Rue-Ry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Saa-Sal
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sam-San
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sap-Saz
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sca-Scha
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sche-Schil
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Schim-Schn
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Scho-Schr
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Schu-Sci
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sco-See
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sef-Sem
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sen-Shap
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Shar-She
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Shi-Shu
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sia-Sim
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sin-Sla

Box 112

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sle-Sn
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Soa-Sor
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sos-Spe
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Spi-Sq
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sta
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Stea-Stel
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Stem-Sti
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sto-Stras
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Strat-Stry
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Stu-Sup
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Sur-Sy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Taa-Tas
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Tat-Ter
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Tes-Tho
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Thr-Ti
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Toa-Tot
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Tou-Tre

Box 113

  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Tri-Tud
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Tue-Ty
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: U
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Vaa-Vanm
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Vann-Ven
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Ver-Vis
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Vit-Vy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Waa-Wall
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Walm-Was
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wat-Weh
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wei-Wek
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wel-Wes
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wet-Wh
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wia-Wilk
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Will-Wink
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Winl-Wok
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wol-Woo
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Wop-Wy
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: X-Y
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Za-Ze
  • Miscellaneous, 1943: Zi-Zy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Aa-Ac
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ad-Ak
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ala-All

Box 114

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Alm-Ame
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ami-Ans
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ant-Arl
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Arm-As
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: At-Az
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Baa-Bak
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bal-Ban
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bara-Baro
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Barr-Bas
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bat-Baz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bea-Bed

Box 115

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bee-Bell
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Belm-Beq
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bera-Berm
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bern-Bes
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bet-Bie
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Big-Bj
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bla
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ble-Bly
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Boa-Bok
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bol-Boo
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bor-Bot
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bou-Boy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Braa-Bran

Box 116

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bras-Brea
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bres-Bri
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bro
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bru-Bry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bua-Bul
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Bun-Burn
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Burr-By
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Caa-Cal
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cam-Can

Box 117

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cap-Carm
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Carn-Case
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cash-Caz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ce-Char
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Chas-Cho
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Chr-Cla
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cle-Cod
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Coe-Col [1 of 2]

Box 118

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Coe-Col [2 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Com-Cono
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Conr-Cop
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cor
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cos-Coz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cra-Cri
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cro-Cry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Cu-Cy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Daa-Dan
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dar-Day

Box 119

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dea-Deg
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Deh-Del
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dem-Dew
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Der-Det
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dia-Dil
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dim-Dix
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Doa-Don
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Doo-Doz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dr-Dt
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dua-Dunl
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Dunn-Dy

Box 120

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ea-Ec
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ed-Eh
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ei-Elk
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ell-Em
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: En-Er
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Es-Ex
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Faa-Fan
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Far-Faz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fea-Fel
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fen-Fez
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fia-Fir

Box 121

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fis-Fle
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fli-Foo
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: For-Foy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fra-Fre
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fri-Fry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Fu-Fy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gaa-Gan
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gar-Gas
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gat-Gem
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gen-Gey
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gh-Gil
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gim-Gle

Box 122

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gli-Gok
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gol-Gor
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gos-Gra
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gre-Grig
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gril-Gro
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gru-Gui
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Gul-Gy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Haa-Hai
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hal-Ham

Box 123

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Han-Hard
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hare-Harz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Has-Haw
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hay-Hee
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hef-Heik
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hell-Hen
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hep-Hes
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Het-Hil

Box 124

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Him-Hob
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hoc-Hold
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hole-Hoo
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hop-Hou
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hov-Hum
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Hun-Hy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: I
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ja-Jd
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Je-Jof

Box 125

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Joh-Ju [1 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Joh-Ju [2 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kaa-Kan
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kap-Kau
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kaw-Kei
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kel-Ker
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kes-Kim
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kin-Kiz

Box 126

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kl-Kni
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kno-Kol
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kom-Kos
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Kot-Kre
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Krl-Kry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ku-Ky
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Laa-Lam
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lan-Lap
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lar-Lau
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lav-Lec
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Led-Lei
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lel-Ler
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Les-Lib

Box 127

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lic-Lind
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Line-Liz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ll-Lom
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lon-Lou
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Lov-Ly
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Maa-Mac
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mad-Mai
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Maj-Mand
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mane-Marc
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mard-Mars
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mart-Mat

Box 128

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mau-McB
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: McC-McD
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: McE-McKa
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: McKi-McW
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mea-Mel
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Men-Mey
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mia-Mil
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Min-Mod
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Moe-Mon

Box 129

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Moo-Mos
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mot-Mul
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Mum-My
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Na-Nd
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Nea-Net
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Neu-New
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ni-Nol
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Nom-Ny
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Oa-Og

Box 130

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Oh-Om
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: On-Or
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Os-Oz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Paa-Pan
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pap-Par
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pas-Pea
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pec-Peq
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Per-Pez
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pf-Pin
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pio-Pl
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Poa-Pop

Box 131

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Por-Pra
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pre-Pry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Pu-Py
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Raa-Ram
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ran-Raz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rea-Reg
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Reh-Rem
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ren-Rh

Box 132

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ria-Rie
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rif-Riz
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Roa-Roe
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rof-Roo
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rop-Rot
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rou-Rud
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Rue-Ry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Saa-Sal
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sam-San
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sap-Saz

Box 133

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sca-Scha
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sche-Schil
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Schim-Schn
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Scho-Schr
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Schu-Sci
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sco-See
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sef-Sem
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sen-Shap
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Shar-She
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Shi-Shu
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sia-Sim
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sin-Sla

Box 134

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sle-Sn [1 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sle-Sn [2 of 2]
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Soa-Sor
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sos-Spe
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Spi-Spy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sta
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Stea-Stel
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Stem-Sti
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sto-Stras

Box 135

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Strat-Stry
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Stu-Sup
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Sur-Sy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Taa-Tas
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Tat-Tho
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Tha-Ti
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Toa-Tot
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Tou-Tre
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Tri-Tud

Box 136

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Tue-Ty
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: U
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Vaa-Vanm
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Vann-Ven
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Ver-Vis
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Vit-Vy
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Waa-Wall
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Walm-Was
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wat-Weh
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wei-Wek

Box 137

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wel-Wes
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wet-Wh
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wia-Wilk
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Will-Wink
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Winl-Wok
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wol-Woo
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Wop-Wy

Box 138

  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: X-Y
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Za-Ze
  • Miscellaneous, 1944-1945: Zi-Zy
  • Missouri Baptist Children’s Home
  • Missouri Commission for the Blind
  • Missouri Democrat – Newspaper
  • Missouri Farm Bureau Federation
  • Missouri Marble
  • Missouri Newspapers – List
  • Missouri Political Situation
  • Missouri Population
  • Missouri Public Service Commission
  • Missouri River [1 of 2]
  • Missouri River [2 of 2]
  • Missouri Society
  • Missouri State Employment Service
  • Missouri State Highway Department
  • Missouri Super Highway
  • Missouri, University of
  • Missouri Valley Authority
  • Mitchell, Mrs. R. B.

Box 139

  • Monroe, Frank M. [1 of 2]
  • Monroe, Frank M. [2 of 2]
  • Monroe, Frank M., January, 1942-January, 1945
  • Monsees, L. H.
  • Mooney, C. R.
  • Moore, George H.
  • Moore, Robert M.
  • Moral Re-Armament
  • Moral Re-Armament, October, 1940-June, 1943 [1 of 2]
  • Moral Re-Armament, October, 1940-June, 1943 [2 of 2]
  • Moral Re-Armament, March-October, 1944
  • Moral Re-Armament, May-June, 1944

Box 140

  • Morgan, David H.
  • Mothers Legion of America
  • Motor Carriers Bureau
  • Mount Vernon Sanitarium
  • Mox, William
  • Mueller, H. R.
  • Nacy, Richard
  • National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
  • National Archives
  • National Cemeteries
  • National Cotton Council of America
  • National Defense: Aircraft Production
  • National Defense: Airports in Missouri
  • National Defense: Alien Internment Camps
  • National Defense: Automobile Situation
  • National Defense: Blood Plasma Plan, Kansas City, Missouri
  • National Defense: Coffee Situation
  • National Defense: Contracts [1 of 2]

Box 141

  • National Defense: Contracts [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Corn Situation [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Corn Situation [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Fuel Oil Situation
  • National Defense: Fuel Oil Situation, November, 1942-May, 1944
  • National Defense: Gasoline and Oil Situation [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Gasoline and Oil Situation [2 of 2]

Box 142

  • National Defense: Gasoline Rationing, September- November, 1942
  • National Defense: Gasoline Rationing, November-December, 1942 [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Gasoline Rationing, November-December, 1942 [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Gasoline Rationing, December, 1942-July, 1944
  • National Defense: Hospitals, June-August, 1944
  • National Defense: Hospitals, September, 1944-March, 1945
  • National Defense: Housing Situation
  • National Defense: Insurance for September 1941 Defense Projects
  • National Defense: Iron Ore Situation

Box 143

  • National Defense: Lou E. Holland – President, Mid-Central War Resources Board
  • National Defense: Lumber Situation
  • National Defense: Manpower Shortage
  • National Defense: Meat Situation
  • National Defense: Milk Situation
  • National Defense: Paper Situation
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – February-Dec, 1941 [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – February-Dec, 1941 [2 of 2]

Box 144

  • National Defense: Plant Sites – June, 1941-May, 1942 [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – June, 1941-May, 1942 [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – June-September, 1942 [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – June-September, 1942 [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Plant Sites – October, 1942-January, 1943
  • National Defense: Rationing
  • National Defense: Roads in Missouri
  • National Defense: Rubber Situation [1 of 3]
  • National Defense: Rubber Situation [2 of 3]

Box 145

  • National Defense: Rubber Situation [3 of 3]
  • National Defense: Salvage Program
  • National Defense: Shoe Situation
  • National Defense: Silver Situation – September, 1942
  • National Defense: Silver Situation – October-December, 1942 [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Silver Situation – October-December, 1942 [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Sponge Iron
  • National Defense: Steel Situation
  • National Defense: Sugar Situation [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Sugar Situation [2 of 2]

Box 146

  • National Defense: Tire Situation [1 of 2]
  • National Defense: Tire Situation [2 of 2]
  • National Defense: Training Camps in Missouri
  • National Defense: Training Schools
  • National Defense: Transportation Situation
  • National Defense: Trucking Situation
  • National Defense: Typewriter Situation
  • National Defense: Wool Situation
  • National Defense Commission [1 of 2]
  • National Defense Commission [2 of 2]
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: March-December, 1941

Box 147

  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: January-February, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: March, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: April-June, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: July, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: August, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: September 1-15, 1942

Box 148

  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: September 16-30, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: October, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: November-December, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: January, 1943
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: February, 1943
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: March, 1943
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: April-December, 1943

Box 149

  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: January-July, 1944
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: August-December, 1944
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: January-April, 1945
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Complimentary Notes [1 of 3]
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Complimentary Notes [2 of 3]
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Complimentary Notes [3 of 3]
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Confidential File
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Contract Investigation, February, 1941
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Contract Investigation, March, 1941

Box 150

  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Contract Investigation, April-August, 1941
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Contract Investigation, September-October, 1941
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Contract Investigation, November, 1941-February, 1942
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Financial Statements
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Hearings, Requests for [empty]
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Items for Report
  • National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the: Memorandum regarding Hearings
  • National Defense Projects: Aero-Technical School, Lincoln, Nebraska
  • National Defense Projects: Airports in Missouri

Box 151

  • National Defense Projects: Ammonium Nitrate Plant
  • National Defense Projects: Army Glider School, Knob Noster, Missouri
  • National Defense Projects: Coast Guard Base in Missouri
  • National Defense Projects: Curtiss-Wright Plant
  • National Defense Projects: Four State Area Plan
  • National Defense Projects: Grandview Airport
  • National Defense Projects: Interstate Plane and Engine Plant
  • National Defense Projects: Jayhawk Ordnance Plant
  • National Defense Projects: Jefferson City Airport
  • National Defense Projects: Joplin
  • National Defense Projects: Kansas City Auxiliary Airport
  • National Defense Projects: Kirksville Airport
  • National Defense Projects: Lake City
  • National Defense Projects: Louisiana, Missouri Ordnance Plant
  • National Defense Projects: Malta Bend Plant [1 of 2]
  • National Defense Projects: Malta Bend Plant [2 of 2]
  • National Defense Projects: Malta Bend Plant, January-May, 1942

