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President Truman's Address at the Dedication of World War Memorial Park 35th Division Reunion

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Recording Date(s)
June 11, 1949
Accession Number

President Harry S. Truman's address at the dedication of World War Memorial Park during the 35th Division Reunion in Little Rock, AR. The President spoke at 2:30 p.m. He was introduced by Little Rock Mayor Sam M. Wassell. His opening words referred to Governor of Arkansas Sidney S. McMath and Mayor Wassel. The address was carried on a nationwide radio broadcast. NBC Correspondent Frank Bourgholtzer introduces the program and closes the program. After President Truman's remarks are recordings of music played by the NBC string ensemble directed by Bernard Berquist. The first piece is unidentified; the second piece is Debussy's "The Girl With the Flaxen Hair" performed on harp by Alberto Salvi. President Truman's remarks are unrestricted, but the other portions of this recording may be subject to copyright. 

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