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  2. President Truman's Address at the Celebration of Detroit's 250th Anniversary, President Truman, Detroit City Hall

President Truman's Address at the Celebration of Detroit's 250th Anniversary, President Truman, Detroit City Hall

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Recording Date(s)
July 28, 1951
Accession Number

President Harry S. Truman's address at the celebration of Detroit's 250th anniversary. The President spoke at 12 noon from the steps of the City Hall in Detroit, MI. His opening words referred to Mayor Albert E. Cobo of Detroit, and Governor G. Mennen Williams of Michigan. Later he referred to Charles E. Wilson, Director of the Office of Defense Mobilization. The President's address was broadcast over radio and television. The national anthem and other music follow President Truman's address. In two parts.

National Archives Identifier (NAID)