Box 152

Box 153

  • National Defense Projects: Missouri – Housing
  • National Defense Projects: Pratt and Whitney Plant
  • National Defense Projects: St. Charles
  • National Defense Projects: St. Joseph
  • National Defense Projects: St. Lawrence Seaway
  • National Defense Projects: St. Louis Housing Project
  • National Defense Projects: St. Louis Ordnance Plant
  • National Defense Projects: St. Louis Small Arms Plant
  • National Defense Projects: St. Louis Steel Plant
  • National Defense Projects: San Jacinto Ordnance Depot
  • National Defense Projects: Sedalia Defense Project, Proposed
  • National Defense Projects: Sikeston
  • National Defense Projects: Springfield, Missouri Hospital
  • National Defense Projects: Stella, Missouri
  • National Defense Projects: Tri-State Area Project
  • National Defense Projects: U. S. Cartridge Company
  • National Defense Projects: Warrensburg
  • National Defense Projects: Weldon Springs Project
  • National Defense Projects: Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant
  • National Folk Festival
  • National Guard
  • National Housing Administration

Box 154

  • National Inventors’ Council
  • National Labor Relations Board
  • National Mediation Board
  • National Old Trails Road Association
  • National Park Service
  • National Railroad Adjustment Board
  • National Railway Labor Panel
  • National Resources Planning Board
  • National Youth Administration: October, 1940-December, 1941
  • National Youth Administration: January-December, 1942
  • National Youth Administration: January-June, 1943

Box 155

  • National Youth Administration: July, 1943-May, 1944
  • Navy Department: October-December, 1940
  • Navy Department: January-March, 1941
  • Navy Department: April-July, 1941
  • Navy Department: August-December, 1941
  • Navy Department: January-March, 1942
  • Navy Department: April-June, 1942

Box 156

  • Navy Department: July-September, 1942
  • Navy Department: October-December, 1942
  • Navy Department: January-February, 1943
  • Navy Department: April-March, 1943
  • Navy Department: May-June, 1943
  • Navy Department: July-August, 1943

Box 157

  • Navy Department: September-October, 1943
  • Navy Department: November-December, 1943
  • Navy Department: January, 1944
  • Navy Department: February, 1944
  • Navy Department: March, 1944
  • Navy Department: April-May, 1944
  • Navy Department: June-August, 1944

Box 158

  • Navy Department: September, 1944
  • Navy Department: October-November, 1944
  • Navy Department: December, 1944
  • Navy Department: January-February, 1945
  • Navy Department: March-April, 1945
  • Navy Department: Air Corps
  • Navy Department: Casualties
  • Navy Department: Commissions Granted
  • Navy Department: Contract
  • Navy Department: Defense Housing

Box 159

  • Navy Department: Discharges, September-December, 1941
  • Navy Department: Discharges, January, 1942-December, 1943
  • Navy Department: Discharges, January-July, 1944
  • Navy Department: Discharges, August-December, 1944
  • Navy Department: Discharges, January-April, 1945
  • Navy Department: Enlistment and Reinstatement Applications
  • Navy Department: Furloughs
  • Navy Department: Intelligence Division
  • Navy Department: Naval Reserve – July, 1940-May, 1941
  • Navy Department: Naval Reserve – June-December, 1941

Box 160

  • Navy Department: Naval Reserve – January-April, 1942
  • Navy Department: Naval Reserve – May-September, 1942
  • Navy Department: Naval Reserve – October, 1942-April, 1945
  • Navy Department: Officers’ Training School
  • Navy Department: Promotions
  • Navy Department: Sea Bees
  • Navy Department: Supply Corps
  • Navy Department: Transfers
  • Navy Department: Uniform Regulations

Box 161

  • Nazi Activities in the United States
  • NEA-NET (War Department Transfer File) [file missing]
  • Nee, Dan
  • Negroes
  • Nelson, William L.
  • Newspapers
  • Nichols, J. C.
  • Norris, W. F., Party
  • Nut File
  • O’Bryan, Redick
  • Office of Civilian Defense
  • Office of Defense Transportation: April-July, 1942
  • Office of Defense Transportation: August, 1942-February, 1943
  • Office of Defense Transportation: June, 1944-April, 1945

Box 162

  • Office of Economic Stabilization
  • Office of Education
  • Office of Price Administration: December, 1941-March, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: April-May, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: June-July 15, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: July 16-31, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: August, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: September-October, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: November-December 10, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: December 11-31, 1942
  • Office of Price Administration: January, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: February, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: March 1-15, 1943

Box 164

  • Office of Price Administration: March 16-31, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: April 1-15, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: April 16-30, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: May 1-15, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: May 16-31, 1943

Box 165

  • Office of Price Administration: June 1-15, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: June 16-30, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: July, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: August, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: September, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: October, 1943

Box 166

  • Office of Price Administration: November-December, 1943
  • Office of Price Administration: January-February, 1944
  • Office of Price Administration: March, 1944
  • Office of Price Administration: April, 1944
  • Office of Price Administration: May, 1944
  • Office of Price Administration: June-July, 1944

Box 167

  • Office of Price Administration: August-December, 1944
  • Office of Price Administration: January-February, 1945
  • Office of Price Administration: March-May, 1945
  • Office of Production Management: June, 1941-March, 1942
  • Office of Production Management: Priorities Division [June-September, 1941]
  • Office of Production Management: Priorities Division [October-December, 1941]

Box 168

  • Office of War Information: General
  • Office of War Information: General
  • Office of War Mobilization
  • Old Age Assistance: March-December, 1940
  • Old Age Assistance: January-February, 1941
  • Old Age Assistance: March-December, 1941
  • Old Age Assistance: January, 1942-March, 1945
  • Old Base Hospital Number 28, Kansas City, Missouri
  • Otis and Company
  • Pages
  • Pan American Highway
  • Panama Canal
  • Pardons and Paroles: November, 1939-September, 1942

Box 169

  • Pardons and Paroles: December, 1942-February, 1945
  • Parker, Leo B.
  • Patent Office, U. S.
  • Patents
  • Peace
  • Peace Treaty Contest
  • Peck, Austin
  • Pendergast, James
  • Penicillin
  • Pensions
  • Pepsi Cola Bottling Companies in Missouri
  • Personnel – Missouri People Working in Washington, D. C.
  • Peter S. Miravalle Company
  • Peters, Mize
  • Petroleum Program
  • Phillips, V. E.
  • Phister, Laurance H.

Box 170

  • Pictures [empty]
  • Pierrepont, R. Stuyvesant, Jr.
  • Political Commissions
  • Political File: General – October, 1941-December, 1942
  • Political File: General – February, 1943-January, 1945
  • Political File: Audrain County, Ninth District
  • Political File: Franklin County
  • Political File: Holt County
  • Political File: Jackson County
  • Political File: Kansas City
  • Political File: Macon County
  • Political File: Maries County
  • Political File: Montgomery County
  • Political File: Polk County
  • Political File: St. Louis
  • Political File: Sixth District
  • Political File: Vernon County
  • Population, United States
  • Post Office Appointments: Ava – Ozark County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Carl Junction - Jasper County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Carthage - Jasper County, Seventh District

Box 171

  • Post Office Appointments: Clinton - Henry County, Sixth District
  • Post Office Appointments: Crane - Stone County, Seventh District - December, 1934-May, 1935
  • Post Office Appointments: Crane - Stone County, Seventh District - June, 1935-October, 1940
  • Post Office Appointments: Dadeville - Dade County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Dora - Ozark County, Seventh District - January, 1937-June, 1940

Box 172

  • Post Office Appointments: Dora - Ozark County, Seventh District - August, 1940-March, 1943
  • Post Office Appointments: Eldorado Springs, Cedar County, Seventh District - February, 1935-November, 1941
  • Post Office Appointments: Eldorado Springs, Cedar County, Seventh District - January, 1942-May, 1943
  • Post Office Appointments: Elkland - Webster County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Exeter - Barry County, Seventh District - December, 1934-July, 1935
  • Post Office Appointments: Exeter - Barry County, Seventh District - August, 1935-June, 1940

Box 173

  • Post Office Appointments: Fairview - Newton County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Fordland - Webster County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Galena - Stone County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Greenfield - Dade County, Seventh District - December, 1934-February, 1938
  • Post Office Appointments: Greenfield - Dade County, Seventh District - March, 1938-September, 1940
  • Post Office Appointments: Hannibal - Marion County, First District

Box 174

  • Post Office Appointments: Jefferson City - Cole County, Second District
  • Post Office Appointments: Jenkins - Barry County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Lockwood - Dade County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Mansfield - Wright County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Monett - Barry County, Seventh District - December, 1934-January, 1935
  • Post Office Appointments: Monett - Barry County, Seventh District - February, 1935

Box 175

  • Post Office Appointments: Monett - Barry County, Seventh District - March, 1935-July, 1938
  • Post Office Appointments: Monett - Barry County, Seventh District - August, 1938-June, 1940
  • Post Office Appointments: Mountain Grove - Wright County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Niangua - Webster County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Noble - Ozark County, Seventh District

Box 176

Box 177

  • Post Office Appointments: Pierce City - Lawrence County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Raymondville - Texas County, Eighth District
  • Post Office Appointments: Reeds - Jasper County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Reeds Spring - Stone County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Rockaway Beach - Taney County, Seventh District

Box 178

  • Post Office Appointments: Rogersville - Webster County, Seventh District - February, 1935-April, 1936
  • Post Office Appointments: Rogersville - Webster County, Seventh District - May, 1936-December, 1940
  • Post Office Appointments: Rogersville - Webster County, Seventh District - January, 1941-March, 1942
  • Post Office Appointments: Sarcoxie - Jasper County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Seligman - Barry County, Seventh District - December, 1934-April, 1939

Box 179

  • Post Office Appointments: Seligman - Barry County, Seventh District - May, 1939-October, 1941
  • Post Office Appointments: Seligman - Barry County, Seventh District - November, 1941-March, 1942
  • Post Office Appointments: Seneca - Newton County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Seymour - Webster County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: South Greenfield - Dade County, Seventh District

Box 180

  • Post Office Appointments: Sparta - Christian County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Star Routes
  • Post Office Appointments: Star Routes Applications
  • Post Office Appointments: Stella - Newton County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Stotts City, Lawrence County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Sullivan - Franklin County, Ninth District
  • Post Office Appointments: Urbana - Dallas County, Seventh District

Box 181

  • Post Office Appointments: Verona - Lawrence County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Wentworth - Newton County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: West Plains - Howell County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Willhoit - Ozark County, Seventh District
  • Post Office Appointments: Willow Springs - Howell County, Seventh District - December, 1934-June, 1938

Box 182

  • Post Office Appointments: Willow Springs - Howell County, Seventh District - January-August, 1939
  • Post Office Appointments: Willow Springs - Howell County, Seventh District - September, 1939-April, 1940
  • Post Office Appointments: Willow Springs - Howell County, Seventh District - May-September, 1940
  • Post Office Department: October, 1940-December, 1941
  • Post Office Department: January, 1942-January, 1945
  • Post Office Department: Re Assistant Postmaster O. R. Harris, Lebanon, Missouri

Box 183

  • Postal Legislation: March, 1941-October, 1942
  • Postal Legislation: November-December, 1942
  • Postal Legislation: January-March, 1943
  • Postwar: March, 1941-August, 1943
  • Postwar: September, 1943-August, 1944

Box 184

  • President's Birthday Celebration
  • Prisoners of War
  • Procurement Division
  • Production Credit Organizations
  • Programs
  • Propaganda
  • Pruett, H. L., Jr.
  • Public Buildings Administration
  • Public Buildings and Grounds Committee
  • Public Health Service
  • Public Housing Administration
  • Public Roads Administration
  • Public Service Commission
  • Publications - August, 1943-January, 1944
  • Publications - November-December, 1944
  • Publications - January-April, 1945
  • Puerto Rico

Box 185

  • Quinn, Theo J.
  • Radio Material
  • Radio Room
  • Railroad Finance
  • Railroad Legislation: H.R. 2531 - Lea Bill
  • Railroad Legislation: S. 1869 - Railroad Reorganization Court
  • Railroad Legislation: S. 2009 - Freight Forwarding Companies - November, 1939-April, 1940
  • Railroad Legislation: S. 2009 - Freight Forwarding Companies - May-October, 1940
  • Railroad Legislation: S. 2956 - Railroad Securities Bill
  • Railroad Legislation: Smith, R. E.
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - March-April, 1939
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - May 1-15, 1939

Box 186

  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - May 16-31, 1939
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - June-July, 1939
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - August-December, 1939
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - January, 1940
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - February-April, 1940

Box 187

  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - May, 1940-April, 1943
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - Out of State Letters - March-April, 1939
  • Railroad Legislation: Wheeler-Truman Bill - Out of State Letters - May, 1939-October, 1940
  • Railroad Retirement Board
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Walker, Sam
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Anderson, Henry P.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Anderson, William
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Aronson, R. S.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Babcock, Wayne
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Baker, Adam M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Bates, Harry Joseph
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Berenberg, Max
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Blake, H. L.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Bowen, Frederick D.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Bowman, C. J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Burgess, Emmett S.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Burris, Edmond V.

Box 188

  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Chambers, Arrell N.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Claunch, William Finis
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Colton, Harry A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Comstock, Cornelia May
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Comstock, William A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Connalay, William Earnest
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Conrades, Emil W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Cook, George Washington
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Cope, John R.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Cornett, William A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Crance, Mrs. Lucille
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Cruse, George Wiley
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Dabner, George W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Daugherty, William H.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Davis, James B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Dilley, E. F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Dilley, W. F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Dixson, Isaiah U.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Downer, William W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Dunn, Mrs. James W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Durham, Charles E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Ellsaesser, Arthur J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Fagan, Charles A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Fisher, Edward G.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Frazer, Robert E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Frear, Fred
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Gibson, George S.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Good, Frank J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Gower, Y. F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Gramling, D. W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Grayson, William James
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Gunn, William
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hale, Mrs. Ada
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hamilton, Mrs. Lucille A. G.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Harper, Arthur Gilbert
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Harrison, Harry H.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hastings, William H.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Haworth, Ionian White
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Heltibrand, D. A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hemphill, Fred F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hicks, J. E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hillen, Philip S.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hochberger, G. F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hubbard, H. G.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hufstedler, William B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hughes, Claude
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Hyde, Samuel B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Imel, W. H.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Johnson, Enoch S.

Box 189

  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Jones, J. M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Jones, T. L.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Karnes, Robert W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Kastler, J. W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Kidd, Alexander C.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Klunk, Harry
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Larkin, A. A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Larson, Fred C.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Latham, E. C.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Law, Joseph Lewis
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Lawhon, Alexander C.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Lewellen, Arthur L.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Livengood, E. F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Lyman, Mrs. J. B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Mahaffey, William Sherman
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Maybee, Roy J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: McClanahan, W. M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Meadows, John
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Miller, John Alfred
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Miller, Maurice
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Milsom, Charles B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Morehead, Mrs. Elsie F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Morrissey, Joseph
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Mosley, Henry
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Murray, R. P.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Nester, William N.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Nogrady, Joseph M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: O'Brien, Forrest F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: O'Brien, Pascal J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Owens, Mrs. Michael
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Parr, Don P.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Payne, Harry E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Pearce, Pleasant Edgar
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Plummer, Martin Jesse
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Poole, O. B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Porter, Harry L.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Powers, Henry Allen
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Ritter, Andrew J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Rogers, John E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Rose, Marion W.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Rush, Frederick, E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Samuel, Harry Todd
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Sanders, Charles
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Seifert, William F.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Shelton, Brown
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Short, Ned A.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Sidney, Isreal

Box 190

  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Simpson, Vollney B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Singleton, Harry M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Smith, Harvey M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Smith, Mrs. Pearl
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Sprague, George E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Stinson, Sylvester E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Stone, R. P.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Strain, Ben S.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Sweers, T. M.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Thoma, George Edward
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Thompson, Henry E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Thurber, Lester B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Toohey, William D.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Trenary, Charles William
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Trottier, Miss Genevieve
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Trueman, Benjamin G.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Tucker, Clarence E.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Van Natta, N. C.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Vandiver, Abram B.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Waddell, Jim
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Walker, Harold L.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Weinzirl, Otto J.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Wilcher, Dana Nelsen
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Williams, Terry Wellington
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Williamson, Robert Brady
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Wofford, Garrett Franklin
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Wolff, Sidney Grant
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Yancey, Edward H.
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Yochum, Alexander
  • Railroad Retirement Cases: Young, W. W.
  • Railroads: November, 1940-November, 1943
  • Railroads: January, 1944-January, 1945

Box 191

  • Railway Labor Cases
  • Railway Mail Service: General
  • Railway Mail Service: Promotions
  • Ready Mixed Concrete Company, R. P. Lyons
  • Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation: January, 1942-January, 1943
  • Reconstruction Finance Corporation: February, 1943-March, 1945
  • Recorder of Deeds
  • Red Cross
  • Regan, John
  • Registration Information
  • Reinsch, Leonard: Radio Material

Box 192

  • Renegotiations
  • Renegotiations: July, 1944 [empty]
  • Requests, Miscellaneous
  • Reserve Officers' Association
  • Rice, Dr. L. L.
  • Richland Dam
  • Rival Manufacturing Company
  • Roads and Highways
  • Rogers, Jess L.
  • Rolla, Missouri
  • Roos, William
  • Roosevelt Clubs, Inc.
  • Roosevelt, Eleanor
  • Rubber Reserve Corporation
  • Rubber Survey Committee
  • Ruffin, James E.
  • Rumsey, Colonel H. S.
  • Rural Electrification Administration - September-December, 1941
  • Rural Electrification Administration - May-November, 1944
  • Russell-Majors-Waddell National Monument

Box 193

  • Sachs, Alex F.
  • St. George Society
  • St. Joseph, Missouri
  • St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Deep Waterway: January-March, 1941
  • St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Deep Waterway: April, 1941 [1 of 2]
  • St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Deep Waterway: April, 1941 [2 of 2]
  • St. Lawrence - Great Lakes Deep Waterway: May-June, 1941
  • St. Louis, Missouri
  • St. Mary's Hospital
  • San Francisco Conference
  • Sanders, Ted
  • Schools
  • Schwellenbach, Lewis B.
  • Scruton, D. Kelly
  • Securities and Exchange Commission

Box 194

  • Selective Service Commission
  • Selective Service Deferment
  • Selective Service Program: April, 1940-February, 1941
  • Selective Service Program: March-August, 1941
  • Selective Service Program: September, 1941-August, 1942
  • Selective Service Program: September, 1942-February, 1943

Box 195

  • Selective Service Program: March, 1943-February, 1945
  • Selective Service System
  • Senate Judiciary Committee
  • Senate Office Building
  • Seneca, Missouri
  • Serlis, Harry G.
  • Sermon, Roger
  • Shannon, Joseph B.
  • Shields, Leighton
  • Short, Edmond J., Sr.
  • Siegmund, Walter F.
  • Sightseeing
  • Silver Situation
  • Small Business Committee
  • Small Business Men's League

Box 196

  • Smith, Bryce B.
  • Smith, Dr. Frederick M.
  • Smith, Robert E. [empty]
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Snyder, John W.
  • Social Directory
  • Social Security Administration - Personnel
  • Social Security Board
  • Social Security Board Commission - Missouri
  • Soil Conservation
  • Sojourners, St. Louis Chapter of the
  • Southern, William, Jr. [including 2008 accretion]
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Special Bills: Ferris, Mrs. Mary E.
  • Special Bills: Foran, Lt. Col. Arthur F.
  • Special Bills: G.W. Carver Memorial [empty]
  • Special Bills: Giesecke, John W.
  • Special Bills: Hicks, Don
  • Special Bills: Introduced by Mr. Shannon [missing]
  • Special Bills: Introduced by Senator Truman: January, 1939-June, 1940
  • Special Bills: Introduced by Senator Truman: February-June, 1941
  • Special Bills: Introduced in the House of Representatives
  • Special Bills: Lomax, Mrs. Bettie Lee
  • Special Bills: Mallette, Mrs. Alma
  • Special Bills: McCrary, G. M. et al
  • Special Bills: McMinn, Mrs. Leona
  • Special Bills: Meister, Mrs. William
  • Special Bills: Requests For

Box 197

  • Special Bills: Rock Hill Stone and Gravel Company
  • Special Bills: Salmons, Mrs. Nadine
  • Special Bills: Shipman, Mrs. Ina Mae
  • Special Bills: Sicker, Henry William
  • Special Bills: Tannenbaum, Mrs. Sophia
  • Speeches by Senator Harry S. Truman, 1935-1943 [1 of 2]
  • Speeches by Senator Harry S. Truman, 1935-1943 [2 of 2]
  • Speeches: Campaign
  • Speeches: Material For
  • Speeches: McCarran Bill
  • Speeches: Miscellaneous

Box 198

  • Sperry, Floyd L.
  • Sprague, L. C.
  • Springfield, Missouri
  • Stapleton, Thomas J.
  • State Board of Health, Jefferson City, Missouri
  • State Department - October, 1940-December, 1941
  • State Department - January-December, 1942
  • State Department - June, 1943-September, 1944
  • State Department - October, 1944-April, 1945
  • State Employment Office
  • State Home Guard
  • State Institutions
  • State Jobs
  • Statement of Senator Truman in connection with introduction of ...
  • Statement on Reappointment of Maurice Milligan as U. S. Attorney

Box 199

  • Stationery Supplies [1 of 3]
  • Stationery Supplies [2 of 3]
  • Stationery Supplies [3 of 3]
  • Stayton, Major General Edward M.
  • Stephens College
  • Stephens-Brown Company
  • Subsidy Program
  • Supreme Court
  • Surplus War Materials
  • Surplus War Property [missing]
  • Surplus War Property Administration
  • Surplus War Property Board
  • Sze, Sao-ke Alfred
  • Table Rock and Bull Shoals Dams
  • Tariff
  • Tariff Commission

Box 200

  • Tax Legislation: October, 1941-January, 1942
  • Tax Legislation: September 1-8, 1942
  • Tax Legislation: September 9-30, 1942
  • Tax Legislation: October, 1942
  • Tax Legislation: November, 1942-March, 1943
  • Taylor, Donald C.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Third Term Correspondence
  • This is Kansas City
  • Tillman, Elizabeth
  • Time Magazine Article - March 8, 1943 Issue
  • Tipton, E. M
  • Tobacco
  • Trade Agreements
  • Transcontinental and Western Air, Inc.
  • Transfers Requested [empty]
  • Transportation Legislation
  • Transportation Overload

Box 201

  • Treasury Department: October, 1940-January, 1942
  • Treasury Department: February-October, 1942
  • Treasury Department: November, 1942-November, 1943
  • Treasury Department: December, 1943-February, 1944
  • Treasury Department: August, 1944-April, 1945
  • Treasury Department: Procurement Division

Box 202

  • Truman, Bess W.: Packing List [2017 accretion]
  • Truman for Vice President
  • Truman, Fred
  • Truman, Harry S.: Biographical Material
  • Truman, Harry S.: Correspondence for 1937
  • Truman, Harry S.: Correspondence for 1938
  • Truman, Harry S.: Correspondence for 1939
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - October-December, 1940
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - January-February, 1941
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - March-May, 1941
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - June-September, 1941

Box 203

  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - October-November, 1941
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - December, 1941
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - January-March, 1942
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - April-October, 1942
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - November-December, 1942
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - January, 1943

Box 204

  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - February-March, 1943
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - April-July, 1943
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - August-December, 1943
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - January-April, 1944
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - May-July, 1944
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - August, 1944
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - September-October, 1944

Box 205

  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - November-December, 1944
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - January, 1945
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - February, 1945
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - April-May, 1945
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal - March, 1945
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - October, 1940-June, 1941
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - July-December, 1941

Box 206

  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - January-December, 1942
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - January-July, 1943
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - August, 1943-March, 1944
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills - April, 1944-April, 1945
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills Receipted [1 of 5]
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills Receipted [2 of 5]

Box 207

  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills Receipted [3 of 5]
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills Receipted [4 of 5]
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Bills Receipted [5 of 5]
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Insurance
  • Truman, Harry S.: Personal Telegrams
  • Truman, Harry S.: Voting Record - Veterans Legislation
  • Truman, Martha Ann
  • Truman, Mrs. Martha E. and Mary Jane

Box 208

  • Truman, Ralph E.
  • Truman, Vivian
  • Turner, E. S., "Cap"
  • Unemployment Compensation Commission: General
  • Unemployment Compensation Commission: Missouri
  • United Nations Monetary Conference - Bretton Woods
  • United States Army - Enlisted Men
  • United States Employment Service
  • United States Housing Authority
  • United States Information Service
  • University of Missouri - Dr. Francis English
  • U.S.O
  • USS Missouri - Battleship

Box 209

  • Van Stone, Mrs. Helen C. - Request for Special Bill
  • Vansant, T. H.
  • Vardaman, J. K., Jr.
  • Vaughan, Harry H. - Personal: July, 1938-August, 1942
  • Vaughan, Harry H. - Personal: September, 1942-April, 1945
  • Vaughan, Margaret
  • Veatch, N. T., Jr.
  • Veterans Administration: November, 1940-December, 1942

Box 210

  • Veterans Administration: January-June, 1943
  • Veterans Administration: July, 1943-April, 1944
  • Veterans Administration: May-October, 1944
  • Veterans Administration: November, 1944-January, 1945
  • Veterans Administration: February-April, 1945
  • Veterans' Claims: Civil War
  • Veterans' Claims - Spanish-American War: Anson, Harley
  • Veterans' Claims - Spanish-American War: Wann, Walter Vincent

Box 211

  • Veterans' Claims: Dependents, World War I
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Acklin, David D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Adams, George W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Akers, John Deane
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Alexander, Daniel E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Alley, John H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Amlin, R. W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Anderson, Flanard L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Andrews, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Arnold, William Ray
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Arrowsmith, Wendell C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Askew, George W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Askrabich, Stojan
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Atterbury, Luther E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Baehr, L. G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Baker, Henry S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bannister, Mrs. Frank M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bantleon, Clifford A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barger, Harry
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barker, Newton
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barker, Ollie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barnard, Martha [empty]
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barnes, Joseph R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barnes, Mrs. Okle
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Barnhart, Jesse G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bassett, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Beall, A. L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bennage, George S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Benton, E. J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bernstorff, Ernest
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Blocher, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bohner, William J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bolin, Walter L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bone, James H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Borchert, Melton F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bosworth, Joseph W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Boyd, Walter B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Boydston, John Lewis
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Braddock, Mrs. Hilliard
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Branum, Roy F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Breshears, Truman Calvin
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Britt, John Logan
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brooks, Robert H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brown, George E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brown, Joseph E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brown, Sam S.

Box 212

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brown, Sanford L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brown, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Brunner, E. F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Buchanan, Mrs. George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Bullmaster, Edward J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Burrell, Jesse
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Button, Eddie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cantrell, Harold
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Carter, Clayton
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Carter, Frank B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Caruthers, R. S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Case, Fred A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cassell, George W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Chapman, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Chick, George A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Chism, George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Churchill, Floyd F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Clark, Albert C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Clark, Flavius E., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Clark, Samuel V., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cobb, Edward L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cockrum, Vaud C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cole, Clifford
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cole, Mrs. Elsie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Collins, Hubert C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Colton, Harry A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Conrad, Charles
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cook, William T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Corby, Joseph E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cordell, Henry
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Corrigan, George H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Corum, E. J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Costigan, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cowger, Chet G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cox, Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Crawford, John L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Crews, Frederick R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Crockett, B. R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cross, Wallace Fred
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Crow, J. J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Culver, John C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Cummings, Vernon V.

Box 213

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Daley, Victor L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dalton, Mrs. Mercy (Henry)
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Darrah, W. T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Davidson, Vernie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Davis, Lloyd L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Davis, Richard D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Day, William J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Deeter, Joseph
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Delaney, Mrs. Lydia Oma
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dempsey, L. Walter
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dennis, William Jasper
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Devaney, Joseph I.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dickson, Matthew C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dicus, Samuel A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Diehl, Mrs. Maude
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Donn, Leo
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dow, Clarence
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dugan, Joseph M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Dunseth, Paul
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Earp, Bivon H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eaton, Earl M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eaton, John W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eaton, R. C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ebert, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eidson, Royal B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eidson, William Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eilers, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ellis, Charles A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ellis, James
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Emerick, Charles O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Erwin, Claude A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Esely, Walter (Chappie)
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Eslinger, Frederick G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Evans, Emmet
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Evans, Mrs. Susanna
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fenwick, Mrs. Lucy E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ferguson, Frank U.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fitzgerald, Leo Ryan
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fleming, Walter
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fletcher, Earl E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fly, Fred William

Box 214

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ford, John J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Foster, Lawrence C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Fox, Claude W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Francisco, Toney
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Freeborn, Richard D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Freeman, Stanely
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Friend, Frank W. (Widow)
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Galler, Milton
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: George, William H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Gerber, Louis A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Gibler, John C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Gillespie, Jasper J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Gilmore, George F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Givens, Nathan
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Givens, William O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Graves, Joseph E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Green, Otis
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Grofford, Mrs. Walter
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Grogan, Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hack, Orville P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hammer, Jake
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Harris, Isham P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Harris, Triece M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Harrison, Benjamin R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hart, John W. P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hawkins, Lee R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hay, Russell Boyd
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Heck, Lawrence L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Heck, Mrs. Howell H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Heckendorn, Harry
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Heddinghaus, John F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hedlund, O. E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Heller, Jacob G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Henry, Charles C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Henson, Jacob
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hill, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hohm, Mrs. Eleanora K.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Holley, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Holman, Glen M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hopper, Elmer D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hoselton, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Howser, George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Huddleston, Elzie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Huddleston, Merrill D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hudson, Joseph R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Huffman, John George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Humbert, George J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hunter, Francis D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Hurley, Michael J.

Box 215

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Husband, Leslie R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Huxford, Edward
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jackson, Clarence
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: James, Edward L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jameson, Roy Y.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Janssen, G. R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jantzen, Aloys N.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jarman, Harry L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jennings, Edward O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johannides, Christ C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johanson, Nels J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johnson, Benjamin H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johnson, Clarence F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johnson, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Johnson, Herbert R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jolly, Eddie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Jones, Grover F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Journey, James Randall
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Judson, Glen V.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kaus, Ernest D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Keesling, Wilmer E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Keitel, Victor
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kelleher, Edward
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Keller, Martin
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kelly, Charles W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kelly, Thomas F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kendrick, Joseph
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kennedy, Leo
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kester, Loney H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kimbrell, Rufus T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: King, C. W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: King, Hubert Lowe
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Klamm, Robert V.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Klinke, Walter E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Koenig, Anthony H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Krafft, Elizabeth M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kuhl, Jacob
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Kyler, Eldridge V.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Lamboy, Tommie J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Leaming, Dr. Harry A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Leep, Charles H.

Box 216

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Lefevre, Edward M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Letterman, Seaburn A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Light, Mrs. Frances
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Limbaugh, Hillary Hugh
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Lindgren, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Little, Leander
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Locker, George E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Luteran, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Lutz, Ronald (Brother)
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Maddox, Edward A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Malter, George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Marnell, Thomas A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Martin, Joseph Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Mason, LeRoy P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Matney, Lige C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Mauer, John J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McBurney, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McCarty, William H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McCoy, Fred O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McCracken, Mrs. Bonnie
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McDonald, Clarence O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McFarland, Joseph N.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McGuire, Raymond (Mother's Claim)
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McKinnon, Harry J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McLaren, H. J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McMahon, John P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McMahon, John R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McMickle, Albert Dean
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McOrkel, Andrew
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: McWilliams, Mrs. Bertha
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Means, Floyd E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Melvin, Herbert Q.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Messer, Joseph L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Messick, James W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Meyers, Arthur J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Milford, Frederick
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Miller, Mrs. Henrietta
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Million, Guy C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Mills, Joe D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Minner, Ben
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Moore, Russell D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Morres, William M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Moseley, Alex
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Mullenix, Lester O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Murnahan, George E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Murphy, George T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Murry, Ozer D.

Box 217

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Myers, James L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Myers, Woodson H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nagel, Leo
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nair, Rev. Ward M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nalty, John P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Neely, Clark
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Newall, James L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nimmo, Albert R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nivens, Harry
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Nixon, George M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: O'Dell, Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ogden, G. H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Oguin, J. W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Orr, Romie Jerome
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Otte, Roy A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Owen, Clyde V.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Parkison, Captain Marion L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Parks, John L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Paul, Ida
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Perry, Philip
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Peterson, William A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Phillips, Willis
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Pierson, Harry F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Plemmons, Roy F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Pollard, Frank C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Pore, Joe Gaines
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Postlethwaite, Dr. Frank M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Potter, Oscar E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Powers, Dr. John A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Powers, Ernest
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Pratt, Arthur B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Priest, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Privitt, Clarence O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Provance, William W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Pruitt, George A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Qualls, George
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rabuse, George M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Raeder, Charles
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ragan, Dr. Walter H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rawley, W. P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Regester, Robert R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Reichert, Otto J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rice, Chester
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rice, Maurice K.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Richards, William H.

Box 218

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Roberts, William P.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Robinson, Rena James
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Robinson, Simpson R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rodgers, Laymon
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rose, Lee R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ross, P. N.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ross, Raymond
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ruble, G. M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ruble, Walter L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Rucker, Sgt. Howard S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Ruff, Don
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Russell, Howard L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Salfrant, John
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Sallade, Mrs. Guy O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Sanders, Alexander M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Sanders, Benjamin Franklin
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Sanders, George E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Sargert, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Saunier, Victor
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Schaffer, Peter H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Schildtknecht, Clyde R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Schulte, John D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Schultz, Roy B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Scott, Frederick H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Scott, George W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Scott, James Arthur
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Scott, Rollo
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Seibert, John S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Shackelford, William J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Shaffer, Bert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Shelton, Edward H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Shimp, Frank H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Slinkard, Cleman
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Smith, James Healey
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Smith, Prentis R.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Son, John E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Spencer, Dr. Clay
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Springer, Allen H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Spruell, Colonel J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stacy, Barney
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stalford, F. D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stalling, Mikel
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stanley, Freeman
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stapleton, Arthur J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Starkweather, Mrs. Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Steffes, Joseph Henry
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stemmons, Charles O.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stevens, Frank T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stevens, Walter
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stewart, Samuel D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stewart, Walter F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stimson, Irvin G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stough, C. D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Stringer, John E.

Box 219

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Surber, Albert T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Swinney, Matthew L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Symington, William A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Tate, Mrs. Brantely M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Taylor, Earl G.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Taylor, Lloyd E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Teason, Clifford J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Temple, L. M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thayer, Benjamin H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thies, Anthony F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thomas, Samuel F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thompson, Cyrus S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thompson, Grover M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Thompson, Roy
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Timberman, John Harrison
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Tipler, Eugene
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Toucey, Major S. R. - June, 1935-June, 1938
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Toucey, Major S. R. - April, 1939-May, 1943
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Toucey, Major S. R. - June, 1943-August, 1944
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Trout, Jack C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Tureck, J. C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Turner, Simon L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Twyman, Dr. Tom
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wallace, Dorr E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wallen, Henry J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wallick, Charles F.

Box 220

  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Watts, Mrs. Lena
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wellington, Robert
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wells, Eugene
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Welsh, Roscoe S.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wenker, Charles J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Werner, Florian J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: White, James A.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: White, Ralph P., Sr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: White, Rock
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Whiteside, Earl J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Whitt, Woody
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Widner, John L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wienken, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Williams, James I.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Williams, Joseph N.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Williams, Kenneth K.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Williams, Thomas H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Williamson, Grover C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wilson, Horatio
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wilson, John W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wilson, Thomas C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Witt, Frank
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Womack, Hanson J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Woods, Starless L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Workman, Clarence E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wray, Martha
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wright, John Lee
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Wyrick, Charles E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Young, Dr. Roy
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Young, Leo M.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War I: Zumsteg, John S.
  • Veterans' Claims - Dependents - World War II
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Atkinson, Carl D.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Branam, William Lloyd
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Christian, Mrs. Joseph L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Doolin, Lindley C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Emmerton, Ernest
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Fast, C. H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Frakes, Joseph J.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Gaines, J. T., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Graves, Waller W., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Gwinn, Albert L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Harreld, Carl L.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Hile, Ernest E.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Hoffman, William
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Hurd, Lyle H.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Johnson, Walter T. F.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Lee, Elmer V.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Looney, Ivan B.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: McKim, Edward Daniel, Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: McMillin, Erwin
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Melvin, Herbert Quentin
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Penticuff, Lt. David C.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Rediger, Orville T.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Riggs, Royal W.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Seth, Dewey
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Shewmake, Luther H.

Box 221

  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Stephenson, Edward and William G., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Tarwater, Vincent Frances
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Tweedy, Mrs. Lulu
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Warren, William Levi
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Warten, James N.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: West, Herbert G., Jr.
  • Veterans' Claims - World War II: Wilson, Jack Eugene
  • Veterans' Employment Service
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars
  • Veterans Placement Service - September, 1940-April, 1941
  • Veterans Placement Service - May-August, 1941
  • Votes
  • Wage and Hour Division
  • Waggoner-Gates Milling Company, Independence, Missouri
  • Wallace, David Fred
  • Wallace, Vice President Henry A.
  • Walsh, Thomas E.
  • Waltner, Marion
  • War Casualties: December, 1941-June, 1943

Box 222

  • War Casualties: August, 1943-March, 1945
  • War Dads
  • War Department: Active Duty Applications - June, 1940-July, 1941
  • War Department: Active Duty Applications - August, 1941-November, 1944
  • War Department: Adjutant General Office - June, 1942-February, 1943
  • War Department: Adjutant General Office - March, 1943-March, 1944

Box 223

  • War Department: Adjutant General Office - April, 1944-March, 1945
  • War Department: Air Corps - December, 1941-May, 1942
  • War Department: Air Corps - June-August, 1942
  • War Department: Air Corps - September, 1942-February, 1943
  • War Department: Air Corps - March-June, 1943
  • War Department: Air Corps - July, 1943-January, 1944

Box 224

  • War Department: Air Corps - February-April, 1944
  • War Department: Air Corps - May, 1944-January, 1945
  • War Department: Army Bands
  • War Department: Army Camps and Munition Plants
  • War Department: Army Post Office
  • War Department: Army Specialist Corps - March-August, 1942
  • War Department: Army Specialist Corps - September-November, 1942
  • War Department: Army Specialist Corps - February, 1943-October, 1944

Box 225

  • War Department: Bethany Airport
  • War Department: Building in Arlington
  • War Department: Camp Chaffee, Arkansas
  • War Department: Camp Clark, Nevada, Missouri
  • War Department: Camp Crowder, Neosho, Missouri
  • War Department: Camp Robinson, Arkansas
  • War Department: Cavalry
  • War Department: Chaplain Corps
  • War Department: Chemical Warfare Service
  • War Department: Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall
  • War Department: Civilian Air Defense Trainin
  • War Department: Coast Artillery
  • War Department: Commissions - Air Corps - June, 1940-April, 1941
  • War Department: Commissions - Air Corps - May-December, 1941

Box 226

  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - September, 1941-February, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - March, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - April-May, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - June, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - July, 1942

Box 227

  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - August, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - September, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - October, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - November-December, 1942
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - January, 1943

Box 228

  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - February-March, 1943
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - April, 1943
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - May-September, 1943
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - October, 1943-February, 1944
  • War Department: Commissions, Applications for - March, 1944-April, 1945
  • War Department: Commissions Obtained

Box 229

  • War Department: Contracts – November, 1939-September, 1941
  • War Department: Contracts – October, 1941-July, 1942
  • War Department: Contracts – August, 1942-August, 1944
  • War Department: Dependency Benefits
  • War Department: Discharges – January, 1940-August, 1941
  • War Department: Discharges – September, 1941-December, 1942

Box 230

  • War Department: Discharges – January-April, 1943
  • War Department: Discharges – May-July, 1943
  • War Department: Discharges – August, 1943-January, 1944
  • War Department: Discharges – February-May, 1944
  • War Department: Discharges – June-July, 1944
  • War Department: Discharges – August-October, 1944

Box 231

  • War Department: Discharges – November-December, 1944
  • War Department: Discharges – January-April, 1945
  • War Department: Engineer Corps – December, 1939-June, 1942
  • War Department: Engineer Corps – July-November, 1942
  • War Department: Engineer Corps – December, 1942-July, 1943

Box 232

  • War Department: Engineer Corps – August, 1943-December, 1944
  • War Department: Enlistments, Applications for
  • War Department: Exchange Service
  • War Department: Ferry Command
  • War Department: Field Artillery
  • War Department: Finance Office
  • War Department: Fort Leonard Wood – September, 1940-March, 1941
  • War Department: Fort Leonard Wood – April, 1941-January, 1944

Box 233

  • War Department: Furloughs – October, 1941-August, 1944
  • War Department: Furloughs – September, 1944-April, 1945
  • War Department: General – October-December, 1940
  • War Department: General – January-March, 1941
  • War Department: General – April-June, 1941
  • War Department: General – July-December, 1941

Box 234

  • War Department: General – January-May, 1942
  • War Department: General – June-August, 1942
  • War Department: General – September, 1942-February, 1943
  • War Department: General – March-July, 1943
  • War Department: General – August-September, 1943

Box 235

  • War Department: General – October-November, 1943
  • War Department: General – December, 1943-February, 1944
  • War Department: General – March-May, 1944
  • War Department: General – June, 1944
  • War Department: General – July, 1944

Box 236

  • War Department: General – August, 1944
  • War Department: General – September, 1944
  • War Department: General – October, 1944
  • War Department: General – November, 1944
  • War Department: General – December, 1944

Box 237

  • War Department: General – January, 1945
  • War Department: General – February, 1945
  • War Department: General – March-April, 1945
  • War Department: Hostesses – November, 1940-January, 1941
  • War Department: Hostesses – February, 1941-March, 1945

Box 238

  • War Department: Infantry
  • War Department: Intelligence Division
  • War Department: Jefferson Barracks
  • War Department: Judge Advocate General’s Office – May, 1940-February, 1943
  • War Department: Judge Advocate General’s Office – July, 1943-April, 1945
  • War Department: Kansas City Quartermaster Depot
  • War Department: Medical Corps
  • War Department: Medical Corps – Dental, Nurse, and Veterinary [1 of 2]

Box 239

  • War Department: Medical Corps – Dental, Nurse, and Veterinary [2 of 2]
  • War Department: Military Police Corps
  • War Department: Music School
  • War Department: Mustering Out Pay
  • War Department: New Madrid County Bombing Field
  • War Department: Office of Dependency Benefits – December, 1942-April, 1943
  • War Department: Office of Dependency Benefits – May, 1943-February, 1944

Box 240

  • War Department: Office of Dependency Benefits – March-May, 1944
  • War Department: Office of Dependency Benefits – June-July, 1944
  • War Department: Office of Dependency Benefits – August, 1944-January, 1945
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – April-December, 1941
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – January-May, 1942
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – June-August, 1942
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – September-October, 1942

Box 241

  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – November, 1942-February, 1943
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – March-July, 1943
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – August-October, 1943
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – November, 1943-June, 1944
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – July-December, 1944
  • War Department: Officers’ Training School – January-April, 1945

Box 242

  • War Department: Ordnance Department
  • War Department: Perryville Airport
  • War Department: Physical Disability Discharges
  • War Department: Promotions
  • War Department: Provost Marshall [empty]
  • War Department: Quartermaster Corps – July, 1940-December, 1940
  • War Department: Quartermaster Corps – January-December, 1941
  • War Department: Quartermaster Corps – January-August, 1942
  • War Department: Quartermaster Corps – September, 1942-August, 1944

Box 243

  • War Department: Railroad Engineers
  • War Department: Recommissions
  • War Department: Regular Army
  • War Department: Reserve Corps – May, 1940-March, 1941
  • War Department: Reserve Corps – April-December, 1941
  • War Department: Reserve Corps – January, 1942-December, 1944
  • War Department: Revolutionary War Cases
  • War Department: School of Military Government

Box 244

  • War Department: Signal Corps
  • War Department: Supply Corps
  • War Department: Transfers – August, 1941-August, 1942
  • War Department: Transfers – September, 1942-July, 1943
  • War Department: Transfers – August, 1943-February, 1944
  • War Department: Transfers – March, 1944-June, 1944

Box 245

  • War Department: Transfers – July-October, 1944
  • War Department: Transfers – November, 1944-January, 1945
  • War Department: Transfers – February-April, 1945
  • War Department: Transportation Corps
  • War Department: Veterinary Corps
  • War Department: Vichy, Missouri Airport Site
  • War Department: WAAC’s
  • War Department: Wappapello Dam and Reservoir Project, Chief of Engineers
  • War Labor Board

Box 246

  • War Manpower Board – June, 1942-April 1943
  • War Manpower Board – May, 1943-March, 1945
  • War, Prisoners of
  • War Production Board – January-August, 1942
  • War Production Board – September-October, 1942
  • War Production Board – November-December, 1942

Box 247

  • War Production Board – January-February, 1943
  • War Production Board – March, 1943
  • War Production Board – April, 1943
  • War Production Board – May, 1943
  • War Production Board – June-July, 1943

Box 248

  • War Production Board – August-September, 1943
  • War Production Board – October-November, 1943
  • War Production Board – December, 1943-January, 1944
  • War Production Board – February-March, 1944
  • War Production Board – April, 1944

Box 249

Box 250

  • War Production Board: Priorities – May, 1942
  • War Production Board: Priorities – June, 1942
  • War Production Board: Priorities – July, 1942
  • War Production Board: Priorities – August-October, 1942
  • War Production Board – Smaller War Plants Corporation
  • War Relocation Board
  • War Risk Insurance

Box 251

  • War Situation – November, 1940-June, 1941
  • War Situation – July-December, 1941
  • War Situation – January-March, 1942
  • War Situation – April, 1942-April 1944
  • Washington Student Service Bureau
  • WASP [Women Airforce Service Pilots]
  • Waterways
  • Watson, Dorsey
  • Watson, Colonel Ray E.
  • WAVES [Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services]
  • Wear, Sam M.

Box 252

  • Wehrle, Howard F.
  • Welliver, Forest C.
  • Wells, Frank
  • Wells, James
  • West Point
  • West Point – General
  • West Point: Applicants – Adams, Ronald T. Lt. Col. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Adams, William
  • West Point: Applicants – Akers, J. B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Almquist, Peter William
  • West Point: Applicants – Anderson, Alf
  • West Point: Applicants – Anderson, Clay J. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Anderson, Mrs. John G. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Anderson, Robert V.
  • West Point: Applicants – Andrews, Bartlett R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Anton, Alfred John
  • West Point: Applicants – Ascher, Jim
  • West Point: Applicants – Avery, Charles Jerome
  • West Point: Applicants – Ayres, Bill
  • West Point: Applicants – Bailey, William C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Baird, Henry W. III
  • West Point: Applicants – Baird, Irwin
  • West Point: Applicants – Banister, Arthur William
  • West Point: Applicants – Barlow, E. A. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Barnes, Bruce F. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Bartels, Wesley A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Bartholomees, James B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Bauman, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Beavers, Joe
  • West Point: Applicants – Beck, William J. (Corporal)
  • West Point: Applicants – Beeler, James Walter Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Belew, Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Bell, Harold
  • West Point: Applicants – Berra, Charles
  • West Point: Applicants – Berry, Preston E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Bezner, Port R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Birt, William Moler
  • West Point: Applicants – Black, Frederick H. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Black, Garland C. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Bodenhamer, Ross E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Boercher, Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – Bolles, Jonathan
  • West Point: Applicants – Bonham, Carlos W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Borchert, Robert Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Boss, Marvin
  • West Point: Applicants – Boucher, Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – Boughan, Rolla Booth

Box 253

  • West Point: Applicants – Boyle, John
  • West Point: Applicants – Brady, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Branson, Leon and Eugene (Twins)
  • West Point: Applicants – Branum, Charles C. (Pfc)
  • West Point: Applicants – Bret, Louis E. Jr. (Corporal)
  • West Point: Applicants – Brinkmeyer, William H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Brooksbank, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Bruce, George
  • West Point: Applicants – Buck, Norbert
  • West Point: Applicants – Burkitt, James H. A/S
  • West Point: Applicants – Burns, Waldo C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Burrill, Douglas Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Busey, Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Bushey, Robert H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Byrne, Robert B. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Cameron, Lewis Hine
  • West Point: Applicants – Carney, Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – Carroll, Benjamin L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Carter, (Son of Robert L.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Catlin, Ralph C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Catts, H. Perry Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Chancellor, H. C. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Chancellor, Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Chapman, Franzl
  • West Point: Applicants – Cheever, Charles E. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Chitty, J. B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Church, Robert W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Clarke, Paul
  • West Point: Applicants – Cliffe, Walter
  • West Point: Applicants – Cole, Taylor W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Collins, Daniel W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Collins, Richard B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Combs, Robert E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Cort, Hugh Jr. (Private)
  • West Point: Applicants – Coughlin, Thomas B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Counsell, John E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Cowan, Maynard L. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Cragin, John M. (Private)
  • West Point: Applicants – Craig, William B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Crandall, John
  • West Point: Applicants – Crawford, George
  • West Point: Applicants – Crawford, James Tracy
  • West Point: Applicants – Cronkhite, Willis Dodge Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Crowe, Joseph A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Crump, Alan
  • West Point: Applicants – Dail, Jere
  • West Point: Applicants – Dalton, James W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Danforth, George Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Danielson, Gertrude L. (For Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Darnell, (Son of Mrs. Mary)
  • West Point: Applicants – Daugherty, William P.
  • West Point: Applicants – Davenport, Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Davidson, Phillip B. [empty]
  • West Point: Applicants – Davis, J. C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Davis, Robert Allen
  • West Point: Applicants – Davis, William D. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Deakins, David
  • West Point: Applicants – DeForest, Laurence Raymon
  • West Point: Applicants – DeLargy, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – DeSantis, William J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Dickson, Bob
  • West Point: Applicants – Dietrich, Roy K.
  • West Point: Applicants – Dingman, Charles Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Dowdy, Bobby A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Duke, James E. III
  • West Point: Applicants – Dunham , Mike
  • West Point: Applicants – Dunwoody, Harold
  • West Point: Applicants – Dysart, Lewis Alfred
  • West Point: Applicants – Eariley, John J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ehrlich, John W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ehrlich, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Elliott, John
  • West Point: Applicants – Ellis, Albert Murray

Box 254

  • West Point: Applicants – Ellis, Bryon S.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ellis, Carroll C. Pfc.
  • West Point: Applicants – Farnsworth, D. B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Fate, Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Fay, George
  • West Point: Applicants – Feagans, William M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Feldman, Stanley O.
  • West Point: Applicants – Finch, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Fisher, Glenn E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Fitzgerald, Lyle L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Fitzsimmons, Robert J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Foote, Frank B. (Private)
  • West Point: Applicants – Fowler, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Fraser, Donald V.
  • West Point: Applicants – Fries, Ernest E. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Froman, A. I.
  • West Point: Applicants – Fuerst, Albert Q.
  • West Point: Applicants – Gaffort, William
  • West Point: Applicants – Garrison, Wendell
  • West Point: Applicants – Gaylord, William H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Gepford, William
  • West Point: Applicants – Gilbert, Chester C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Gilbert, Harold N.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ginsberg, R. W. (Private)
  • West Point: Applicants – Ginsburg, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Ginsburgh, Robert N.
  • West Point: Applicants – Gomien, Scott Dr. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Goodell, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Gore, Truman
  • West Point: Applicants – Graham, William Byron
  • West Point: Applicants – Grant, Joseph Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Greenamyer, Tom
  • West Point: Applicants – Griesa, Scott
  • West Point: Applicants – Guffey, Neal H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Guion, James L. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Guthals, Herbert Keith
  • West Point: Applicants – Guthrie, Frank W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Guyot, C. Arnold (Nephew)
  • West Point: Applicants – Hackley, Cole
  • West Point: Applicants – Hackley, Harold L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Haisley, Philip D.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hall, Richard and Harold (Twins)
  • West Point: Applicants – Hamacher, Brock
  • West Point: Applicants – Handley, John J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hanger, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Hanna, Mark
  • West Point: Applicants – Harper, Robert W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Harper, Wilson C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hatfield, Marshall R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Heavey, Jack Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hederstrom, Jack H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hedges, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Heil, Charles
  • West Point: Applicants – Henderson, J. Fred
  • West Point: Applicants – Herold, Armin R. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Herron, M. G.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hess, Dalton W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hill, Dick
  • West Point: Applicants – Hill, George Paul
  • West Point: Applicants – Hill, Ray Jr. (Sargeant)
  • West Point: Applicants – Hilmer, John Grant
  • West Point: Applicants – Hoffman, Bernard
  • West Point: Applicants – Hogan, E. D.
  • West Point: Applicants – Holloway, W. A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Holman, Willford
  • West Point: Applicants – Holton, Carl L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hood, Robert Willis
  • West Point: Applicants – Hoover, Kinnison
  • West Point: Applicants – Hope, John F. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hope, Robert S.

Box 255

  • West Point: Applicants – Horan, Robert M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Horwitz, Harold C.
  • West Point: Applicants – House, Gordon
  • West Point: Applicants – Houser, Richard H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hudgens, Lauren W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hull, Marvin
  • West Point: Applicants – Humphries, George Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Hunley, Daniel H. (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Hurd, Charles W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Hutchinson, Woods
  • West Point: Applicants – Ibach, Roland
  • West Point: Applicants – Ice, Harry
  • West Point: Applicants – Icenogle, William Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Imes, Haskell
  • West Point: Applicants – James, H. C.
  • West Point: Applicants – James, Stanley L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnson, D. Terrill Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnson, Randolph
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnson, Robert C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnson, Tom
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnston, Robert Glenn Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Johnstone, James N.
  • West Point: Applicants – Jones, Francis Dunn
  • West Point: Applicants – Jones, William M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Jost, Glennon Mathew
  • West Point: Applicants – Jouras, Nicholas Peter
  • West Point: Applicants – Judy, James W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Kanaga, Clint W. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Kaplan, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Kardash, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Keeling, Henry Floyd
  • West Point: Applicants – Kelley, Roger Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Kelly, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Kelly, William Joseph Patrick
  • West Point: Applicants – Kennedy, Arthur H. (Sergeant)
  • West Point: Applicants – Kennedy, Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Keys, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Kibler, Robert F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Kimball, Clarence O. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Kimball, Jack F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Kincheloe, John O. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – King, David Bryant II
  • West Point: Applicants – Kitts, Alfred R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Kohnle, Kenneth
  • West Point: Applicants – Krashin, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Kratz, Paul Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Krieger, William A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Krough, George
  • West Point: Applicants – Krummenacher, Victor Harris (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Kuhler, Joseph W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Lamar, Kirby Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Lambert, Kennett J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Landrum, Eugene M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Larkins, John Thomas
  • West Point: Applicants – LaRoche, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Leedy, Harold G.
  • West Point: Applicants – Leither, John A. P.
  • West Point: Applicants – Leonard, David E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Lisle, Robert W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Lloyd, Sam III
  • West Point: Applicants – Loesing, Vernon T.
  • West Point: Applicants – Logan, Crawford
  • West Point: Applicants – Lombard, Harold
  • West Point: Applicants – Lombardo, Tom
  • West Point: Applicants – Love, Kennett Farrar Potter
  • West Point: Applicants – Lowe, James Nelson
  • West Point: Applicants – Lowry, William Allen
  • West Point: Applicants – Lucy, Bobby
  • West Point: Applicants – Lusk, Dietz Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Lutman, Charles
  • West Point: Applicants – Mace, Charles Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Mackert, John R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Manners, Donald M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Maris, Ward Hale (Son)

Box 256

  • West Point: Applicants – Masterson, Edward P.
  • West Point: Applicants – Matthews, Harold
  • West Point: Applicants – Mayes, Kenneth
  • West Point: Applicants – McAnerney, Jack M.
  • West Point: Applicants – McCord, Charles
  • West Point: Applicants – McCroskey, Joseph
  • West Point: Applicants – McDaniel, James R.
  • West Point: Applicants – McDowell, John B.
  • West Point: Applicants – McDowell, Thomas E.
  • West Point: Applicants – McElvey, John C.
  • West Point: Applicants – McGilley, James P. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – McGregor, Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – McKinney, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – McKnight, Charles H. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – McMahon, William J.
  • West Point: Applicants – McMullen, F. D. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – McNamara, (Son of C. Z.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Meals, Joe O.
  • West Point: Applicants – Meert, Domien R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Mepham, Allen Hobbs Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Michel, Arthur
  • West Point: Applicants – Miler, Richard W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Miller, Raymond G.
  • West Point: Applicants – Miller, William T.
  • West Point: Applicants – Mills, Carl R. (Lt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Moher, Thomas Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Monsarrat, Marcus R. Jr. (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Monson, Harold F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Moreno, Fernando
  • West Point: Applicants – Morgan, Daniel L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Morris, John Albert
  • West Point: Applicants – Moses, John W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Mossbarger, Frank
  • West Point: Applicants – Mulvihill, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Murphy, Bill
  • West Point: Applicants – Muse, Grant
  • West Point: Applicants – Myers, Edward C., Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Neckerman, Glenn
  • West Point: Applicants – Neff, Frank
  • West Point: Applicants – Nelson, Bentley
  • West Point: Applicants – Nelson, Harold Vard.
  • West Point: Applicants – Neubert, Ralph L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Neville, Krissman O.
  • West Point: Applicants – Nichols, Donald Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Nieman, Otto F. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Norman, Frank R. (Cadet)
  • West Point: Applicants – Noyes, Roger F. [empty]
  • West Point: Applicants – O’Deefe, Desmond Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – O’Donnell, Leo
  • West Point: Applicants – O’Malley, James F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ochs, Louis W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Osborn, Keith
  • West Point: Applicants – Osborne, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Overall, Sidney Rollins, Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Owens, James C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Parsons, Tarlton F. II
  • West Point: Applicants – Patton, John S.
  • West Point: Applicants – Patton, Lewis, E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Paules, John Guilford (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Paxton, William C. (Cadet)
  • West Point: Applicants – Payne, Truesdale
  • West Point: Applicants – Peach, Robert W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Pence Arthur W. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Peppers, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Peterson, Carl Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Pettigrew, Merlin E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Pierce, Walter R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Pirkey, Frank Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Pitts, William Frederick
  • West Point: Applicants – Pitts, Younger Jr.

Box 257

  • West Point: Applicants – Poe, Bryce II
  • West Point: Applicants – Prichard, William R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Pritchard, William Sylvester
  • West Point: Applicants – Pritchett, Harry Hall Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Quigley, Joseph
  • West Point: Applicants – Quisenberry, Shirley Dale (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Quisenberry, William R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Ragsdale, Carl
  • West Point: Applicants – Ramey, Roland Wheeler
  • West Point: Applicants – Rasmussen, Merwin
  • West Point: Applicants – Read, Wallace F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Renfrow, John Thomas
  • West Point: Applicants – Reynolds, Jack V.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rice, Arthur
  • West Point: Applicants – Richardson, Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Ridings, Ray
  • West Point: Applicants – Riegelman, Alfred M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rife, John R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rixey, Norton Bernard
  • West Point: Applicants – Roberts, Grosvenor
  • West Point: Applicants – Roberts, James T.
  • West Point: Applicants – Robertson, Gene
  • West Point: Applicants – Robertson, George
  • West Point: Applicants – Robinson, R. M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Roetto, Lawrence Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Roffe, Son of Col A. W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rogers, Daniel L.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rohrs, John
  • West Point: Applicants – Roloff, Don Vernon
  • West Point: Applicants – Rosenbloom, Jay Richard
  • West Point: Applicants – Rothschild, Louis Irwin, Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rucker, Vernon R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Rush, John D.
  • West Point: Applicants – Russell, Leland
  • West Point: Applicants – Salsky, Harry
  • West Point: Applicants – Sampson, Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – Schanz, Leo
  • West Point: Applicants – Schlegel, Leo G. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Schneckloth, Barney Groves
  • West Point: Applicants – Schneider, Gene
  • West Point: Applicants – Schwan, George N.
  • West Point: Applicants – Scott, E. S. Jr. (Gen. Scott’s son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Scott, Mynatt W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Scott, Robert J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Scoville, Winston Ousley
  • West Point: Applicants – Sharp, Charles B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Shaum, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Shearer, John F.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sheldon, Donald A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sheppard, Homer T. Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sherman, Richard C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Shull, William W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sido, G. Robert
  • West Point: Applicants – Simmons, John
  • West Point: Applicants – Simonin, Arthur Edward
  • West Point: Applicants – Simpson, Robert Inhalls II
  • West Point: Applicants – Sisk, Forest O. Jr. (Jack)
  • West Point: Applicants – Slaughter, Stephen
  • West Point: Applicants – Smiley, Frank Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Smith, Oscar E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sover, Charles
  • West Point: Applicants – Spivy, William W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sporcic, Robert A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stanze, Arthur E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stapp, Clarence M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Steinacker, Rudolf (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Steininger, Donald H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Sternke, Myrl B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stewart, William G.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stiles, Dick
  • West Point: Applicants – Stoltz, Robert S.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stone, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Streeter, Fred
  • West Point: Applicants – Strother, Sam
  • West Point: Applicants – Studebaker, Jack R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Stufflebam, Charles J. (Pvt.)

Box 258

  • West Point: Applicants – Sullivan, Tom
  • West Point: Applicants – Suor, Edmund
  • West Point: Applicants – Sutton, Herbert
  • West Point: Applicants – Taylor, Claude (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Taylor, Thomas McLennan
  • West Point: Applicants – Taylor, William (Bill)
  • West Point: Applicants – Thomas, John R. (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Thomasson, John A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Thompson, Boyd
  • West Point: Applicants – Thompson, George (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Thompson, Robert Inman
  • West Point: Applicants – Timothy, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Tracy, W. G., Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Trammell, Jimmie
  • West Point: Applicants – Tucker, Charles E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Tucker, William J., Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Turpin, William
  • West Point: Applicants – Utter, Joe C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Vail, James M.
  • West Point: Applicants – Valentine, Gordon K.
  • West Point: Applicants – Van Doren, Robert F.
  • West Point: Applicants – van Ravenswaay, Bobby
  • West Point: Applicants – Vandeventer, Brooks
  • West Point: Applicants – Varner, Eugene A.
  • West Point: Applicants – Viles, Landon Campbell
  • West Point: Applicants – Vorce, Fred W.
  • West Point: Applicants – Wagner, Jack
  • West Point: Applicants – Walters, John W. B.
  • West Point: Applicants – Waltner, Harold C.
  • West Point: Applicants – Walz, Buck (Son)
  • West Point: Applicants – Ward, David, M. (Lt.)
  • West Point: Applicants – Warnick, Joseph J.
  • West Point: Applicants – Weakley, Emmett R.
  • West Point: Applicants – Wehrle, Howard
  • West Point: Applicants – Weir, Don J.
  • West Point: Applicants – West, William Sheldon
  • West Point: Applicants – White, Norman E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Wightman, William E.
  • West Point: Applicants – Wilkinson, Frank Lee
  • West Point: Applicants – Wilkinson, Olive (Nephew, did not give name)
  • West Point: Applicants – Wilks, (Son of Mrs. Agatha)
  • West Point: Applicants – Willhoite, Wilbur
  • West Point: Applicants – Williams, Dale
  • West Point: Applicants – Wilson, Harold
  • West Point: Applicants – Wilson, Paul Donald
  • West Point: Applicants – Woehrle, Charles D.
  • West Point: Applicants – Wolfarth, (Son of Mrs. Agnes)
  • West Point: Applicants – Wolfe, John J., Jr.
  • West Point: Applicants – Woodard, William
  • West Point: Applicants – Woods, James
  • West Point: Applicants – Yeuell, Owens H.
  • West Point: Applicants – Zurheide, Charles
  • West Point: Cadets – Andrus, Curtis
  • West Point: Cadets – Beatty, Roy
  • West Point: Cadets – Cannon, Joseph M., Jr.
  • West Point: Cadets – Capps, Jack
  • West Point: Cadets – Clark, Charles W. (Sgt.)
  • West Point: Cadets – Coates, Arthur (Son)
  • West Point: Cadets – Cockrill, Jack C.
  • West Point: Cadets – Cox, John Henry
  • West Point: Cadets – Ferguson, Ernest S.
  • West Point: Cadets – Foster, Randolph Vaughn
  • West Point: Cadets – Francisco, William
  • West Point: Cadets – Greene, O. K. (Son)
  • West Point: Cadets – Hennessy, Francis, B.
  • West Point: Cadets – Herman, Alfred Henry
  • West Point: Cadets – Hickman, William H.

box 259

  • West Point: Cadets – Hunt, Ira A., Jr.
  • West Point: Cadets – Jacoby, Ellsworth
  • West Point: Cadets – Jobes, Charles
  • West Point: Cadets – Mahan, Dale E.
  • West Point: Cadets – Marks, Tom
  • West Point: Cadets – Mason, Edward
  • West Point: Cadets – Montague, Jack H.
  • West Point: Cadets – Nacy, John D.
  • West Point: Cadets – Roy, James William
  • West Point: Cadets – Salsbury, Vaughn
  • West Point: Cadets – Seeber, William
  • West Point: Cadets – Sprinkle, (Col. L. A. ‘s son)
  • West Point: Cadets – Sproat, John
  • West Point: Cadets – Thompson, Otis Jr.
  • West Point: Cadets – Truman, Corbie R.
  • West Point: Cadets – Truman, Fred
  • West Point: Cadets – Warren, Henry (Boy)
  • West Point: Cadets – Welch, James C., Jr.
  • West Point: Cadets – Weston, Alan
  • West Point: Cadets – Wilson, Jasper Jackson
  • West Point: Cadets – Winters, Harold
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Allbee, Andrew H.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Aull, William
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Babb, Benjamin A., Jr.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Bell, Arthur H.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Brown, William Y.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Bruce, Robert G.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Bundschu, Charles
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Cantrell, William Luther, Jr.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Dickinson, Hillman
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Doolittle, John Prescott

Box 260

  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Dougan, Murray Dean
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Edwards, Edmund Barber
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Elliott, Jack
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Emley, Paul
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Fisher, Jack Charles
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Frye, Philip Robert
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Gage, John C.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Green, Robert B. (Bob)
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Harris, John Wyatt
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Heninger, David
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Heninger, Grant (Major) (Son)
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Hennessy, Richard
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Hughes, Robert
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Hughes, Robert Arthur
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Johnson, James Wiley
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Kelley, Robert M.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Lacy, William Henry
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Lee, Robert Edward
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Lyons, R. P., III
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Martin, G. E.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Matthews, James Samuel
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Mercet, Norman V.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Oglesby, Rube
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Olson, Lloyd D. (Pfc.)
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Parminter, Edgar (Pfc.)
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Plowman, James Wilson
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Porter, George William
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Reeves, James Edward
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Ross, Collier
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Sackbauer, F. P.
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Shanahan, John Edward

Box 261

  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Stufflebam, F. J. (Pvt.)
  • West Point: Nominated and Disqualified – Wilmot, Fred
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Bryant, Howard
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Cooley, George Edward
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Couch, Warren A.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – DeArmond, Michael
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Dever, Dick
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Edelmeyer, Max P.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Erhart, Roland
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Eriksen, Dale
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Fowler, Leslie L.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Franklin, Robert A.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – General
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Hammond, James Ernest
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Hayes, Ernest Thomas
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Jobes, Kelly
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Jones, Kent
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Kling, Stephen
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Lehner, Charles
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Lindley, Robert
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Neller, James L.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Novak, Don
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Patton, Louis, E.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Penney, William M.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Quisenberry, J. Randall
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Ramsay, Bayard T.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Robertson, R. S. B.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Smith, Clifford A.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Spragins, Stewart
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Streeter, Samuel S.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Tallant, Richard H.
  • West Point: Vice-Presidential Appointments – Wren, Robert Lee
  • Western Cartridge Company
  • Westminster College
  • Weston, A. E.
  • Wheat
  • Wheat, Soft
  • Wheeler, Burton K.
  • Wheeler-Truman Bill
  • White House
  • White House Letters

Box 262

  • Who’s Who in America
  • Wilcox, Andy
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Williams, Colonel George
  • Williams, Roy D.
  • Wilson, Colonel Arthur
  • Wiretapping Committee
  • Witte Engine Works
  • Wooley, Dr. Paul V.
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – June, 1940-November, 1941
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – January-December, 1942
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – January-March, 1943
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Applicants [1 of 2]

Box 263

  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Applicants [2 of 2]
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Defense Training
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 1 – Moberly [1 of 2]
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 1 – Moberly [2 of 2]
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 2 – Kansas City
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 3 – St. Louis
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 4 – Farmington

Box 264

  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – District No. 5 – Springfield
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Marshfield, Missouri
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Missouri Office, B. M. Casteel, State Administrator
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Projects Approved, April-August, 1941
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Projects Approved, September-December, 1941
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Projects Approved, January-July, 1942
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Warrensburg Sewing Room
  • W.P.A. [Work Projects Administration] – Washington Office
  • Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri
  • Young Democrats
  • Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
  • Zinc
  • Zionist Organizations

1944 CAMPAIGN FILE, 1944-1945: Card File, 1944-1945

Box 265

  • Reception: Carlton Hotel – John W. Snyder, January 21, 1945
  • White House

1944 CAMPAIGN FILE, 1944-1945: Correspondence File, 1944-1945

Box 266

  • Campaign 1944: General
  • Campaign 1944: General, August, 1944 [1 of 2]
  • Campaign 1944: General, August, 1944 [2 of 2]
  • Campaign 1944: General, September, 1944
  • Campaign 1944: General, October, 1944
  • Campaign 1944: General, November, 1944
  • Campaign 1944: General, December, 1944

Box 267

  • Campaign Contributions
  • Congratulatory Messages: A – F
  • Congratulatory Messages: G – K
  • Congratulatory Messages: L – S
  • Congratulatory Messages: S – Z
  • Congratulatory Messages: Alabama
  • Congratulatory Messages: Arizona
  • Congratulatory Messages: Arkansas

Box 268

  • Congratulatory Messages: California
  • Congratulatory Messages: Colorado
  • Congratulatory Messages: Connecticut
  • Congratulatory Messages: Delaware
  • Congratulatory Messages: Florida
  • Congratulatory Messages: Georgia
  • Congratulatory Messages: Idaho
  • Congratulatory Messages: Illinois
  • Congratulatory Messages: Indiana
  • Congratulatory Messages: Iowa
  • Congratulatory Messages: Kansas
  • Congratulatory Messages: Kansas City, Regular letters [1 of 3]

Box 269

  • Congratulatory Messages: Kansas City, Regular letters [2 of 3]
  • Congratulatory Messages: Kansas City, Regular letters [3 of 3]
  • Congratulatory Messages: Kansas City, Special letters
  • Congratulatory Messages: Kentucky
  • Congratulatory Messages: Louisiana
  • Congratulatory Messages: Maryland
  • Congratulatory Messages: Massachusetts
  • Congratulatory Messages: Michigan
  • Congratulatory Messages: Minnesota
  • Congratulatory Messages: Miscellaneous
  • Congratulatory Messages: Mississippi
  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri, Regular Letters [1 of 2]

Box 270

  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri, Regular Letters [2 of 2]
  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri – A-K, Regular letters [1 of 2]
  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri – A-K, Regular letters [2 of 2]
  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri – L-Z, Regular letters
  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri – A-K, Special letters

Box 271

  • Congratulatory Messages: Missouri – L-Z, Special letters
  • Congratulatory Messages: Montana
  • Congratulatory Messages: Nebraska
  • Congratulatory Messages: New Hampshire
  • Congratulatory Messages: New Jersey
  • Congratulatory Messages: New York
  • Congratulatory Messages: No Address
  • Congratulatory Messages: North Carolina
  • Congratulatory Messages: Ohio
  • Congratulatory Messages: Oklahoma
  • Congratulatory Messages: Oregon
  • Congratulatory Messages: Overseas
  • Congratulatory Messages: Overseas Mail

Box 272

  • Congratulatory Messages: Pennsylvania
  • Congratulatory Messages: Rhode Island
  • Congratulatory Messages: South Carolina
  • Congratulatory Messages: Tennessee
  • Congratulatory Messages: Texas
  • Congratulatory Messages: Utah
  • Congratulatory Messages: Virginia
  • Congratulatory Messages: Washington
  • Congratulatory Messages: Washington, D.C.
  • Congratulatory Messages: West Virginia
  • Congratulatory Messages: Wisconsin
  • Congratulatory Messages: Wyoming
  • Glossy Prints
  • Hotel Reservations
  • Inaugural Requests
  • Inauguration Requests Not Filled
  • Lamar: Comments on Senator’s Speech in – August 31, 1944
  • Lamar: Speech and Material Pertaining there to

Box 273

  • Original Lists for the White House and Reception – Sunday
  • Personal Notes on Senator Truman
  • Publicity Material Sent Out
  • Snyder: Symington Party
  • Telegrams
  • Thank You Letters
  • V.R. Messall Party

MASONIC FILE, 1936-1945

Box 273

  • General
  • General Correspondence: 1936
  • General Correspondence: 1937
  • General Correspondence: 1938
  • General Correspondence: January-June, 1939
  • General Correspondence: July-December , 1939
  • General Correspondence: January, 1940
  • General Correspondence: February, 1940
  • General Correspondence: March, 1940
  • General Correspondence: April, 1940
  • General Correspondence: May, 1940
  • General Correspondence: June, 1940
  • General Correspondence: July, 1940
  • General Correspondence: August, 1940
  • General Correspondence: September, 1940

Box 274

  • General Correspondence: October, 1940
  • General Correspondence: November, 1940
  • General Correspondence: December, 1940
  • General Correspondence: January, 1941
  • General Correspondence: February, 1941
  • General Correspondence: March 1-15, 1941

Box 275

  • General Correspondence: March 16-31, 1941
  • General Correspondence: April, 1941
  • General Correspondence: May, 1941
  • General Correspondence: June, 1941
  • General Correspondence: July, 1941
  • General Correspondence: August, 1941

Box 276

  • General Correspondence: September, 1941
  • General Correspondence: October, 1941
  • General Correspondence: November, 1941
  • General Correspondence: December, 1941
  • General Correspondence: 1942
  • General Correspondence: 1943
  • General Correspondence: 1944
  • General Correspondence: 1945


Box 276

  • Aa-Ac
  • Ad-All
  • Alm –Am
  • An-Ap
  • Ar-As

Box 277

  • At-Az
  • Baa-Bak
  • Bal-Ban
  • Bar
  • Bat-Baz
  • Bea-Bel
  • Ben
  • Ber-Bey
  • Bi
  • Bl
  • Boa-Bok
  • Bol-Boo
  • Bor-Bot
  • Bou-Boy
  • Braa-Bran
  • (Bras)-Bri
  • Bro
  • Bru-Bry
  • Bu-By
  • Caa-Cal
  • Cam-Can
  • Cap-Car
  • Cas-Ce
  • Cha
  • Che-Cho
  • Chr-Ci
  • Cl
  • Coa-Coh
  • Col-Com
  • Con-Cop
  • Cor
  • Cos-Coz
  • Cra-Cri
  • Cro-Cry
  • Cu-Cy
  • Daa-Dan

Box 278

  • Dar-Day
  • Dea-Deg
  • Deh-Dedl
  • Dem-Dep
  • Der-Dez
  • Dia-Dil
  • Dim-Dix
  • Doa-Don
  • Doo-Doz
  • Dr-Dt
  • Dua-Dun
  • Dur-Dy
  • Ea-Ec
  • Ed-Et
  • Em-Er
  • Es-Ez
  • Faa-Fan
  • Far-Faz
  • Fea-Fel
  • Fen-Fez
  • Fi
  • Fl
  • Fo
  • Fra-Fre
  • Frt-Fey
  • Fu-Fy
  • Gaa-Gan
  • Gar-Gay
  • Ge
  • Gi
  • Gl
  • God-Gol
  • Goo-Gol
  • Gos-Gra
  • Gre
  • Gri-Gro
  • Gru-Gw
  • Haa-Hai
  • Hal
  • Ham-Han

Box 279

  • Har
  • Has-Haz
  • Hea-Hel
  • Hem-Hen
  • Hi
  • Hod-Hok
  • Hol
  • Hon-Hos
  • Hou-Hox
  • Hu-Hy
  • I
  • Ja-Jd
  • Je
  • Johnson
  • Jo-Ju
  • Jones
  • Ka
  • Kea-Kel
  • Ken-Key
  • Ki
  • Kl
  • Kn
  • Ko
  • Kr
  • Ku-Ky
  • Laa-Lam
  • Lan-Lap
  • Lar-Laz
  • Lea-Lej
  • Lem-(Ley)
  • Lib-Lit

Box 280

  • (Li)-Lo
  • Lu-Ly
  • Maa-Mac
  • Mad-Mai
  • Maj-Map
  • Mar
  • Mas-May
  • McC-McD
  • McE-McG
  • McK-McL
  • McM-McR
  • Mea-Meb
  • Mea-Mel
  • Men-Mey
  • Mia-Mim
  • Min-(Mit)
  • Moa-Men
  • Moo
  • Mor
  • Mos-Moy
  • Mu-My
  • Murphy-Murray
  • Na-Nd
  • Nea-Net
  • Neu-New
  • Ni-No
  • Nu-Ny
  • Oa-Og
  • Oh-Om
  • On-Or
  • Os-Oz
  • Paa-Pan
  • Pap-Par
  • Pas-Paz
  • Pe-Peg
  • Per-Pez
  • Pf-Ph
  • Pi-Pl

Box 281

  • Poa-Pop
  • Por-Pr
  • Pu-Py, Q
  • Raa-Ram
  • Ran-Raz
  • Rea-Reg
  • Reh-Rem
  • Ren-Rh
  • Ria-Rie
  • Rif-Riz
  • Roa-Roe
  • Rof-Roo
  • Rop-Roy
  • Ru-Ry
  • Saa-Sal
  • Sam-San
  • Sap-Saz
  • Sca-Scho
  • Schr-Sci
  • Sco-Se
  • Sha-She
  • Shi-Shu
  • Si-Sl
  • Sm-Sn
  • So
  • Sp(a-Spe)
  • Spi-Spu
  • Sta
  • Stea-Stet
  • Stem-Sti
  • Sto-Stras
  • Strat-Stu

Box 282

  • Sud-Sut
  • Sw-Sy
  • Ta(c)-Tay
  • Te
  • Th
  • Ti
  • To
  • Tr
  • Tu-Ty
  • U
  • Va
  • (Ve)-Vr
  • Wac-Wal
  • Wam-War
  • Was-Way
  • Wea-Wei
  • Wel-Wen
  • Wes
  • Wh
  • Wic-Wilk
  • Will
  • Williams
  • Wilm-Win
  • Wir-Wit
  • Wog-Wol
  • Woo
  • Wor-Wr (Wy)
  • X-Y
  • Z

SPEECH FILE, 1935-1945: Press Release File, 1937-1945

Box 282

Box 283

Box 284

Box 285

SPEECH FILE, 1935-1945: Draft File, 1935-1945

Box 285

Box 286

Box 287

Box 288

Box 289

Box 290

SPEECH FILE, 1935-1945: General File, 1941-1945

Box 290

Box 291

SPEECH FILE, 1935-1945: Reference File, 1941-1945

Box 291

  • Background Material for Speeches – Newspapers [1 of 2]
  • Background Material for Speeches – Newspapers [2 of 2]
  • Background Material for Speeches – O.P.A.
  • Background Material for Speeches – Pamphlets
  • Background Material for Speeches – Speeches, Reports and Notes

Box 292

  • Background Material for Speeches – War Administration [1 of 2]
  • Background Material for Speeches – War Administration [2 of 2]
  • Background Material for Speeches – War Industries Board
  • Officials in OPM (Office of Production Management) – List of


Box 293

  • Applicants: C-Hav

Box 294

  • Applicants: Haw-Lit

Box 295

  • Applicants: Liv-Tha

Box 296

  • Applicants: The-Z
  • Applicants: CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps], A-I

Box 297

  • Applicants: CCC [Civilian Conservation Corps], J-Z
  • Applicants: Civil Service
  • Applicants: Clerical
  • Applicants: Comptometer

Box 298

  • Applicants: Defense
  • Applicants: Department of Commerce
  • Applicants: Engineers
  • Applicants: F.B.I. [Federal Bureau of Investigation]
  • Applicants: Federal Communication
  • Applicants: Federal Crop Insurance

Box 299

  • Applicants: Federal Power Commission
  • Applicants: Federation of Nations
  • Applicants: F.E.R.A. [Federal Emergency Relief Administration]
  • Applicants: F.H.A. [Federal Housing Administration]
  • Applicants: Forrest Service
  • Applicants: F.S.A. [Federal Security Administration]
  • Applicants: Government Printing
  • Applicants: H.O.L.C. [Home Owners' Loan Corporation]
  • Applicants: Interior Department
  • Applicants: Internal Revenue
  • Applicants: Interstate Commerce Commission
  • Applicants: Justice Department
  • Applicants: Labor Department
  • Applicants: Legal
  • Applicants: Liquor Control
  • Applicants: Navy
  • Applicants: OEM [Office of Emergency Management]
  • Applicants: OPA [Office of Price Administration]
  • Applicants: OPM [Office of Production Management]
  • Applicants: OWI [Office of War Information]
  • Applicants: Patronage Job

Box 300

  • Applicants: Post Office
  • Applicants: Publicity
  • Applicants: PWA [Public Works Administration]
  • Applicants: REA [Rural Electrification Administration]
  • Applicants: Railroad Mail Clerk
  • Applicants: RFC [Reconstruction Finance Corporation]
  • Applicants: Rural Carriers
  • Applicants: Rural Rehabilitation
  • Applicants: Rural Resettlement
  • Applicants: Selective Service
  • Applicants: Social Security
  • Applicants: State Jobs

Box 301

  • Applicants: Stenographers
  • Applicants: Treasury Department
  • Applicants: Typists
  • Applicants: Veterans Administration
  • Applicants: Wage Division
  • Applicants: War Department
  • Applicants: War Food Administration
  • Applicants: War Labor Board
  • Applicants: West Point
  • Applicants: WPA [Work Projects Administration]

Box 302

  • Positions Obtained

1940 SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILE, 1940: Contributors File, 1940

Box 303

  • General
  • Boilermakers Union: A-E

Box 304

  • Boilermakers Union: F-Z
  • Contributions
  • Coupon Books

Box 305

  • Coupon Books, Completed
  • Coupon Books, Not Receiving
  • General Membership
  • International Association of Machinists: A-B

Box 306

  • International Association of Machinists: B (cont.)-H

Box 307

  • International Association of Machinists: H (cont.)-N

Box 308

  • International Association of Machinists: O-V

Box 309

  • International Association of Machinists: W-Z
  • Inventory
  • Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen: A-H

Box 310

  • Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen: H (cont.)-Z
  • Mailing List: A

Box 311

  • Mailing List: B-S

Box 312

  • Mailing List: T-Z
  • Missouri Truckers

Box 313

  • Missouri Truckers (cont.)
  • Negro Division
  • Personnel
  • Personnel, St. Louis Office
  • Persons Received Assistance

Box 314

  • PWA Grants: 1938
  • Railroad Membership
  • Railway Carmen: A-F

Box 315

  • Railway Carmen: G-Z

Box 316

  • Railway Clerks
  • Railway Conductors
  • Railway Telegraphers: A

Box 317

  • Railway Telegraphers: C-S

Box 318

  • Railway Telegraphers: T-Z
  • Railway Trainmen
  • Sheetmetal Workers
  • Truckers
  • Union Presidents and Secretaries

Box 319

  • Union Presidents and Secretaries (cont.)
  • Worker Refusals

1940 SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN FILE, 1940: Financial Data File, 1940

Box 320

  • Bank Receipts
  • Bank Statements and Checks
  • Campaign Committee Rules
  • Campaign Committee Stationery [2017 accretion]
  • Completed Coupon Books
  • Contribution Receipts
  • Credits by Source
  • Employee Data
  • Mailing List, Q-Z
  • One Dollar Contributions
  • PWA [Public Works Administration] Grants: 1938
  • Social Security Form SS-1B
[Administrative Information | Biographical Sketch | Collection Description | Series Descriptions | Folder Title List]